Weird movement


Well-Known Member
Dec 13, 2007
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I was just laying down and had the weirdest feeling ever. Its like she was taking a seizure. She completely just freaked out, its like she was twitching all over the place for like 30 seconds!?! Someone please tell me this is normal cause I'm kind of freaking out.
I dunno... I get all kinds of weird movements... lol.. I used to get alot of really wacky movements when she was turning or flipping over that were kind of like what you explained. I think the last time I felt her flip was around 31 weeks too.
Good....that was seriously the weirdest thing I've ever felt in my life. It just felt like she was convulsing
She gets hiccups a few times a day, this was an entire different realm. She's still kicking away at my ribs at the moment so I guess she's okay
Yeah i know what you mean. Ive felt the same thing it is really weird isnt it? I dont think its anything to worry about though, someone else mentioned it a few weeks ago to. Babba's fine dont worry :) xx
Yeap i know, ive had something similar but hasnt lasted quite as long, more like 5/10 seconds.

Is freaky huh!!
It's like they're fitting or something isnt it. Very weird! x
This last few weeks I've had every freaky movement going - feels like she's going on a total mental one, and sometimes like she's blowing bubbles - I was a bit disturbed too!
God they do some strange things in there! Whatever it was, she did it again when I was asleep and woke me up haha
Yes,I know what you mean.
It kinda feels like an earthquake/rumble inside.
I wondered what it was too. Its strange,lol.
Maybe she's getting fed up of the lack of space? :D
I've been wondering about it too - like bubba all of a sudden starts vibrating away in there, but I only get it for about 5-10 seconds. It's happened a few times now.
I wonder if they practice shivering and shaking - just muscular stuff like that?
Maybe it's an all over body shake, make baby dreams he/she is falling like we do sometimes when we're dropping off? lol I get it too. Sounds like it mustn't be anything for us to worry about if all our babies are doing it.
This is true, they do dream at this point so maybe she was just having a bad dream or something? I looked it up and read that they do this when they're scared - but I don't know what she was scared of, there was no noise, I was just laying on my bed/sleeping.
This is true, they do dream at this point so maybe she was just having a bad dream or something? I looked it up and read that they do this when they're scared - but I don't know what she was scared of, there was no noise, I was just laying on my bed/sleeping.

Maybe you were talking in your sleep!
This makes sense, perhaps they practice the moro reflex when they are in utero. Apparently they start to develop this reflex around 9-12 weeks after conception.
I had this feeling weeks ago and asked the same thing and read about it, and it seems to be normal

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