Hi ladies, how are you all?
Quick update, on friday (12 Nov) I had my dr's appointment and so far it sounds like everything is ok with my roid. woohoo The dr checked my tummy and as I said I didn't have any pain or discomfort she thinks we'll leave my roid alone. However, she was going to get me booked into have an ultrasound to see how big or small my roid is at the moment and take it from there. I'm just waiting for the appointment to come through now.
The dr I saw said she is happy to leave it alone unless I have any pain or discomfort which is great news.
However, she is strongly suggesting I have the Mirena Coil fitted which will last for 5 years. I know already I don't want this as we want to try and have baby #2 close together.
So once I have this ultrasound I'll know more and will be able to tell you more then. eeeek.