Welcome to Trying To Conceive #1

Hi everybody, new user here :)

Hubs and I have been NTNP for the last year but since that didn't work, we're now actively TTC our #1. I found this forum because of vent thread (love it btw). I'm 33 and he is 36 and so far we don't have (or know of) any medical conditions. Hoping to get my little bun in the oven in the 2018 :)
Hey, i'm pretty new myself. :)
Me and hus are moving from WTT here to TTC. We're trying with the next cycle for our first baby. I'm very nervous because i suffer of hypothyroidism and possible endometriosis (haven't made a laparoscopy though). I've been on a diet for awhile now, improved my lifestyle a little and i've been taking folic acid forte for a few weeks.

Hope to hear from you and catch you all around. :)
Hey all,

I'm new to this, but like you, I am TTC for about a good year now. Went to the doctor and she told me that I have a slightly high LH. My results were 4:1 LH/FSH ratio. I asked if I had PCOS but she said she's not too worried about it because my testosterone levels were fine. I guess that just means that my eggs are not fully producing or something? I was just wondering if anyone has any tips or is in a similar situation. I'm currently taking maca root pills because I've heard that helps balance hormones and my doctor put me on prenatals for now. Considering that my LH/FSH ratio seems to be off, I thought this might help. I have also considered using soft cups after baby dancing to help assist the sperm. Not sure if it would help with my issue though.

Any advice or help would be greatly appreciated.... Never thought it would be this hard to get pregnant :(
My husband and I have been TTC for #1 for 15 months now. I have been trying so hard to be strong but I have reached my breaking point. I needed an outlet so thought I would give this group a try. I find myself crying on nights out with the girls or in conversation with my hubby and its getting crazy, I'm an emotional wreck and feel like people think I'm losing it because they can't relate, all of my friends pride themselves that they're husbands sneeze on them and their pregnant:roll:

I went for an HSG test on Aug 2 and the radiologist said my left tube was blocked, we went for our follow up and the fertility doctor disagreed so now I have to go back for another HSG at the end of the month to confirm one way or the other (crazy!). At this point it seems as if the first test may have messed with my cycle because my OPK's have all been negative and I usually ovulate anywhere from cd17- cd19, i'm on cd22 today and feeling like now we have decreased our chances even more by trying to help our situation. This constant roller coaster ride of emotions is getting to me now and I'm ready to stop tracking everything and just accept it for what it is.

My husbands SA came back with low motility but the last follow up we had showed that his numbers are getting better due to some lifestyle changes that he made (so at least we think) other than that we seem to be perfectly normal.

This is an unfair process as I look around and see people that take it for granted (being a parent) it makes me that much more upset. I need to get back into the positive realm but I'm having a hard time doing so.

Anyway thanks for listening to me rant if you made it through this entire post.
TTC for 8 months...one blocked tube. 7dpo. First meeting with specialist tomorrow. So nervous they will suggest surgery : (
Hello, I'm new here. Always read these forums but never brave enough to post.

Im really sorry for the essay your about to read but just want advice and suggestions and to see if any of you ladies can compare/related to my symptoms. Any help, replies and advice appreciated.

Here goes. I dtd on the day of O, two days before and two days after. I am now 11dpo but started getting symptoms around 7dpo.

My symptoms.

7dpo I don't know If I saw what was discharge/blood but there was the slightest of brown when I wiped, only on the tissue, barely noticeable, only happened a few times for the course of one day, This along with mild AF cramps which were barely even noticeable, they were very on and off - not constant and they seemed to have gone yesterday, it was nowhere near as strong as AF, they also started 9 days before AF is due which is strange for me, not sure if its normal? It has also been paired with back ache which is as noticeable as if AF was here but the cramps barely anything.

9dpo I started feeling extremely exhausted and tired, even if I got a full night sleep I didn't feel better and from that day to now after like an hour in work I just want to lie down. Which normally work does not bother me, I just have no energy whatsoever along with hot flashes.
And This is the alarming part along with the tiredness I've been getting these sudden short stabbing pain in my pelvis area, Lower back, inner thigh and hip mainly in my right hand side which come and go but are sudden and painful and across my pubic area I get constant throbbing pain which is constant for a few minutes but Im putting these symptoms to what I think was a UTI/yeast infection that I got at 9dpo which is very very abnormal for me, not had one since a child, the what I thought "infection" cleared up itself in roughly 24hours (yesterday) the pains are still here just not as bad.

Finally Last night, late 10dpo I noticed my BBS were slightly sore and today there a bit more noticeable.

Thankyou for bearing with all this..
Hi everybody, new user here :)

Hubs and I have been NTNP for the last year but since that didn't work, we're now actively TTC our #1. I found this forum because of vent thread (love it btw). I'm 33 and he is 36 and so far we don't have (or know of) any medical conditions. Hoping to get my little bun in the oven in the 2018 :)
Did you get you BFP!? If not sending lots of baby dust!
Been TTC for about 3months now! My bf has a daughter whom I love dearly but I want to add to the family and have own! It's hard waiting but I'm hoping itll happen soon! Sending baby dust to all.others TTC ❤
Hi I'm new to the forum.

DH and I are trying to conceive our first. I mc'd in October at 7 weeks.

I'm using opk's, FF and other apps. Just hope that this month is our month as my DH works away which makes trying difficult.
Just began this journey. I'm doing this alone so going through a fertility clinic. First attempt hopefully tomorrow depending on the ultrasound, I hope the eggs are ripe :-)
Hi ladies! This is my first post here. I’m currently in my TWW trying for my first.

Here’s a few symptoms I’ve had since BD & Ovulation Day

First day of last cycle
January 5.

January 14.

Predicted Peak O Day
January 16

Completely Sore Achy Body
Nausea throughout the day
Extremely Gassy
Extreme CM clear

Less Sore
Extremely Gassy
Extreme CM clear/egg white
Nausea throughout the day

Nauseous throughout the day
Back cramps here and there
Thought of food sickening

Light headache
Slight heart burn
Not much of appetite
Slight nausea
I feel like I can smell things a little easier

All of these symptoms and no lie.. I’m still slightly afraid I won’t get my BFP. Fingers are crossed.

My expected cycle is January 31. I’m hoping AF skips visiting me for the next 9 months.

What y’all think?
Hi Ladies!
I'am a newbie to this . I'am very confused about my situation. Hope you could help with answers. I had got a BFP at 6 dpo, a faint line that got more darker over the next two days. But on 10dpo it was a BFN and has been a BFN since then . Fed up with all the negatives , I took a blood test on 14dpo that was also unsurprisingly negative. I'am 17dpo today and no sign of AF till now. I'am so confused coz I my AF is always on time (35 day cycle) and I feel very pregnant- tingly breasts , bloatedness , always hungry, feeling always wet down there as tho AF has come , With lots of discharge , sore throat and tiredness.. just don't know what to think. Please help with ur thoughts on this.
I'm ttc, I have conceived twice in the past but unfortunately lost both of my babies a few months in in retrospect I was too young but right now I need advice.

My ovulation day was between wednesday and Sunday this last week and I am now experiencing some cramping me and my other half did the deed a few times between Thursday and Saturday and again Monday and tuesday I'm experiencing some cramping today and I'm wondering if it could mean implantation?
Hi Galz!!
well, Im new to this TTC thing so i don't know all the lingo, lets start with a bit of a back story, in 25 my husband is 28 and i have PCOS, i started going to a new doctor and he prescribed Fetromid, i have not yet used it as im waiting for my cycle to start, however,
i started drinking Fertipil and Fertivor along with my Glucophage medication, so on Friday (15 Feb) i got a faint positive on one of those cheap strips, my husband wanted to make sure and got a clearblue digital, tested the next day and it was negative, i have been trying the CP thing, so today i had i feel and its strange (i think), my cervix is high,closed and hard, BUT (here comes the tmi part) it had like n peach pink tint to it aswell as when i wipe its like a very light pink, i dont trust the other simptoms as they have let me down in the past, but im starting to worry a bit, im on day 36 of my cycle, any advise?
I also Was looking for some advice as well! Let me start by saying I’m an ultrasound tech so I’m able to actually take pictures and keep track of what my uterus and cervix are doing! So today I am 6dpo but cx is still high but closed and lining is thick. I’m experiencing intermittent lower abd pain, tender breasts with occasional tingling/pain and early today I did have a moment where I felt a little dizzy. I have not had any tmi(bloody discharge). Has anyone experienced something similar and they were pregnant? TIA!
Hi there! I’m new here too! Been following a few threads like a stalker for a while though! But I felt it’s the right time to join in and gain support as well as give it to you lovely ladies!

Name: Sandrah, 31 - Married since sept 2015. And been TTC since dec 2018. So not too long. But we’ve been not preventing (though not actively monitoring ovulation etc) since May 2018. If that makes sense?

So I was meant to start my period on 2nd March but it only started yesterday. I was getting brown discharge and pink discharge when wiping but nothing visible otherwise. I got really excited .. until yesterday morning! AF came full force with the most horrible cramps. And my cycle ya now shifted from 32 to 35 days. So obviously my ovulation days weren’t right last month. I am on it this month and will be testing for my correct ovulation days with the tests and thermometer and cm! Sigh.

Been feeling a little like my cycles are telling me I need to hurry up.. early menopause and hormonal issues run in the family so I feel concerned. But here’s hoping it’s just me being silly!

Hoping to hear more from everyone else :) and to those waiting.. lots and lots of positive thoughts that this is your month!!
I had sex on the 12 and ovulated on the 14
On the 17 my nipples feel really sore
It still feels sore
I’ve never had this happen before
Could I be pregnant ?‍♀️
I had sex on the 12 and ovulated on the 14
On the 17 my nipples feel really sore
It still feels sore
I’ve never had this happen before
Could I be pregnant ?‍♀️
Probably! You must try getting a clinical test once, because the sperm is usually alive upto 72 hours.

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