Water-Drinking Pregnant Woman Asked to Leave Bar


Mom of two
Oct 11, 2010
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via: https://abcnews.go.com/US/pregnant-lady-turned-illinois-bar/story?id=12600511

When Michelle Lee, 29, walked into her hometown bar in Roselle, Illinois, late last Thursday night she was feeling frumpy, tired and really, really big. Eight months pregnant with her first child, she'd flown into town that day from Denver to attend her baby shower and her friends had talked her into a night out. But her effort at late-night fun lasted a whopping 15 minutes. No sooner than Lee had arrived, a bouncer at the the Coach House Restaurant told her she had to leave; no pregnant women allowed.

"I was stunned," she said. "He said, 'If anything happened to you here, we would be responsible.'"

A manager at Coach House declined to comment, saying he wasn't on duty when the incident occurred. The manager and bouncer involved in ousting Lee did not return phone calls seeking comment.

Lee said she was near the bar sipping water with a friend who'd ordered shots when a bouncer approached her and told her she needed to follow him.

"It was a bunch of malarkey really," she said, recalling the bouncer's comments. "He said to me, 'I have a personal question to ask you, are you pregnant?' I said yes. Then he said, 'I'm going to have to ask you to leave.'"

Lee said she was totally humiliated by the incident and agreed to go home without argument. "I thought maybe there was some sort of pregnant woman ordinance."

But Roselle, Illinois, law enforcement officials said there's no reason Lee should have been turned away. The town has no regulations barring pregnant women from bars. Terry O'Neill, the president of the National Organization for Women, said she'd never heard of any businesses allowed to decline service or entrance simply because a woman is pregnant.

"That is not acceptable behavior," she said, adding that she thought the bouncer should be fired and the Coach House owner sued. "We live in a country where people feel increasingly empowered to make decisions for pregnant woman."

Lee, who's now considering getting an attorney, told her mother, Phyllis Lee-Boyd, about the incident the next morning. Lee-Boyd contacted Coach House to complain and said an employee told her that they had a right to refuse service. Lee and Lee-Boyd have not been contacted by Coach House following the incident.

"I was livid," Lee-Boyd said, adding that this will be her first grandchild and the incident really put a damper on the family's weekend. "Pregnant women have a right to go out and enjoy themselves."

Lee said she had no plans to drink alcohol that night. "I wanted to eat a slice of pizza," she said with a laugh. "It was really sad, it looked really good."
To be honest if the bouncer thought her health was at risk or knew that the club may have had a reputation for getting a bit roudy then I think he did the right thing (there must be a reason why the place would need bouncers)
Any place has the right to refuse service if they think health and life is at risk

I can understand why she may feel upset over it and maybe the bouncer did take it to extreme but better that then a fight break out and her get stuck in the middle.
We live in a sue now ask questions later society that has gotten out of hand and thats why places feel they need to cover their butts
Ugh. You know, whether or not the bouncer was right or wrong, the fact that she's considering contacting an attorney speaks loads. :roll: She wasn't hurt or publicly humiliated, ffs is not being let into a bar really, really worth going to court over? Besides, bars and restaurants have a right to refuse service to anyone, and night clubs especially will decide whether or not to let people in as they see fit. Somebody needs a nap, a cookie and a genuine problem to deal with so she can see that it's not such a bloody big deal. There's a bar every three feet in Illinois anyway, she could have gone next door. I'm so sick of everybody suing people over everything!
Most bigger bars around here have bouncers just in case. But anywho, I went to a bar when I was about 8 months pregnant because my boyfriend wanted to go have a drink with friends while I was with him, so I ordered myself some water and just hung out with them. I would have been really pissed off if someone who worked there had told me I had to leave.
Hell I would be offended too!! Pregnant women can go out and dance just like any other woman, so why shouldnt she be allowed to just sit at the bar counter, drink water and eat pizza? Id be royally pissed off if I was told to leave just because I was pregnant.
That is total bullshit! Does a women give up her right to choose where she goes and what she does just because she's pregnant?! If something would of happened to her it would be her responsibility just as it would be anyone elses in that bar. I'm bloody sick of people treating pregnant women like invalids!
Its not realy a case of treating pregnant women like invalids its more to do with how quick people are to sue when something doesnt go their way and she is already proving she is that sort of person by her actions afterwards.
Its not discrimination if its part of genuine health and safety.
When I was pregnant there was so many things I wasnt allowed to do at work, I wasnt allowed in the garden, I couldnt move chairs around at work and after a while I wasnt allowed to work behind the bar (plus no one else could fit behind there with me) but it was all done for genuine health reasons.

Is it discrimination worthy of sueing when a heavely pregnant woman cant fly? no
Or go on a roler coaster?
Fair enough those are more extrem cases then being in a bar but if they may have had a problem in the past and are just covering there arses to provent being sued then so be it, every place reserves the right ro refuse entry or service.

Like I said before if she had got caught in the middle of a fight or even just been accidently shoved then she is clearly the type of person to have sue judging by her reactions.
Its discrimination. Period. A woman is not allowed to be fired if she is pregnant, the empolyer must make alternatives for her. She is allowed to SUE if they fire her for being pregnant. Its the same thing. If a non pregnant woman goes to that bar, its her responsibility if something happens. Just like any other woman including pregnant women!! If anything, that bouncer should have just reminded her that she is responsible for anything that happens at the bar. She has a right to sue. Its discrimination.
my opinion...
i think she was lucky to of had such a nice bouncer available. how caring was he?
if her mates ordered shots, they weren't planning on being good company for the pregnant woman were they?
why was she even out at that stage of her pregnancy any who?
nights out should end once you know you're expecting.
sorry if anyone finds this offensive. xxxx
I don't particularly think a bar is an appropriate place for a pregnant woman just because of all the secondhand smoke. That's the only thing that bothers me. It's just not really an environment I'd personally be able to be in for the health of my unborn baby, but each to their own and all that. :D I think suing is a bit over the top and it's really irritating that stupid cases like this clog up the justice system when some people have real issues that need sorting. So the woman wasn't allowed in a bar. It's a privately owned business, they have every right to refuse service. :shrug:
I think maybe its about the kind of Bar. Some bars in my local town are full of old men and theres never as much as a raised voice let alone a fight. But there are plenty of bars in my town where they get crammed it gets heated. Fights break out people get glassed or worse. The inoccent bystanders get injured.

Now knowing my local town there are palces tha are suitable and places that are not. She was from out of town right? So I think if I were a bouncer of one of the nastier clubs in m ow I would have advised her to leave for her own h+s. However maybe he just didnt get it right. Bouncers arent exactly known for their use of the English language are they?

I personally stopped going to clubs the day I found out I was pregnant. But I think I still went to a few quie bars during my pregnancy and had soft drinks. I think its more about where you go rather than the act of going. And if Id unknowningly walking into a dodgy bar I would have wanted to be advised that it wasnt safe

I dont think it was discrimination just a situation that wasnt handled well. Lets face it if her friends were off ordering shots they werent planning on being in a state to look after her were they
Its discrimination. Period. A woman is not allowed to be fired if she is pregnant, the empolyer must make alternatives for her. She is allowed to SUE if they fire her for being pregnant. Its the same thing. If a non pregnant woman goes to that bar, its her responsibility if something happens. Just like any other woman including pregnant women!! If anything, that bouncer should have just reminded her that she is responsible for anything that happens at the bar. She has a right to sue. Its discrimination.

The problem with the world is your dammed if you do and damed if you dont.
Where one person would sue if somthing happened to them another sue for an attempt to protect her so where is the happy middle ground.
Yes I agree that she along with anyone else should take responsability for themselves, I wish more people would then we wouldnt have such stupid law suites and vulters trying to fleece each other over stupid things but most dont take responsability for themselves and fuel the whole "where theres blaim theres claim" attitude so can you realy blaim places for covering themselves?
I don't particularly think a bar is an appropriate place for a pregnant woman just because of all the secondhand smoke. That's the only thing that bothers me. It's just not really an environment I'd personally be able to be in for the health of my unborn baby, but each to their own and all that. :D I think suing is a bit over the top and it's really irritating that stupid cases like this clog up the justice system when some people have real issues that need sorting. So the woman wasn't allowed in a bar. It's a privately owned business, they have every right to refuse service. :shrug:

Smoking isn't allowed indoors in Illinois anymore. :thumbup:
Smoking is not allowed in a lot of states but people still do it. Let's face it, people drink and than they smoke. My aunt and uncle own a bar in the state of Ohio where it is also illegal to smoke in a bar. But it isn't enforced. I'm not saying this bar is the same but just throwing that out there. :haha:
In the US any business can deny service to anyone for any reason. Personally I agree with this. The bouncer seemed to be expressing concern for her safety, which means he must have had cause to do so, making me believe the bar was probably a very rowdy environment, maybe bar fights break out a lot at that bar. And imagine how horrible it would be if she suffered trauma to the stomach and the baby was hurt. The bar would be held liable for it and she could sue them. So I don't see any problem with refusing to serve her since in reality they are just covering their own asses in case of a lawsuit, at the same time as looking out for her safety.
Looking some of the reviews for this bar

I get the impresion it does have a bit of a bad rep for people getting too drunk and being idiots and fights breaking out and the bouncers being too heavy handed with them.

Its the comment in the news article about how this bouncer should be fired that gets to me, for what? for trying to keep the woman safe?

He didnt do anything in front of other people he took her to one said and asked her if she was pregnant, if he wanted to be a git he could have done it in front of everyone and just told her to get out but he didnt.

Remember its the media so its probably been hyped up to shock people and sell news.
Bottom line is the guy did what he thought was right at the time to try to keep her from possibly getting hurt, for all we know it could have been getting roudy in there all ready if it was late at night like the article says.
And as iv already said shes alredy sueing so chances are very high shes the type of person to sue if she had gotten hurt.
Its definitely enforced around here. NO smoking in any public place, even outdoor malls. I dunno, I felt awkward when I went to that bar with my OH when I was 8 months pregnant, even tho all I was having was water, it was just kinda weird.

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