We got 'roids

Hi everyone

I hope you dont mind me coming on to this thread. It seems that lots of you have babies and are all over the world.
I am in the UK, and miscarried at nearly 15 weeks in Decemeber. It was horrific.
I fell pregnant within a few months and i was told I had a fibroid at my 12 week scan, it was just mentioned as a one liner, and I didn't think anymore about it.
I had some minor pain and was admitted to hospital at christmas, and they said it was my fibriod acting up. I stayed in for a ouple of days just taking pain killers. Noone really said anything about what could happen, the care was really bad actually. It was over Christmas and New year so I think they were on skeleton staff...
I was sent home and miscarried that evening.

I am now being told that I have 2 large fibrioids and have been reccomended to have a myomectomy. While they say its my decision, I saw the surgeon yesterday and in his view I would benefit from it...

I came away thinking i would have the surgery then try to get pregnant after, but reading through all the posts on this site, its seems thhat many ladies have normal pregnancies with bigger fibriods than I have.
On the other hand, I cant go through the trauma that I went through at Christmas, I think id end up in the mad house!
But, Im impatient, and think, what if I was just unlucky last time. Is it worth trying again and seeing what happens??

I'm so sorry for what you went through Santorini, that must have been horrible. :( There are a few other ladies on this thread that also suffered losses, maybe you could pm them if you have questions for them because I don't know how often they come back here. They are all VERY lovely women and will be helpful!

What did they tell you about your fibroids? Where are they...how big...etc. It's hard (if not impossible) to know if your fibroids caused your loss...maybe this time the fibroid was in the way of the placenta...but that might not happen next time you conceive. Maybe it was something totally unrelated? I was advised against having the fibroid removed, even though it was outside the uterus because it can lessen the integrity of the uterine wall. But, for others surgery is really successful (my cousin had fibroids removed right before she got pregnant). I can understand how hesitant you are because you don't want to have that experience again. It's a really tough choice. Personally I might try again and see what happens before I commit to surgery, but I also haven't suffered a loss...so it's hard to say what I would do in your situation.

RHR...what's your fibroid status now that your pregnant again?
Hi ladies, sorry, just got internet back. Santorini, I'm so sorry for your loss and as I'm no expert with the little buggers can only agree with what Lauren has said. I would personally do what ever you and your OH feel comfortable about doing. Whether that be ttc again or deciding to have surgery. Like Lauren, I think I would probably decide to ttc again and see what happens. Last time may have been a very sad coincidence. Only you know how strong you are. However, that being said, I've not been in your position so can't really give you an appropriate answer as to what emotions will be floating around. (if this makes any sense, however, I ay be rambling now. :P )

Lauren, so far my roidy hasn't been playing up or (touch wood) given me any pain or discomfort yet. So fingers crossed it stays this way. When I had my 20 week scan They don't think it's grown so we'll have to see what happens further down the line as I get nearer to my due date. After I had Isabelle I did go and have it checked out and was told every thing looked fine and they where happy to leave my roidy well alone for he time being unless anything changed. The consultant I saw, did say If I ever needed to have abdominal surgery to ask if someone from the relevant department could pop down and whip the bugger out for me. haha.
That's great news! I'm wondering if mine will also keep calm for the next one...I'm hoping! I'm glad things are going well...keep us posted!
Fingers crossed for you Lauren. At my 20 week scan we managed to find out the sex of bump and it looks like we're having another little girl. I'm so happy. I get to use all my girly clothes again.
Hi everyone, Im new to this thread.
I just got my bfp last week. TTC #1 for 14months.
I am 4wks 4 days preg.
Since O i had cramping on my right side and still continue to have it :( Last night I went to the ER because after a BM I had throbbing cramping feeling all over.
They did a ultrasound and could not find the sac yet since its too early, but they did find 5 or 6 fibriods ranging from 2cm-4cm. And also 2 small cysts on left ovary(they said its probably the corpus lutuem)
Can having these fibriods and cysts be the culpirt to causing me constant twinges/aches/pains on my right side? The ER doctors werent very informative when it came to asking questions.
They took my blood also to make sure I am doubling my HCG levels. So i go back tomorrow to do another test.
Any advice? Im trying to not worry about it but its easier said than done.
I have another ultrasound on my 6th week to hopefully see the sac and maybe heartbeat :)
Hi ArmyWife (I'm one too!)...congratulations on your bfp!

Yes, fibroids can definitely cause pain...mine didn't for the most part, but I know it caused pain for some of the others here. I also had cysts in both ovaries, and they didn't seem to cause any problem. The hormones could be causing your fibroids to grow and maybe that's what's giving you pain. I don't know if there is much you can do at this point except to make sure the doctors stay on top of everything. I hope all goes well with your tests tomorrow!
Hi Armywife, congrats on your bfp! As Lauren has said, yes the fibroids could be the reason why your having pain along with the cysts. I was extremely luck whilst pregnant with my dd that I didn't have any pain or discomfort and so far, with this pregnancy, I haven't either.

However, I have been advised in both pregnancies that if I do experience any pain or discomfort to contact with my mw or the hospital for advise or help.

I would expect your dr's to made aware of this and for them to keep a close eye on, even more so when your further on. If your dr's don't know, tell them and every new person you see that you have them, that way you now everyone is aware that you have them.

I hope everything went well with your bloods. Let us know how you got on.
Hi everyone, Im new to this thread.
I just got my bfp last week. TTC #1 for 14months.
I am 4wks 4 days preg.
Since O i had cramping on my right side and still continue to have it :( Last night I went to the ER because after a BM I had throbbing cramping feeling all over.
They did a ultrasound and could not find the sac yet since its too early, but they did find 5 or 6 fibriods ranging from 2cm-4cm. And also 2 small cysts on left ovary(they said its probably the corpus lutuem)
Can having these fibriods and cysts be the culpirt to causing me constant twinges/aches/pains on my right side? The ER doctors werent very informative when it came to asking questions.
They took my blood also to make sure I am doubling my HCG levels. So i go back tomorrow to do another test.
Any advice? Im trying to not worry about it but its easier said than done.
I have another ultrasound on my 6th week to hopefully see the sac and maybe heartbeat :)

HI everyone! I wanted to update . I went in for my 6wk scan last night! I got to see the HB and hear it! It was amazing. She was a little concerned because I had lots of fibriods. I believe 5 or 6. She said this may affect me from having a vaginal birth.
Im a lil worried about the fibriods. She just said the doctor will want to montior me more closely.
Can I have a healthy baby/pregnancy even with all the fibriods?
Yes you can! in fact, I think it's more likely that things will be fine than not. It's good they're keeping an eye on things. Congratulations!
Hi girls. Armywife, that's great that you got to see and hear the HB. It's an amazing sight and sound.

Yes you ca have a vaginal birth. I managed to have one, but was originally booked to have a planned c-sec due to where my roidy is located. (right in front of the birth canal) and the dr's where worried about it causing loads of problems. The day of my c-sec came and I had a scan v. early in the morning to check the position of my dd (she'd also be classed as an unstable lie through out my pregnancy and was lying transverse) and she'd managed to engage which I'd been told would be a miracle for her to be able to do that. The look on two dr's faces when they saw that was priceless.

I was monitored more closely as well and had a scan at 34 weeks and another one at 37 weeks where I was admitted to hospital due to how my dd was lying. I'd been warned about this at my 34 week scan so took my hospital bag with me as I was told I wouldn't be allowed out until my dd was born.

In hospital I was checked over several times a day, the mw's listened to my dd's hb at least twice a day, put on the trace machines where you have to click a button when you feel the baby move, have your urine checked.

I personally can'[t fault the care I was given by the staff at my hospital and the staff where all lovely too.

When you get closer to the end of your pregnancy, research everything you can about vaginal births but also about having a c-sec for just in case you do have to have one. I'll be doing the same again this time round.
:hi: ladies!
not pregnant but had an u/s last Thursday and doc saw a fibroid or fibroids not really sure but he wants me to go for another u/s at a different facility so they can do a more in depth check of it. my u/s is tomorrow and ask how big they are. doc also saw a cyst on my right ovary but he said that having a fibroid or cyst shouldn't hinder me from getting pregnant.... I pray this is true and from what Ive read on this thread, it's true.

congrats on your pregnancies. :hugs:
Def. true you can get pregnant with fibriods and cysts, Im an example! :)
I have about 5 to 6 fibriods and a cyst on my left ovary.
I got a BFP today girls! still early (very early), but I'll keep you posted on the roids.
omg omg well done you !!!!

I've been very ill and in and out of hospital.No more roids but I have Endometriosis very bad.Its in my eyes,lungs and intestines now.I'm on HRT and Zoladex injections.Ever since my hysterectomy for the fibroids my life has gone down hill:cry:

I'm sick of being in pain and struggling like this.Thank god my OH is amazing and does it all.

How are we are all xxxx
omg omg well done you !!!!

I've been very ill and in and out of hospital.No more roids but I have Endometriosis very bad.Its in my eyes,lungs and intestines now.I'm on HRT and Zoladex injections.Ever since my hysterectomy for the fibroids my life has gone down hill:cry:

I'm sick of being in pain and struggling like this.Thank god my OH is amazing and does it all.

How are we are all xxxx

What? oh you poor thing! I didn't know it could get that bad :( And...without a uterus how could that happen? I'm so sorry...I hope things get better soon
See I begged for my uterus to be removed thinking yay life is mine again but no its the oestrogen in the ovaries that cause Endo! So I lost my womb for nothing really as the fibroid could have been removed another way.The surgery has caused the bad recurrence and as its an auto immune disorder it has attacked me all over.I have fibromyalgia now and I have a back condition which is also an autoimmune disorder so all in all i'm doomed!
This is terrible :( could they take out your ovaries too? or would that make things worse?

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