Hi Ladies,
I havent been on here in such a long time, I'm suprised to see this still going but had to check it out again. I can see from Vaniilla's update lots of acorns have been born, how exciting.
Life has gone from really low point to a really high point atm. Amara's dad and I split up a while ago, as he just couldnt cope with family life and the pressure it brought. Im now in a really good relationship with someone new and found out yesterday I am pregnant (hense the return

) I believe im almost 5 weeks gone, and am due around 3rd July 2013! Ladies who are on my FB please dont let it slip, we have no intentions of telling anyone until atleast 12 weeks, which works out Christmas eve!
And a little update on Amara, she is talking so much now, still in a good routine at night and sleeps through, we've hit a stumbeling block on potty training, so taken a step back on that and will try again when she is more ready I think. Shes growing up way too fast, she is 22 months already