We got 'roids

had my scan this morning - I think baby had hiccups. Most of the fibroids are submucosal, which is a pity as those tend to be associated with recurrent early loss and failure to implant (sorry to bring up negative things but can't help thinking about my prospects for having more babies after this one!).

The fibroids have all grown. The largest submucosal fibroid has gone from 2.7x3.2cm to 6x4.7cm.

The large subserosal fibroid, which is the biggest one, has gone from 5.9x5.1cm to 9.2x8.6cm.

My next scan is on the 21st of Feb.

How's everyone else doing?

Your scans sound more detailed than the ones I get. The ones I get are like "yep they're still there and there's about 5 or 6. See ya in a month!"

I know for me in the 1st tri, I was pretty worried but I just tried to relax and put it in god's hands. Praying a lot helped me get through rough patches.
ready or not that's an awesome picture!! it looks a lot like mine :)

I get the same attitude about my roids. My OB is like...if they give you severe pain, go to the ED. Thanks! But...it's true that they're really a problem for the baby, so I guess that's why the tech wasn't concerned with it. It's annoying though.

What was your experience like with your 1st? Was your 1st early, late or on time? Did your water end up breaking?
I'm just curious what, if any, affect fibroids play with deliveries being early/late.
ready or not that's an awesome picture!! it looks a lot like mine :)

I get the same attitude about my roids. My OB is like...if they give you severe pain, go to the ED. Thanks! But...it's true that they're really a problem for the baby, so I guess that's why the tech wasn't concerned with it. It's annoying though.

What was your experience like with your 1st? Was your 1st early, late or on time? Did your water end up breaking?
I'm just curious what, if any, affect fibroids play with deliveries being early/late.

This is how it went for me. I think it sounds like a pretty typical labor! 9 hours of labor, one of those hours was pushing.

Aug 4th
10pm smack ON my due date - water broke
went into L&D, they confirmed it and sent me home
Aug 5th
2:30 am woke up with contractions
5:30 am went into the hospital b/c the contractions were hurting
7:00 am finally convinced the nurse to check me and i was already 7cms dilated! Asked for an epidural. Told me I had to wait an hour. fuckers.
8:00 am got an epidural (didn't slow down progress!)
10:00 am fully dilated and started pushing
11:20am she had moved down the canal and her head was showing, but the cord was around her neck and her HR was dropping every time I pushed, so they cut me and yanked her out with forceps.

Part of me wonders if she was a little more stuck near the end because of my roid, but I guess i was progressing normally, so probably not.

I also wonder if my contractions were more painful because of the roid. (as period cramps can be)...but I'll probably never know any differently!
ready or not that's an awesome picture!! it looks a lot like mine :)

I get the same attitude about my roids. My OB is like...if they give you severe pain, go to the ED. Thanks! But...it's true that they're really a problem for the baby, so I guess that's why the tech wasn't concerned with it. It's annoying though.

What was your experience like with your 1st? Was your 1st early, late or on time? Did your water end up breaking?
I'm just curious what, if any, affect fibroids play with deliveries being early/late.

This is how it went for me. I think it sounds like a pretty typical labor! 9 hours of labor, one of those hours was pushing.

Aug 4th
10pm smack ON my due date - water broke
went into L&D, they confirmed it and sent me home
Aug 5th
2:30 am woke up with contractions
5:30 am went into the hospital b/c the contractions were hurting
7:00 am finally convinced the nurse to check me and i was already 7cms dilated! Asked for an epidural. Told me I had to wait an hour. fuckers.
8:00 am got an epidural (didn't slow down progress!)
10:00 am fully dilated and started pushing
11:20am she had moved down the canal and her head was showing, but the cord was around her neck and her HR was dropping every time I pushed, so they cut me and yanked her out with forceps.

Part of me wonders if she was a little more stuck near the end because of my roid, but I guess i was progressing normally, so probably not.

I also wonder if my contractions were more painful because of the roid. (as period cramps can be)...but I'll probably never know any differently!

Thank you for the info!!! I tried researching online what if any affects do fibroids play once in labor but I haven't been able to find much.

It's interesting you say that the contractions may have been more painful due to the roids. I know my period cramps have always been horrible.

Is the epidural just a shot in the back? My husband REALLY wants me to get one done....lol..... but I'm a lil nervous to since I don't know what it involves.
Oh my period cramps were TERRIBLE my whole life. After having my DD they were actually not as bad. They said fibroids can cause that.

the epidural is AWESOME. they numb the area first so you don't feel the needle going in (as much)...the needle inserts a rubber catheter that stays in, and the needle comes out. So you just have a little rubber tube in, and once it's in, you don't feel it. The pain of them putting the epidural in is nothing compared to contractions...so it's really worth it! (in my experience)

And the side effects are so rare, and there are no effects for the baby. I couldn't imagine having to go through that episiotomy and forceps delivery without it!!
Hi ladies, a very belated Happy New Year to you all.

Armywife, I had a natural delivery with dd1 and my waters broke on 30th June at 5pm literally as my OH walked in the front door after finishing work. Went to hospital and got checked out and confirmed my waters had gone and what to do If I hadn't gone into labour naturally by 2nd July.

01st July, after a night of no sleep as every time dd1 moved it felt like she was grating my insides and I couldn't get comfy either in bed or on the sofa, contractions started at 7am, just as OH was getting picked up to go to work.

Think I went to hospital at 6/7pmish, but actually have no idea of the time. gt hecked out to see how dialted I was. Admitted into hopital and put into an early labour room. Me and OH thought it was going to be ages. OH went to the hospital shop to go and get us some food, I d9on't know if it was 2 seconds or 2 minutes after he left, but I wanted to push. MW came into to check on, told her I needed to push, got checked again and was told they where taking me to labour ward as I was 8cms (admitted at 3cms). I was wheeled away, and reception was told to look out for him and to take him directly to me. He was in shock at how quick things had hgone.

I have no idea how long I pushed for, but dd1 was born at 21:12 on 1st July 2010. I have been told they classed my established labour as being 4hrs.

I had 2 paracetamol and gas and air.

With dd2, I had my c-sec as you know and I didn't like having the epidural and not being able to move or feel anything. That was quite scary and I remember thinking, god forbid anything happens now as I'm completely dependent on all of these people to get me out of the building.

I don't know if my contractions where made worse by my fibroid, I'll never know either, but all I can describe them as being is the best and the worst pain of your life. I don't mean to scare you, bu that's how I personally feel.
thanks ladies for the food for thought!! I think I will just see how it goes and if need be, I will take something to help with the contractions.

The fibroid pain i experienced earlier in pregnancy was soooo dibilating and PAINFUL. I read one woman say that the labor pain she had was soooo much LESS painful than the pain she had felt during pregnancy when she had the degenerating fibroid pain.

So I was thinking if I was able to bite my tongue through the degenerating fibroid pain, then maybe I can tough it out through birth...lol I am probably out of my mind saying that since I really don't know what labor is like. But I do know what degenerating fibroid pain is like and OH BOY , just the lightest touch or lil movement makes you want to scream in agony!
i'm having the strange pains again today...but definitely not debilitating. Are they similar to cramps at all? It's kind of like a crampy wave, but only really on my left side where the roid is.

I'm hoping it's just my fibroid acting up, or stretching....everything makes me nervous after having a loss!! grrr.
i'm having the strange pains again today...but definitely not debilitating. Are they similar to cramps at all? It's kind of like a crampy wave, but only really on my left side where the roid is.

I'm hoping it's just my fibroid acting up, or stretching....everything makes me nervous after having a loss!! grrr.

It felt very similar to cramps.

It would start off as light cramping and then change to more of a intense muscle cramp in your stomach area. I remember trying to lift my legs to get them into bed and how agonizing it was in my stomach.

I hope it gets better soon for you! I know how stressful these times can be!
lauren10 sorry to hear you're still having pain. I went to A&E yesterday after 36 hours of unbearable pain and eventually they said it was the fibroids (I could have told them that without having to wait 6 hours) but at least I managed to get something a little stronger than paracetamol so maybe it was worth it. When I lay down for the gynaecologist yesterday and pulled up my top it was shocking to see two great big lumps where two of my fibroids are. Even she couldn't quite hide her surprise.
Between the nausea and the fibroid pain I feel so miserable.
lauren10 sorry to hear you're still having pain. I went to A&E yesterday after 36 hours of unbearable pain and eventually they said it was the fibroids (I could have told them that without having to wait 6 hours) but at least I managed to get something a little stronger than paracetamol so maybe it was worth it. When I lay down for the gynaecologist yesterday and pulled up my top it was shocking to see two great big lumps where two of my fibroids are. Even she couldn't quite hide her surprise.
Between the nausea and the fibroid pain I feel so miserable.

so so so sorry your having unbearable pain...I know exactly how bad it can get .......absolutely excrutiating.
Tylenol helped somewhat. Other than that, I just rode it out.

I hope your pain stops very soon. your not alone! :hugs::hugs:
aw, sorry ready or not... Mine is still bothering me, but it's not giving me pain like you describe. It's hard to stand up straight sometimes. The same thing happened when I was pregnant with my daughter...it was like the roid was getting jammed down between my bladder and pelvis, or something weird. It makes me worry a little, but I have the heart monitor at home and everything seems fine with baby!

I hope you're feeling better soon RoN. :(
hello ladies this thread is so quiet yet it has given a lot of hope..
Am new here and pregnanant with a huge fibroid am 27week just starting my third trimester wish you ladies a happy pregnacy ::thumbup::thumbup::thumbup:
Army I see you're full term, did you have your baby yet???!!!

Nali, there's every reason to have lots of hope!! how big is your roid? Tell us about it. I'm 20 weeks now and haven't had much fibroid discomfort since earlier on. It's still not near the baby or cervix, so I should be ok! BH started early again though, I wonder if that's related...but... No harm I guess. I hope all you girls are well!!
Thanks lauren 10,Just a little about mysself this is my second preg,lost the other on due to IUGR something like that:cry: ,at that time dint know what was dealing with the roid was 15cm top rigt think the doc said subserosal stuff:shrug::shrug::shrug::shrug::shrug::shrug:
This was truely a terrifying experience thus how i found about you guys here:happydance::happydance::happydance:I went to a new dowc
She wouldnt touch it :gave me some mecs God is grt coz i had given upi soon got my BFP in sept
The roid is still there i havent had any problems with it though it kips shifting the doc says its the baby:happydance::happydance::happydance:
it 8.8by 9.0 cm top left.
Hi ladies, No baby yet :(
I'm trying everything to induce him at home like walking, sex , and eating pineapples :)
If nothing happens this week, I will be induced next week.

As for all my roids, they have been quiet since 23wks. Only had the bad pain at 14,18, & 23 wks and since then nothing.

Mine are all subseorsal, I have 5-6 of them ranging from 2cm-6cm I believe. Doctor said they are all up top and shouldn't be a problem for a vaginal delivery.
LO is head down and in position, just waiting for his arrival.

I will definetly update with my labor story. Hopefully very soon!!!!!

Naliaka- subserosal is good from what my doctor told me. I believe it means outside of the uterus. I wish i knew more bout roids and its effects on pregnancy but since this is my 1st, i don't know a whole lot. :shrug:
I did a lot of online googling and read lots of success stories from women with roids.
And Your already in 3rd trimester!! 3rd trimester has definetly been the smoothest for me. That's good it hasn't caused you any problems. Mine were very painful early on but have since gone away.
Army what worked for me was getting a massage to trigger the right pressure points, and peppermint tea! My water broke that night! I also had had 3 sweeps though at that point. :) good luck and hope he comes soon!!!

Nali mine was about 9cm with my DD and no problems. It's up to 5 or 6 now. My dic also didn't want to touch it because sometimes that could do more harm than good. I'm so sorry for your loss :(
hi naliaka:wave:
I have several (at least 6) fibroids ranging from 3cm to 9cm. Two are subserosal (including the 9cm one) and the rest are submucosal (inside the uterus) which can interfere with implantation.

Last week I was having a lot of quite severe pain which would last for about 30 seconds at a time and then disappear completely for 5-10 minutes. It took me several days to finally figure out that I was having contractions.
I was advised to go to the hospital and they addmitted me, did some scans and hooked me up to a CTG machine. They managed to bring the contractions under control and thankfully I didn't go into labour (which would have been a disaster because once you start to dilate there's no going back, and my baby is still too young to survive. The consultant said it was probably because of the fibroids so now every time i have contraction I can't help panicking slightly. I'm a ball of nerves right now and feeling really down.
Lauren: I have tons of peppermint tea actually in the cupboard!! Doesn't hurt to try, I am gonna down that today.

Ready: So sorry to hear your having pain again. But it's good you went in and got checked. I didn't realize when I was having the pain how important it was to get the pain under control. I hope it goes away very soon and You are almost to your vday!

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