please dont get me wrong, i am pregnant with a little boy and am very excite. and by the 3D ultra sounds he looks just like his daddy, very handsome and adorable. in the beginning me and my mother were so convinced we were having a girl she started buying pink items, (nothing to expensive) and we found out he was a boy and i started crying. i dont know if it was the hormones, disappointment, or the fact that i was scared because they wanted to do blood work for down syndrome and spina bifida, but like a big baby i was crying in the Dr.s office. Today i was babysitting two toddlers of the age of 2 and 3. one boy and one girl. The boy, age 2, was wild, whinny, couldnt talk and well a bit aggravating. the girl, age 3, was sweet, yet clingy, and very helpful and wanted me to brush her hair and pull it up, rub her back while she watched barney and was just a delight. I must say these children are being raised in VERY different environment than our child will be raised in however i cant stop thinking that my child will be very difficult just because of his gender. i am looking forward to getting up at all hours of night to do the feedings and changing and, well just to hold him for that bonding time i hear so much about. I think im worried about the age where there grow a little independant and wont be my little boy anymore. Me and my mom are so close, best friends have you, and i guess i wanted that with my own. i dont know that i even have a question to ask, but just to vent because i dont even know how to explain it to make sense. but with me being 34 weeks sunday, i guess i better prepare my self for the worse. im a first time mother and dont know what to expect.