Wedding :o


Mama and expecting
Oct 17, 2006
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it was the most amazing day of my life...... ever...end of.
The photos are being printed and put into albums for us by the photographer, so for now i have a few ameteur photos done by my mates then will update with the professional ones!!! :) had such an amazing day, the weather could not have been better, the sun was so warm and the sky was so blue. I will run through the day from start to finish... those wanting to see pics, they will be in photo section :D

9.00am wake up
10.00am go to hair appt with b maids
12.00 hair is done, go home to get ready.. shitting myself at this point.
1.00 my gay best mate arrives
1.30 mom and brother arrive
2.25 dad and cars arrive....shit myself a bit more, and then get in the cars
2.55 arrive at arrow mill in alcester...
met by photographers, mom inlaw and randoms. Lose my veil when stepping out of the car haha oops, so slide it back in quick! Take lots of snaps, then go meet the registrar for chats! We chatted bout some things, which i forgot because i was so darn nervous! lol. Then me and my daddy and b maids wonder off to the ceremony room. THEN the music starts!! ''wonderful tonight'' by eric claption... ahhh. So i start to walk in, 65 odd pairs of eyes all staring at me, and i become overwhelmed with emotion, and begin to stream with tears. Matt is stood grinning at me, glassy eyed in all his chocolate cravat glory. Then the music dies down, and the registrar begins..... i forget all of what she said haha... again with the streaming eyes and hanky clad face. Then i stop crying and listen..... the vows begin.... it was amazing, I looked back at my mother who was sobbing, then at my sister, also sobbing.
Then at my mother inlaw.... once again, sobbing. The registrar then asks us to face eachother......and the tears come again, Just looking into his meaningful glassy eyes were enough to get me started.
After all that and the ring exchange, people took pictures and we smiled loads, then signed the register. When we left walking back down the aisle to billy joels '' just the way you are''.
Then we went outside for pictures. The most picturesque place i have ever seen in my life for photos, and such an ideal day for it. A big mill pond, the sun glistening off it and acres of green land, and trees. i kept losing my heels in the grass haha.
We ate a wonderful dinner, and the speaches were excellent, and again tear jerking! My dads was funny :)
Then off to the evening do, full of 60's music and cake!!!!! :D

honeymoon was gran canaria and it was lovely! i reccomend it loads! :)
Brought tears to my eyes as I remembered my wedding awwwww! Gladf you had a good day!
Im so glad you had a perfect wedding....I cant wait to go see the pictures!!!!!
sounds perfect, glad you hada lovely day to look back on and remember xx
sounds like the most perfect day! congrats to u both!
awww u have me in tears sounds like a perfect day, i hope u enjoy married life 2gether x
glad you had a good day :D

sounds perfect

sounds wonderful hunny sounds perfect
Congratulations to you both. Glad you had a great day. Cant wait to see your pics. x
Glad you had such a great day. Bring on the pics!
Sounds like a perfect day

Congratualtions :happydance:
thankyou guys! ticker has gone back to front now, need to change it... its in the minuses now haha xxxxxxxxxx
glad u had a perfect day. congrats again xx

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