We got 'roids

Thanks Lauren and best wishes and best of luck to you this time around! Thoughts and prayers are with you!
thank you....feeling positive!

let us know how you make out after your next scan!
I had an appt yesterday to get the results from my 20wks anatomy scan. Baby's growth is all on track and normal.

But they werent able to tell me much about the roids. Just that they are still there. I don't feel like they pay much attention to it..Should they be?
The doc just said at 30wks I will get another ultrasound to make sure the baby is where it should be when it comes to growth.
They dont seem concerned at all bout the roids.... I guess I am the only one worried.
Hi girls, thanks for the congrats.

Gia, that's great news that your lo is doing well.

Lauren, that's brilliant news your ttc again. I really hope things work out for you both!

Armywife, that's great that your lo is also doing well. Take it as positive news that the dr's aren't worried about your roidy, yes you will always be worried about it. At the 30 wk scan they'll check to see if it's grown and where about it's currently lying. You may have to another scan at 37 weeks to get every thing checked again and to see what kind of delivery you may have.
I am experiencing episode number 3 of fibroid pain :( ..... Some women say its worse than the labor pain they experienced..and I can believe that because this is so debilitating.
So, so far I have had pain at 14, 18wks, and now 23wks. Hopefully this is the last episode. pleassseeeee let it be the last.
Im sorry you're experiencing pain again ArmyWife, hopefully it will subside again soon and not bother you again.

I had my anatomy scan yesterday and when I asked the u/s tech about the fibroids her response was 'they are inconsequential at this point' - she was actually kind of rude and I felt like saying 'the pain I feel from them certainly is NOT inconsequential.....In any event, my regular OB will be reviewing the scan and as I was referred out to a perinatologist for this scan due to my age. Everything else is going well with LO and hopefully will continue to....
Thanks Gia. Same thing happened at my 20wk scan. I was trying to get more info on the fibroids since they have been such a nusiance and they really didn't seem concerned with measuring them or anything.
And then when I got my results back there was no mention to the fibroids...my doctor just said, "your not the first with them, and not the last".... I felt like they are just ignoring them all together. I wish they would watch them more and be more informative. All the information I have found is from Google, Not my doctor.

Gia- Whats a perinatologist?
Gia- Whats a perinatologist?

It can be so frustrating - Ive had the sweetest of u/s techs in the past and then the most rude one yesterday...but as with anything in life there are the good experiences and bad, but as long as nothing is being overlooked with LO is my main concern.

A perinatologist is basically an OB with specialized training that deals with higher than normal risk pregnancies and complicated pregnancies.
Hi girls!
I found the same thing...that I worried about the roid way more than any of the doctors did. I'm sure they see lots of them, and that they're rarely a problem for the baby/pregnancy...so they don't focus on it. It sucks because of course we want more info!!

I'm so sorry army and Gia that you have pain :(

Rachel how is little Sophie doing? do you have a picture?
Gia and ArmyWife I had the exact opposite experience. The tech looked at the 'roids, measured them, and counted (most) of them before she even looked at the baby. While I was concerned about the 'roids I really wanted to see our baby. Mine have caused some bleeding and a few are quite large but the Drs are almost as concerned about them as I am. My Dr. told me I would likely have at least one more episode with them (ArmyWife I am about on pace with you 14 weeks, 19 weeks...) and she wants me to be very careful for the next 4 weeks until viability. Although she said it's rare she cautioned me about preterm labor and what to look for.

I switched to a practice which specializes in high-risk pregnancy and maybe that's the difference. My old practice kept telling me I had one and it wasn't going to cause any problems. I so wish that were the case.

Best of luck ladies. BTW, I don't post often but I read your posts and knowing that others have the same concerns and problems really helps. Especially when others think it's no big deal. You all have really helped me through a tough couple months.
nexty, have you had any problems so far? It sound like your experiencing pain? there's nothing wrong with them being overly attentive to the roids, but just keeping looking at the numbers and remembering that in most cases fibroids don't effect our little babies! It's great to be cautious, but I'm sure everything will be just fine!!

So, I'm wondering...has anyone on here delivered babies both with and without fibroids? I'm wondering if the roids have a negative effect on the labor pain? Is it supposed to be worse for us?
Hi girls, how are we all doing. Sorry I haven't been on here in ages. Having problems getting dd1 to bed at night.

As asked for and very severely late in posting these but some pics of Sophie, Isabelle and me
Sophie first in hospital a few hours old or young.
Sophie as of the other day

and me and my two girls
Hey ladies, I hope you don't mind if I join you! I skipped a few pages in the middle but might try and read the whole thread when I have a bit more time.

I'm so sorry to those who have experienced losses.:hugs:

Congratulations to those who have had babies, and all the best to those still pregnant!

I'm 31 years old and had a myomectomy at the end of January to remove two large fast-growing subserosal fibroids which were causing me no end of pain and suffering!
I just had my 7 week scan with my first baby. The technician discovered 6 new fibroids (which weren't there in January when I had my surgery :sad1:).
5 of them are 2
½-3cm, and one of them is 6cm. I need a more detailed scan to confirm what type of fibroids they are but I saw in her notes that one of them is located "between gestational sac and cervix" and I really don't like the sound of that!
Thankfully these fibroids haven't given me pain and problems so far but they're obviously growing quite fast so I'm a bit nervous about pain they may cause later. Armywife, I really hope your suffering eases soon!

With my original fibroids none of the medical professionals wanted to take me seriously. They just didn't care and kept trying to tell me that it didn't hurt and wasn't causing me any problems despite the fact you could see the shape of the front fibroid through my skin (I'm very slim) and I was in constant daily pain!!! So I'm worried this will happen again.
Welcome readyornot :flower:
Is this baby number one for you? It is for me. I didn'T know i had fibroids prior to becoming pregnant but i thought it was a possibility since my periods were pretty heavy and painful.
They discovered around 5-6 fibroids at 5wks and said they wont cause me any problems since they were all outside my uterus. But unfortunatly that hasnt been the case since ive had some pain
On the positive side, the baby is doing great .
I wish i knew more bout roids and pregnancy, but once my baby is here ,i hope to be of some help for other women going through it.
Hey Armywife1984:wave:

This is indeed my first baby and because of my previous fibroids I'm really nervous. My previous fibroids grew "unusually fast", and my current ones grew from nothing over the last 10 months and even the doctor was shocked at the speed of it. So I'm worried that with all the pregnancy hormones they'll grow really quickly and cause me pain and other problems...

Also I know that I now won't be allowed a home birth, and that if one of the fibroids blocks the baby's exit route a c-section becomes inevitable :sad1:

It's such a relief to have found other ladies with fibroids to talk to!
Hi readyORnot, welcome to our little corner of roidy's. I'm so sorry about what your going through with your roidy's. They sound bad. Fingers crossed they'll slow down growing and won't cause to many, (fingers crossed) or any pain/problems for you. And huge congrats on your bfp. :D

If we can't help at least you know you've got people to talk to, vent your frustrations etc to and we understand to an extent.

With both my pregnancies I din't experience any pain ( I've been extremely lucky) and the dr's at my hospital when I saw the consultants didn't give me too much detailed info about fibroids, only basic info. What ever you do, don't google as it'll only stress you out even more as you won't know what to believe. I didn't and think that ignorance is bliss sometimes. lol.

With my dd1, I was told I wouldn't be able to give birth as my roidy was in the way and that my dd wouldn't be able to turn. She was transverse throughtout my entire pregnancy. However, on the day of my planned section, I had a scan and found out she;d turned to the shock of two consultants and managed to avoid having a section. So it can happen.

With dd2, I wasn't so lucky and did have to have a c-sec as she was breech. The dr's where also worried about my roidy and I think it ay have been bigger than when I was pregnant with dd1, but not too sure and could be lying. :P

Please ;et us know how you get on with your scan, on the positive side you'll get see your lo again which is always a huge bonus. :)
Hi girls,
RhR I love the pictures!!! She's so precious, thanks for sharing.

You could also see my roid protruding out from my belly when I was pregnant. I had a picture on here, not sure if I left it up, I'll check.

Hope all continues to go well for all of you despite the pain :(
Hi ladies! some I know from previous threads.

I had my NT today (age 42, first baby) am it measured at 1.80mm, so that was good. But then the tech said "do you know you have a fibroid?" She said it was 5cm. Then a doctor came in, confirmed what type it was, but said nothing to me. Monday I go to my doctor who I assume will give me a scan and tell me more of what I need to know.

I am wondering if my dull ache that I feel every now and then on my right side is related to the fibroid. I havent felt it in a bit, but maybe because they were poking at it today, it became irritated. I also think it is due to having taken clomid and then all of these hormones. I also wrote an email to my FS to see what it measured at, a few weeks ago when the tech over there mentioned it....

I'm sorry to hear many of you have a lot of pain due to the fibroids.

I have read that certain types of fibroids are not harmful and also depending on their positions, they can be no big deal.... maybe thats why some drs arent making a big deal out of them?
My mum has fibroids which were found when she was pregnant with me (I was her 2nd child). She has never ever had any problems with them either relating to her periods or her 4 pregnancies, so she insists that fibroids are not a problem, don't cause problems with pregnancy or anything else, she did not support my myomectomy earlier this year and basically has no sympathy at all and doesn't want to hear anything more about the matter. Her attitude shocks me a little as she's a trained medical staff (nurse/midwife/health visitor) but there we have it!

it's true that the majority of fibroids are not problematic, either in general or in pregnancy but sometimes they are and (I read that it's about 10% of cases) and in my opinion that means they should be taken seriously by doctors.

Hi ladies! some I know from previous threads.

I had my NT today (age 42, first baby) am it measured at 1.80mm, so that was good. But then the tech said "do you know you have a fibroid?" She said it was 5cm. Then a doctor came in, confirmed what type it was, but said nothing to me. Monday I go to my doctor who I assume will give me a scan and tell me more of what I need to know.

I am wondering if my dull ache that I feel every now and then on my right side is related to the fibroid. I havent felt it in a bit, but maybe because they were poking at it today, it became irritated. I also think it is due to having taken clomid and then all of these hormones. I also wrote an email to my FS to see what it measured at, a few weeks ago when the tech over there mentioned it....

I'm sorry to hear many of you have a lot of pain due to the fibroids.

I have read that certain types of fibroids are not harmful and also depending on their positions, they can be no big deal.... maybe thats why some drs arent making a big deal out of them?

Hi Sadie :wave:

My first inkling I may have had fibroids was a constant ache/cramp/twinge on my right side which you described, since the day after my Pos. OPK test which lead to my BFP.
So that ache you feel may be the fibroid.
My mom says they run in our family so she was pretty certain I had them too.

I went in at 4wks preg. and they confirmed I had 5-6 fibroids ranging from 2cm to I believe, 5 or 6cm if I remember right. They were all subserosal which means they were all on the outter part of my uterus.
Doctor acted like no big deal and said you won't have any problems, They just said I may measure larger than normal and may have to have a C section.

They weren't correct when they said I won't have any problems since I have had a few bouts of pain at 14,18, & 23wks. But as I approach 28wks, My baby is doing great! Kicking away constantly and measuring normally.

So with or without pain, the babies do just fine. Its just us mommies that suffer through the pain. Everytime I had pain, I went to get an ultrasound and the lil monkey was just kicking away, it was just me in misery...:baby:

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