Monday 18th August
Went to my routine midwife appointment expecting to have high blood pressure again due to alot of headaches over the weekend. But the reading was 140/88 so MW was not concerned! However when she checked my urine it showed plus 3 protein and she explained how she wanted me to get checked at the hospital. She phoned through AAE (antenatel assessment unit) and they wanted me to go down at 2.30pm hour and a half later!!
So me and OH went for lunch and I really never expected to not go home again without my baby!!
Got to AAE at 2.30pm but wasnt seen till 3.45pm....

but whilst i was there urine showed plus 4 and my bp got to 150/95! I had bloods taken and it was a long waiting game for those to come back... they came back clear but at about 9pm they told me they would admit me and possibly induce me depending on bp next day
Tuesday 19th August
waited like all day for doc to come round and yes he said to go ahead with being induced... he wanted me in that night but later found out they were too busy so it would be wednesday night instead!! More waiting around!! Was sinking in.... MY GOD MY BABY WILL BE HERE SOON but was very scared
Wednesday 20th August
Had a sweep in the morning which I didnt think was too bad....(alot more pleasant than the things to come) sweep showed cervix was still high

They took me down to labour ward at 5pm to send me back 10 mins later due to being to busy!! This really played with my emotions and again more crying!
Didnt hear anymore until 10.30pm and I was finally taken down... WAS SOOOOO SCARED!
Anyway I had the prostin gel inserted... which was very uncomfortable and what do you know I got the darn prostin pains that some women get!! Very uncomfortable! Trying to get blood from me was also a mission so she decided to get it from my hand and put in a (cant remember what they are called) that killed and again more tears!
My blood pressure was reaching 175/110 and I was on a bp monitor that took the reading every 15 mins... not good when your trying to sleep! 2am and OH left.... more tears!
Thursday 21st August
Woke early (as you do in hospitals) and heard mw's doing there change over... so weird hearing them talk about you lol..!!
MW then performed a sweep again to which she said that waters can be broken but it will be uncomfortable! AGAIN SCARED... I was so hoping the prostin gel would work on its own... but I was also happy they werent going to keep inserting it as you hear that they often do!
More waiting around and I walked around the hospital with OH trying to get things moving on my own! But no...!!

So at about 2.30pm they took me to the labour ward and she broke my waters!

She then got me walking around some more to try and get things moving.... but no...

small contractions but nothing developing.
So syntocin was needed... luckily I had already had that thing in my hand so drip was inserted at about 4.30pm ... I couldnt believe the intensity of my contractions at only 2-3 cm dialated!! I was doing well though... breathing through them ... with OH trying to ask me questions lol.... oh and complaining of a tummy ache. Midwife was fantastic though and was cracking jokes with him and me

made me feel so at ease.
At about 9pm I was making noise through the contractions and I was so ready for the gas and air... i cant believe I thought I wouldnt like this stuff

was still hurting at the peak of a contraction but when the contraction was easing off my gosh I loved that feeling

I then got my OH to phone my mum!
MW's changed over and it was the MW who had started me off the night before

was very happy about that

again heard them talking about me! They mentioned my swelling and how bad I was even in my lady area!!

It wasnt long and gas and air was completely not enough. So I had pethidine ... was debating an epidural as it brings bp down and I was in PAIN but heard my mum asked about liklihood of c-section and doc said it increases risk!!
I didnt feel like pethidine did a great deal and I was making quite a bit of noise... I remember just saying "the pain" and "whens the pethidine gonna kick in" the way she was laying was giving me contractions in my back

OUCH!! MW kept explaining how pethidine isnt a block...and I needed to calm down! Again I was hooked to the bp monitor and it was reaching 176/115! Getting this high made the machine alarm and I have never been so scared in my life... I really thought I was losing my baby... even thinking about it now it creeps me out!! I raised my head from being in the mong position and to me the look on my mums face showed worry (later found out no such thing) doc was in the room alot due to my bp , so I saw him too and just put 2 and 2 together!! I also kept coming out with "I need a c-section dont I?" and I remember talking about the olympics... OH and mum said I really talked alot of mumble jumble and I really went weird on pethidine!
Again the pain got outrageous... and I remember my OH and mum moving to being by my head rather than just sitting down. OH holding my gas and air for me cos they needed more blood from me and took it from the other hand! That took 3 attempts from 3 different people as the swelling was so bad... anaethatist finally got in there and I was also given a drip in that hand to stablilise my bp! OH had to take my bracelet off before it popped off.... my wrist along with everything else got so so swollen!
Anyway again the pain was getting severe and I decided "i want an epidural" (this shows me birth plans as I thought are a complete waste of time) I had always said no to epidural... but I WAS KEEN!!!
It felt like I was waiting FOREVER but I wasnt at all but I think I was quite rude to them asking "whats taking so long"... I remember anaethatist was reeling off the risks etc! And I was just Yes yes yes fine.... they moved me into the position for an epidural and at the end of the contraction I started to push!!! Such a weird feeling... your whole body taking over!! MW saw what i did and checked my cervix... and what do you know... 10 cm!! My mum was going on how fantastic it was I was thinking..... NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO I dont get my epidural lol.!!!
So that was it... pushing began... the first few I was making to much noise... mw explained how its not helping cos Im using up energy! In the back of my mind I just kept thinking "no Im not having a caeserean"!! Pushing was really taking it out of me but every push I knew I was getting somewhere! So much for the pushing stage being easy and not hurting!! I didnt think it was ever going to end! After about 20 mins ?? my beautiful baby girl was put up on my chest... her gorgeous eyes looked up at me and the complete relief it was all over. I kept saying "shes so pretty" lol!! I was so proud!
My mum cried and OH looked very emotional... and he cut the cord!! She is so loved! At this point I realised I had a cavator(sp?) fitted also....

apparently due to risk of PE they wanted to monitor my urine flow! She was healthy though so nothing else mattered. she weighed 6lb 2 oz... and was born at 00.29am friday morning! Couldnt believe her size... especially how big I was!
Friday 22nd August
Transferred to high dependancy unit (HDU) where bp was monitored and urine... they needed yet more bloods which after attempts in my groin they eventually got from my fore arm!! I was still so swollen! I was also strapped to another drip for dehydration ..i think lol...
Got up to normal warm at 8pm that night.... again waited around all day for this!! My mum, sis, nan and dad finally got to see her!!

BP came right down 137/81 .. but yet reading was 150/96 once got to normal ward that night

Courtney was so so unsettled through the night... bf not going to plan... topped up with formula! She was very sicky and mucusy! No sleep would most definetly add to my high bp!!
Saturday 23rd August
Bp not coming down ... highest reading of 152/105. Waited for doc... not happy for me to go home! Me very tearful... not understanding why not increasing my meds.. which they said they would do!!
Sunday 24th August
Bp came down to 120/80 but was still getting high readings! Again not happy for me to go home! Not eating or sleeping properly and Courtney is struggling with feeding! Im sure its making my bp high! They took Courtney through the night so i could sleep... she slept much better but i was still waking at every little movement she made ready for her to cry. My room had 4 beds... the 3 other mummy's went home today
Monday 25th August
Concerned as BP is going up and down... bloods are fine!! But not happy for me to go!

However I made the decision that I wanted to be at home...
... Ill get more sleep, better food! My meds on time! OH is with me! More relaxed environment and I can feed my baby without loads of differnt ppls opinions! So I discharged myself
Mw came out yesterday and today and BP is much better

as I knew it would be!! So happy withmy decision! My baby is finally breastfeeding and Im happy

! I understand there concerns and it would be bad of them to send me home but I know my body!! I wasnt feeling unwell just getting to the point of being depressed!! Crying ALOT!!! Havent cried since been at home

So thats my story... I knew it was going to be long lol... and even if no one reads it I still have recorded the most important week of my life! I absolutely love being a family and really would not swap it for the world!!
Thanks to those updating bnb for me... gosh there was alot of you

arent I greedy lol....or even just keeping me sane with texts and facebook messages.
hayley, kelly, rae, amy, ema, laura, ann-marie, lisa, and thanks becky for giving me a ring whilst in that hell hole lol!! (sorry if Ive missed anyone)!!
My gorgeous princess!!