Weight loss quest!! UPDATED with goals - weigh in every Monday morning!

Totally understandable! Good luck, hun! Let us know how it goes for you! :hugs:
Hello ladies!

I was hoping that I could join. I had a MC at the end of Jan (was approx 8 weeks at the time) and have been comfort eating a bit since then. I got married last May and have prob put on about 10lbs since then. I know it doesn't sound like a lot, but it's tipped me over from feeling good about myself to feeling that I could do with losing a few pounds! I lost over 2 stone approx 3 years ago and have more or less kept it off (apart from the 10lbs!!) and I don't want the scales to start creeping back the wrong way!

Ideally I'd like to lose a stone, but if I can at least lose the 10lbs, I've put on since the wedding, I'd be really pleased. I'll really need the motivation on here as I can struggle with comfort and boredom eating! I'll be weighing in on Monday as I started last Mon, so I'll let you know how I get on!

Good luck ladies! xx
Hey Beadette,

Please count me in, I am off TTC until I lose another 12lb. But I am hoping to lose more.

I have already lost 10lb since Jan, but need to pull my finger out. I am doing slimming world and was exercising but sprained my ankle Tues night. So can't do that for a week or 2.

I have a couple of goals, I list them in my journal. But on the short of it, I would like to lose a min of 6lb by end of March, and then between another 8 - 16lb by June. But that just depends how things go.

So can you please put 14lb in for me as my overall and I will update as necessary. Hope thats okay and not too vague x x

Good luck everyone, we can do this :thumbup:
Hello lovely ladys

count me in too pls, I have pcos and think that's linked to my weight problem. I had enough about the end of december when nhs refused me clomid (fertility drug) as my bmi was 40...... Anyway this was the kick up the bum I needed to loose weight. I have just been prescribed clomid after loosing 36lbs by doing the atkins diet. Oh and I got my bmi down to 34 so now have clomid.... I refuse to gain weight so am setting myself small goals:

total weight I want to loose 3 stone
I want to loose half stone by 19th march,I ll update you on my next small goal....

I want to enjoy my bump next time round and not be hid by my fat tummy,so that's my mental goal .......

Good luck and let's have loads of pma.

P.s don't start the atkins unless you have to,it's a terrible diet...I'm so scared of coming off it as I know I'll gain so much weight :(

nat x
natp - Actually, PCOS isn't linked to weight problems. Weight problems are linked to PCOS. The hormone imbalance with PCOS tends to lead to insulin resistance (aka metabolic syndrome) and that leads to weight gain and difficulty losing weight. Then, the extra weight exacerbates the hormonal imbalance and it becomes a vicious cycle... at least that's how it was explained to me. Anyone can feel free to correct me if I'm wrong. But, do they have you on anything for the PCOS? Metformin maybe? It will aid in weight loss by treating the underlying issues.
natp - Actually, PCOS isn't linked to weight problems. Weight problems are linked to PCOS. The hormone imbalance with PCOS tends to lead to insulin resistance (aka metabolic syndrome) and that leads to weight gain and difficulty losing weight. Then, the extra weight exacerbates the hormonal imbalance and it becomes a vicious cycle... at least that's how it was explained to me. Anyone can feel free to correct me if I'm wrong. But, do they have you on anything for the PCOS? Metformin maybe? It will aid in weight loss by treating the underlying issues.


I look at it as, Its all part and parcel what ever way you choose to look at it ,wether thats weight gain is linked to PCOS or PCOS is linked to weight gain....its all just a very nasty circle. I am on Metformin 1000mg a day and start Clomid on my next cycle ,,,,,,,,,,But I am very confidentmy weight will come off no problem it just takes hard work

Nat x
natp - Actually, PCOS isn't linked to weight problems. Weight problems are linked to PCOS. The hormone imbalance with PCOS tends to lead to insulin resistance (aka metabolic syndrome) and that leads to weight gain and difficulty losing weight. Then, the extra weight exacerbates the hormonal imbalance and it becomes a vicious cycle... at least that's how it was explained to me. Anyone can feel free to correct me if I'm wrong. But, do they have you on anything for the PCOS? Metformin maybe? It will aid in weight loss by treating the underlying issues.


I look at it as, Its all part and parcel what ever way you choose to look at it ,wether thats weight gain is linked to PCOS or PCOS is linked to weight gain....its all just a very nasty circle. I am on Metformin 1000mg a day and start Clomid on my next cycle ,,,,,,,,,,But I am very confidentmy weight will come off no problem it just takes hard work

Nat x

Oh, honey... I didn't mean to suggest it wouldn't. Not at all. Sorry if that's how it came across! :flower: I'm sure you'll do wonderfully! :hugs:
I just got diagnosed yesterday with PCOS. Now I know why I've had a problem with my weight..easily put on and insanely hard to get off. Megg, you described it pretty well.
Stace - Yeah... I was given that as a diagnosis once. They later changed their minds, but I had plenty of time to read all about it in between the "you have it" and the "oops, nevermind!" You'll definitely get through it though. It's not so hard to deal with these days. It used to be a big problem, but now it's just a small speed bump! :hugs:
I posted these in our pcos thread but since we're on the weight loss quest and quite a few of us have pcos I thought they would be of interest :

A link re GI diet and PCOS :

PCOS and rapid weight gain :

Good motivation from the LTTTC forum
interesting info on BMI and fertility

For those PCOSers with insulin resistance this a good explanation of why it encourages weight gain and v difficult weight loss:

With Insulin resistance the glucose taken from food isn’t sent into the bloodstream properly, so it never gets converted into energy for the body to use. The glucose begins to build up in the blood, but the cells still aren’t getting the fuel they need to function properly. Because the body’s cells are lacking the energy needed to carry on basic life functions, it signals the pancreas to secrete more Insulin to try and force the glucose into the cells. The presence of all that extra Insulin in the body brings more of the fatty acids out of food, which ends up getting stored in fat cells, causing weight gain. Trying to shed those pounds later on becomes more difficult as this cycle continues.
So I am new to pcos...Is the only thing that helps balance this insulin issue out with something like Metformin? Should I ask my dr about going on it? He didn't mention anything about it.
Metformin and a healthy diet! :) Metformin alone would do a ton of good! I would definitely ask about it. It's pretty commonplace to be put on it with a PCOS diagnosis... So, there shouldn't be any reason they'd tell you no.
I will definitely ask about it once they call me today to confirm my blood test results confirming the PCOS. thanks!
Anytime! :) Just lemme know if you need any more info!
i have pcos and underactive thyroid so weight was a big issue ive lost 4 stone since july 08 i used a tablet off the docs called orilstat it was a god send im now starting ivf after ttc 14yrs
Apparently Orlistat is the same thing is Alli in the U.S. (assuming you aren't American). That's what Google says anyway. I've never tried it... It scares me with the side effects of leakage and whatnot! LOL
Hows everyone gone with the weight loss quest this week? I was doing well until friday night out at friends for dinner - huge spread and rude to say no, plus loads wine and now just back from sunday lunch at friends. I think I can only lose weight if I stay in for a month, one night out and I put 2 pounds on then spend the next week losing it only for another night out!!! I just can't say no when I'm out!!!

Hope everyone doing better than me!!!
I am only starting officially tomorrow morning then I will weigh myself each Monday am to see how much I've lost or gained! So this evening is my last supper! I've got a huge bag of pick'n'mix and having a large glass of vino and spag bol for dinner!

I haven't really started yet either! Uhm... I'll keep you posted! :)
Hello Lovely Ladys

Right now is the time for me to crack on more with the weight loss,I have lost alot over the last couple of months( 3 stone) due to me wanting Clomid,now I have been prescribed it I dont wanna fall back into old ways. I feel my body has stalled and wont alow me to loose as much as I was doing,but believe me there is still alot to go. I have decided I need to up it on my exercise because diet wise(nasty atkins diet) I am doing everything I can apart from not drinking enough water "I hate it"
I wanna get 2 lb off by next monday and 7 lb off by end of the month.....So more exercise and water is the key I think. What are you other ladys going to do exercise wise and diet wise?

HB1.... I have got my wii sport back from my brother as last,so gonna be using that alot more as well as the gym... How are you hun? is it the 2ww for you now?

good luck ladys

Nat xxx

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