We got 'roids

Hi Lauren, that's great news about your roid and that your little one is engaged, be prepared to want to wee every 10 mins for nothing to come out.

I really hope you do manage to hold on another to weeks for Chris to come home. Stay in there a little longer little one until daddy gets home to meet you.

I love spending time with Isabelle. I can't stop looking at her, cuddling and kissing her. I can't believe we made her.
Hi Lauren, that's great news about your roid and that your little one is engaged, be prepared to want to wee every 10 mins for nothing to come out.

I really hope you do manage to hold on another to weeks for Chris to come home. Stay in there a little longer little one until daddy gets home to meet you.

I love spending time with Isabelle. I can't stop looking at her, cuddling and kissing her. I can't believe we made her.

Thanks! yeah the peeing problem is back!!

That's so wonderful...I can't wait to feel that. It's still hard to imagine right now. You'd think with this belly it would feel real enough already...but I don't think it will until I see her!
wow Rachel...great news, congratulations!!! I'm sure you're enjoying your time with Isabelle :) She's beautiful.

I don't know if I posted here that at the dr last week i was 1.5 dilated and about 25% effaced...and her head is engaged! He said the roid "was nowhere in sight"...which, it is in sight, but I guess very out of the way of the baby getting out. I had something that could have been a show, but also could have been some blood from the internal exam he did...not sure, but I"ve been quite mucousy. Problem is, I need to hold on 2 more weeks for Chris to get home!!!!! In the meantime, my sister in law is staying with me and she's been great.

Glad to hear good news here...Eoz how are things going with you? What did your consultant say?

Hey hun.Fab news hey! Not long now!So glad you have a pair of hands about.Hold on a bit longer baba :kiss:

As for me pfft agony agony! Consultant says they want me to get to 37 weeks and got to go back for a review and maybe look at induction.Baby has been fully engaged for a week now and I have lost loads of goo.My lower back is in pieces and i do get tightnings.I see midwife tomorrow so i'm going to ask if they'll examine me but they do not like to here.

Hi Lauren, that's great news about your roid and that your little one is engaged, be prepared to want to wee every 10 mins for nothing to come out.

I really hope you do manage to hold on another to weeks for Chris to come home. Stay in there a little longer little one until daddy gets home to meet you.

I love spending time with Isabelle. I can't stop looking at her, cuddling and kissing her. I can't believe we made her.

Aww that is so sweet.New babys are so peachy.How are you feeling in yourself :hugs:
Sorry to hear that Eoz...hang in there, it may only be 4 days more!!
I just read every single post on this thread and omggggg has it made me feel better to see babies coming out at the end of 3rd tri!!

I am Abbie, 35 and 21+5 as I write this post.

At 18 weeks I spent 8 days in excruciating pain, it started in my back after lifting a bag of rubbish (silly me) and put it down to that... 2 days later the pain moved around the front and was UTTER agony. I rang the local maternity unit sobbing, I was really thinking I was in labour, the pain was incredible. :( They said it sounded like a UTI and sent me straight away to see my doctor. He did a dip stick test on my urine and said he could not see an infection but it would need testing in a lab. He then sent me to the labour ward to check for baby's HB. So I turn up and they find the HB thank god. They say ohhh it'll be a UTI, rest and drink plenty til the results come back. The results came back 5 days later as inconclusive and I needed to do another test... At this point the pain is reducing, and is less over night whilst I;m resting, so I worked out for myself it wasn't a UTI. Researching my symptoms I came across fibroids and my pain sounded exactly like the pain of a fibroid degenerating.

So skip forward to my 20+2 scan.... I had a full bladder, nothing unusual was noted, she sent me to have a wee to see if baby would shift (to do spine check I think) after this she says "ohhhh, you have a fibroid" all I could think was I frikkin well cant believe I could work this out for myself when my doctor and the maternity ward didn't pick it up. I didn't ask any questions as at the point i didn't know the complications it could cause... but now I am pretty stressed and just desperate for my viable date to come and go :(

So my notes say I have a posterior fibroid just above the os (opening of the cervix?) it is 46mm. Can anyone tell me does this mean it is on the outside of my placenta? how does this affect things? It being so close to the opening, will this mean c section?

My placenta is at the back of my uterus so does this mean its safely far away from the fibroid?

My little girl was measuring on target give or take a day or 2 in different areas.

Thanks in advance seasoned fibroid queens from a noob one and her little girl xxx
Happigail (Abbie) / 35 / Nov 23rd '10 / Somerset UK / posterior, just above opening of cervix, 46mm.
Hi happigail, welcome to the "roids" thread :) I'm rubbish at knowing where everything is located and ended up asking my midwife loads of questions about it.

My fibroid sounds like it is/was located roughly where yours is. I was lucky as I didn't experience any pain with mine through out my pregnancy or now after I've had my little girl.

The hospital will probably get you to go in for extra scans nearer your due date to make sure your fibroid hasn't grown. However, if you have lots of pain they may get you to go in more regularly.

I was going to have a section as my baby was lying transverse and the dr's at hospital told me it would be impossible for my baby to engage due to the size of my roid and where it was located. On the day of my section I was given a final scan so they could see how the baby was lying to find out that the baby had engaged. Me and my OH were very shocked and so where the two doctors scanning me. I was able to have a natural birth and didn't have any complications. Thank goodness, although the hospital were prepared for complications.

All I can suggest is you write down any questions you have and when you next see your midwife ask her them. I would expect you to be referred to a consultant at the hospital, if your midwife can't answer your questions the consultant will.

When I go and see my dr for the 6-8 week check up I will be referred back to hospital to see a gynecologist about my roid. Hopefully it will have started to shrink back down in size. If it hasn't I'm not sure what the plan of action will be at this moment in time.

Eoz, Other than feeling tired I feel absolutely fine. At night Isabelle is only going about 2 hours between feeds and about every 3ish hours during the day. She is one greedy baby! AS my OH is a builder I've been doing all the night feeds but kick him out of bed to feed her about 5/6am to do his turn before he goes to work and so |I can try and get a bit extra sleep.

When she's asleep during the day I've found I can either sleep or I can't. It doesn't matter where I try and have nap I can or can't which is a nightmare. But she is worth the slight sleep deprivation. :)

How did your check up at the hospital go? Did they check you over like you wanted? Have you/are you being induced?
happigail Your story is very similar to how mine started.They will do checks ups regular from 34 weeks especially as it is in cervix area.It isn't a huge one though so not sure how they will look at it.Keep us posted hun xxxxxxxxxxx

RHR She sounds fun and being greedy is good.Nice chuby baba.Yay to booting OH out of bed for much needed sleep.As she is your 1st it is easier to go back to bed with her.

Well I did go to hospital and I did see my doctor at last.She is concerned but wants to keep pushing me further on.Well here I am 37 weeks and full term! So I have surprised us all.I have to go back in on Thursday and see what's what but I'm guessing I have to ride it out.I am in agony now though.My back feels like its being ripped in 2 and where the roid is I'm getting pain.I am now Anaemic and I have developed PUPPPS ( a rash that looks like I have been burnt) I really have had enough now but the thought of my wee man in my arms is keeping me going.

How is everyone else?Bit quiet of late xxxxxxxxxxx
Hi Abbie,
From the sounds of it your fibroid isn't affecting the placenta since it hasn't already...and hopefully as your uterus grows, they'll keep spreading further apart..and apart from the cervix opening. It's probably too soon for them to tell if it will get in the way of a natural birth, but as you've read, things move around in there quite a bit!!
It also seems fairly small at this stage in the game, so hopefully you'll get that pain under control and the rest will go smoothly! Keep us posted on your progress!

I'm doing ok here. My husband is back ONE WEEK FROM TOMORROW!!! eek! and I have an OB appointment on the morning he gets home, so I'm hoping I get in for an induction late next week!!! woot. I feel like she turned this morning, when she's been head down for over a month, but it's hard to tell. I don't know what is what in there. But if she moved then I guess she has enough room to move back. :P

Hope all you girls are well.
Lauren, I'm so excited for you. The count down to see hubby can properly begin and baby too.

Eoz, poor you developing Puppps, that sounds horribly uncomfortable to live with along with everything else.

Isabelle's had a lovely long sleep this afternoon which meant I had a nice nap too and feel better for it now, but felt terrible when I first woke up. I bet Isabelle is awake all night now. I'll have to try and wake her up in a bit.
Thanks so much for the replies guys! I am kinda glad that although you are all either having or have had your babies I get to read up on how its been for you. I've been so worried about it, but I guess I'm nearly 22 weeks and she is measuring on target... so things must be ok, and all you guys are right at the end!! Makes me feel so much better, I will for sure keep you all posted!
Lauren, I'm so excited for you. The count down to see hubby can properly begin and baby too.

Eoz, poor you developing Puppps, that sounds horribly uncomfortable to live with along with everything else.

Isabelle's had a lovely long sleep this afternoon which meant I had a nice nap too and feel better for it now, but felt terrible when I first woke up. I bet Isabelle is awake all night now. I'll have to try and wake her up in a bit.

Isabelle is such a beautiful name.
Thanks so much for the replies guys! I am kinda glad that although you are all either having or have had your babies I get to read up on how its been for you. I've been so worried about it, but I guess I'm nearly 22 weeks and she is measuring on target... so things must be ok, and all you guys are right at the end!! Makes me feel so much better, I will for sure keep you all posted!

Yup, the roids (aside from the pain) are hardly ever a serious problem for the mom or the baby...just such a nuisance! Things will work out just fine. :)

My doctor told me that when the baby and the roid compete with eachother, the baby will win every time!

Oh...and girls, did someone mention something about having IV fluids during the labor because of the fibroid?
Isabelle is such a beautiful name.
Thank you. It took us a while to decide how her name was going to be spelt as they are so many variations, but to us, how we've spelt it is the prettiest.

Please keep us updated on how things go for you and what the dr's say as well.

Lauren, I was put on a drip after I gave birth. I can't remember what it was they gave me though. They did tell me and I can't remember. :dohh: I think I'd just been given Isabelle to hold so anything else went in one ear and out of the other.

It may be different for you though when your in labour and your circumstances.
I just saw a post that Eoz is in labor!!! horay!!!
That's brilliant news. I'll go and have a looksy in 3rd tri.
From the 3rd Tri post:
"Ashton Luke arrived in the world at 1.46am weighing 7lb 3oz. Perfect in every way!"

Congratulations Eoz!! Can't wait to hear how it all went...and hopefully your roid pain has subsided (or at least you're too preoccupied to notice it!!)
Congrats hun. looking forward to hearing your birth story and finding out how you both are.
Hi everyone! I finally had my baby Beatrice last Saturday the 17th July- she was 6 lbs 15 oz. My OH and I are over the moon.

I did have to have the c-sec in the end as my fibroid was blocking the cervix. To be honest, the c-sec sucked- not because of the pain, as I was walking in 2 days and feel normal already, but because it really messed up the breastfeeding. I have been forced to supplement with formula and she is not that interested in the breast anymore. But, I just read through the posts on this thread and being reminded of all our worries about the fibroids and healthy babies makes the bfing not seem such a big deal.

My babu:

And CONGRATULATIONS Eoz and good luck Lauren!!

wow what a beautiful little girl,Congrats! that sucks about bobby milk.you going to keep trying? loads of love to you both xxx

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