We got 'roids


Yes it is inside the uterus, I had a scan at 4 weeks and they said that there was a lot of blood in my uterus, and we only saw one gestational sac. When I went back at 6 1/2 weeks we realized the blood had been covering the 2nd baby. At first the u/s tech said that it was just a little leftover blood that I still needed to pass, and then after about 20 minutes she changed her mind and said it must be a fibroid!? I have another scan a week from today, so I am just praying that it was blood, I am not sure if that is still a possiblity, but I have spotted a little since that scan and it could have been that leftover blood passing! I will know something next Monday (5/24)

I have just had a scan and The Fibroid has buggered off!!!!! Turns out it was degeneration!!! I have a 6 cm cyst still though but it's tucked away and wont affect the birth.I am hoping the Group B strep has gone and if so I may consider a home birth.If it hasn't then I'll have to go in as soon as i get a contraction and have IV antibiotics.The baby will need them for 12 hours after and we should be set to go home after.

I will be getting another scan at 36 weeks (i hope) and then go from there but for now I am over the moon.

I wont be leaving you girls though.I want to share your journey xxxx :kiss:
Oh ok...did you already get the report from the radiologist? Or just going on what the tech said (because they don't always know!) I'm sure everything will turn out fine either way...fibroids are usually pretty low on the risk list!
No way Eoz!!! That's great news!!! All that pain was hopefully worth it because now it's one less thing to worry about :) Yes, please stay with us!

As for me, my belly is getting bigger every day, because the poor girl is all on the left side of my abdomen and has no where to go but OUT!!! I'm gonna be huge I think! But since it "moved" it hasn't given me too much grief.

How is everyone else doing??
Forgot to add that Plum is definitly a boy and weighs 3lb already!!

Aww lauren bet she is a bit squished.Plum is lying mainly on my right so hip pain is awful.Not long now though hey?
Oh that's great! no one has told me how big my baby is :( I don't know if they do that here. Maybe at my next OB appt in June.
not long at all!! :)
Hi Heather, welcome to the group. :)

Eoz, that's great news that your roid had dissapeared. woo hoo.

I've got my next scan next wednesday (26th) so we'll see how my roid is doing. Me and my mw also think that my lo is also breech so it'll be a good to see how bump is lying. Typically, bump likes to lie on my left hand side where my roid is. Which is fun at times. I've mentioned it to my mw and she's not worried at the moment.

I had a slight scare the other day. I'd had my mw appointment and when they checked the baby's position and my FH i was really prodded and poked about. I woke up on sat and felt quite tender. Anyways, by monday it hadn't eased off so I went to triage to get checked over. The mw's there were great and came to the concusion that it must be my muscles stretching. Since then the tenderness has gone away. I'm so glad I got checked over though.

I'm also measuring 2cm ahead of where I should be, again my mw isn't worried at the moment as she said that because of my roid bump has had to move higher up to get some extra space.

Anyways, it feels like ages until next week when I get to see my lo again and find out how the roid is doing. Fingers crossed it hasn't grown.
Hi girls,
RHR glad everything is getting checked properly for you! not much longer now!

I'm happy that Eloise seems to have moved way up in my belly...it makes me feel like she's making her own room and isn't so scrunched by the roid anymore.

Tomorrow I head to Boston for my baby shower! I'm so excited to see my family. Hope you all have a great weekend!
Awww have a wonderful time xxxxxxxx

And I love the name Eloise hun xxxxx
Hi Lauren, I hope you had a great time in Boston and you had a great shower too.

I love the name you've also chosen for your daughter. I'm glad she's also got more space to move around in now. :)
Thanks girls!

so, I had some pain troubles over the weekend...I think the baby shifted, and she seemed to be up against my left kidney. I had terrible back pain and it was radiating to the front. Getting on all fours for 20 minutes seemed to help :P Has anyone had anything like that? I assume it's somewhat related to her being so far over to my left.

How is everyone doing?
I'm always in pain with my hips and back hun so sympathise fully.I hope it doesn't happen again for you x

I'm struggling to walk but i am moving fri so been busy with that and trying to sort out paper work and endless trips in to town to do so which has exhausted me.

Well I have got back from my M/W appt and she wants me to have an iduction at 38 weeks.Even better a section as the Group B strep has reared it's ugly head again and I am having a few problems with my back n hips.Most of my labours are back to backs and it's possible the fibroid may be hiding so demanding another appt to see what is what and if they can look in to it.I am moving 20 miles from Hospital and my labours are within 4 hours and i need to be at the hospital immediately when labour starts due the strep.Well OH does not drive and i have to sort kids so it may be for the best.Just have to see.

Hope everyone is well xxxx
Oh wow...have you had c-sections in the past?

Good luck with the move!! You must be excited to move into your new place!
No never so scary hey? I'm not going to be offline as net will be put in morning of move wahooo.Thank sx
I've just got back from my hospital appointment and the good news is the roid hasn't grown, however, my lo is transverse and due to where my roid is, it's looking like I'm definitely going to be having a section. I need to go back to the hospital at 37 weeks for them to check bump's position and have been advised to take a hospital bag with me in case they decide to admit me. The doctor I saw said that "unless by some miracle the baby is able to turn round and get it's head under my roid, It looks like a section is on the cards".

I'm gutted in a way as I really wanted to have a natural birth, but on the other hand also slightly relieved, as I thought that this was what was going to happen from when I found out about this roid.

I now have 3 weeks(ish) to finish getting everything I need for me and bump. Thank goodness my maternity allowance should come though in the next few days, so I have some money to go shopping.

Eoz, good luck with the move, let us know how it goes and how you get on with arranging another appointment.
Oh ok, well at least you have some advanced notice so you'll know what to expect! Imagine that your baby might only be 3 weeks away!!! so exciting :)

I have a feeling things might go the same way for me. My roid is now pretty low and the baby seems to still be transverse. i know there's a lot of time still, so we'll see what happens. I guess I have to be ready for anything!

Hope you all have a lovely weekend, and good luck moving Eoz!
Hi everyone, welcome Heather!

Man a lot has gone down with you guys lately. Eoz and RHR, I'm sorry you might be heading towards c-sections too. I am however really happy for you Eoz that at least all that degeneration pain led to your roid shrinking maybe even disappearing!

No news over here although I have a big bump because of these two big roids, plus the usual pregnancy complaints :winkwink: I have been forcing myself into a positive frame of mind for the c-section and now I am pretty happy. They did some studies on identical twins and those who had c-sections had a significant decrease in incontinence both after birth and later in life, compared to their twin who gave birth naturally. So you know, some upside at least.

I am so excited we will all have our babas soon!!
Hi girls,
how's it going?

So my saga continues, I had my u/s this morning and firstly and most importantly, baby is looking just perfect...on target with measurements and all that. However she did confirm my placenta was now anterior (from posterior at 20 weeks) and that the fibroid moved quite a bit. Hence, my theory about my whole uterus shifting. When the tech left to talk to the radiologist, she came back and said that he said it seemed my uterus had rotated.

So, I called the doctor's office to let them know just in case they needed to know right away...I spoke to the nurse and she called in to listen to the report. She said, there is nothing on the dictated report to indicate that the uterus "twisted", sometimes they can take pictures at different angles so the placenta looks to have moved more than it did...bla bla bla. it said right on the report that the fibroid had "moved" and the placenta had "moved"....so can we put 2 and 2 together people?? How else would that happen overnight other than my whole uterus shifted??!!!!

ugh this is soooo frustrating. So my appointment with my OB is next weds. I guess I have to wait until then to talk to him about it. They better know what they're doing!!

Sorry for the rant. And of course I'm happy that the baby is good, I just want to make sure they KNOW what's going on from this point forward. idiots.
oh hun what knobs!Your uterus can shift as mine did.Go to your next appointment well and truly armed as it's all important for the birth.So glad baba is doing well xxxxxxxxxxx
Eoz, your uterus shifted? I don't know if I knew that. Did it move a lot? What did the docs say about that?

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