Welcome to Trying To Conceive #1

Hi/1 I am new to this forum. I am Bi-polar type one and am having to go off of all meds to enhance my chances of getting pregnant. I've only been trying about two months and am currently 14 dpo today, but no AF and BFN. I wonder if my meds have anything to due with it. I'd say just stay calm, positive and relax.

Baby dust***
Hello ladies! I am new to this forum. I am Bi-polar type one and am having to go off of all meds to enhance my chances of getting pregnant so I'm in search of emotional support. I've only been trying about two months and am currently 14 dpo today, but no AF and BFN everyday since 8dpo:haha: (way too early to test maybe?). I'm having weird feelings in my lower abdomen like twinges or stretching maybe. (hard to explain) I'm having milky white vaginal discharge (tmi) and am peeing back to back with like 10 mins apart :wacko:. I've noticed sore nipples and am nauseous when i'm hungry. Not to mention the zoo noises coming from my tummy and a heavy feeling in my uterus, or maybe contracting?
Anyone feeling the same thumbup:? any advice ladies??

Baby dust** to all!
Hi all! My husband and I just started ttc. I know it's still really early but it's the first time I've ever tracked my cycle and I'm not sure if I never noticed how strange it is or whether this cycle in particular is just out of whack. I started taking the Clear Blue Digital opk and got a high result for 5 days (cd17-21) and then finally a peak reading on cd22. I assumed this meant ovulation around cd 23...but then cd24 I started spotting. I'm now on cd 30 and still spotting...not sure if it's still considered spotting at this point. It was pretty light at the beginning but starting to get a little heavier today. At first I thought maybe ovulation bleeding...but for 7 days? Too early for IB 1dpo and too early and light for AF (I thought...) so needless to say I'm a bit discouraged. If the app I'm using is right it's predicting a 36 day cycle which is super frustrating to wait that long! Anyone else in a similar boat?
Hi there ladies, I'm new to the forum and hope that I will be able to find some soothing words here.

My husband and I have been TTC naturally for a few months now and so far, no luck. Every time we get a BFN, my husband dissolves into a heap of man-tears and I'm distraught.

The trouble comes in with the fact that I myself have problems that lead to me not ovulating regularly. We made the decision to get professional help and my doctor put me on Fertomid on day 5 of my last menstrual cycle. I went to see him on day 15 (was supposed to be day 12 but I couldn't get an appointment). Anyway, when he did a scan we were pleased to find that there was still a viable egg. He gave me an Ovitrelle injection (which ensures the release of the egg and makes me ovulate) and sent me on my way with the advice that we ought to try again over the following 3 days.

It is now 10dpo and I'm experiencing all kinds of symptoms that are associated with with implantation and early pregnancy. My breasts and nipples are tender, I've had AF-like cramps (although no AF) over the last 5 or 6 days, I've got headaches (mind you I DO actually suffer from migraines generally), I have a white discharge coming out and I also seem to have flu-like symptoms (which I have read can also be a sign of early pregnancy). I haven't told hubby about any of the symptoms because I don't want to give him false hope (just in case you know).

I'm so nervous about doing another HPT, just in case it comes back negative again :-(... On the other hand, I suppose I can't avoid it forever. Has anybody else experienced these symptoms?

Please help? Any advice at this stage is welcome.

Thank you so much
Hi all,

So glad I found this forum as my husband and I have been trying for 1 year for our little blessing. So far, no luck. Getting harder each month esp. when I see friends who got married after us announcing either their BFP or that they are about to meet their little one! Life has never been really easy for me,so to speak, and it seems that getting pregnant/ having a baby will be added to things I have to struggle or aspire for without ease. Feeling hopeless each month that sometimes I try to convince myself that Ill be fine if I will be childless.

However, finding this forum and reading the number of entries/people who are similarly situated gives me back some hope. So, hopefully, everyone in this forum, including myself will be lucky this 2017 and get our BFP!!
Hi everyone! I've been reading posts for a while and decided I'd better join in if I'm going to be creeping on everyone 😆.

My husband and I have been together for almost nine years, were unprotected for what feels like forever, then I went on Depo (WORST DECISION EVER) for two years, and had to wait for a year after my last shot to even get a cycle again. I've been ovulating (I can always feel it) for the last three months, so we've been actively trying since my December cycle. If we conceive, it will be the first for both of us.

I turn 35 this year, and I'm starting to get this overwhelming sense that we waited too long, and the negatives are depressing, even in the beginning. I want to be super happy for others around me, but it's hard. I'm sure I'll be posting in the vent forum soon! Last month was especially trying, as I had a million symptoms, including tension headaches and twinges, but it ended in a massively horrific AF with a crippling migraine to boot. I am trying to stay positive, and stop symptom spotting. We bd, we bd some more, I ovulate, we bd again. I use opks and tried temping, but they are all over the place, even when checking the exact same time every morning. I rely mostly on what my body tells me and check for ewcm. We're going to actively try naturally until August, then discuss alternative methods. We know that there's a huge possibility it will never happen, and ultimately we are ok with that. It just means more furry babies if it comes to that 😂. I'd love to join you all in this journey, and hopefully we all get to hold those tiny buddles of joy soon!
hello everyone, I'm new here and I'm looking for advice me and my mate are ttc and as of today I'm 3 days late on my AF but I have abdominal bloating, slight cramps and nauseous but no vomiting... o by the way I have taken 2 pregnancy test but they both was BFN
Hello all, I am 36 and trying to conceive for the 1st time with my husband of 8 months. We both wish we had found each other earlier in life, but happy to be together now. I was on BC for 18 years, went off it in May 2015 and it took 6 months for my period to return and a year before my cycle normalized. Last month was our first "try," BD twice during my fertile window, wasn't expecting anything. AF just came, next month I will try temping and an ovulation kit to make sure I'm right about timing.

Good luck to everyone :thumbup:
hello everyone

Im new to this forum thing so sorry if im not doing it right. My husband and I have been trying to conceive since this February and ive been monitoring my temperature and doing opk test this last month.. My temperature was out of wack because Ive been doing alot of night shifts and overtime so I didnt think it was really reliable. Im also usually a 32 day cycle and this month on day 19 and 20 I got a positive opk.. We had sex 3 days consecutives and Im now 2 days late for menstruation and I did 3 pregnancy test that have a faint line (getting darker) on every one and have light cramping and sore boobs.. What do you guys think?


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Koffir, any luck since this post? I am also a 35 day cycle. OD17-19. It can be frustrating each month to wait so long but the more you track, the better you know yourself, symptoms and cycle for sure. ... I have to wait a wk to test right now... :( wish I could know sooner.
Hey guys I sort of new here but I haven't had any change in my cm for about 2-3 months. I've only had this watery, pearly white discharge. My cervix always feels soft then I get AF on the dot. But it's watery and less heavy. It was 2 days once and then it was 6 days but I could have gone a whole day with just 1 pad a day or less. The lack of change in cm is making me feel as if I have a problem. Tmi image below please don't mind, just trying to get some clarity and want to know if I'm not alone I'm on cd 9 now


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Hi Everyone

Haven't read much of posts on here yet as currently at work and only just seen this new forum :)

I have seen BbB around but only just joined here so im a proper newbie :

I am TTC my first and im on my 14th cycle.
2 heaven babies, oct 15 and oct 16 - 1 at 6 weeks and another cp

Had my rubella shot monh ago and my second dose last week so only back on TTC this month.

Had all our fertility tests done and me and hubby are all in the clear so actually looking forward to TTC

Massive baby dust to you all and look forward to reading all the posts later
So upset!! I called my doc as was worried it wasn't 10-14 days after second rubella I can try and glad I checked as meant to be 4 weeks after second dose too so I'm really glad I checked!! Now got to wait another month :(
Hi everyone, first time here. I hope someone can help. I've been trying to conceive for the past 2 years after an ectopic. Still got one (I hope) good functioning tube. TMI alert: my big problem is that semen destroys my natural flora and I'm left with painful fissures and yeast infections so as much as I'd love to be BDing all month I usually leave that for when I think I'm ovulating. I also have PCOS and my period comes on average every 55 days. My question is: what were your earlier symptoms of pregnancy before the positive? I don't want to get excited but my nipples are been sensitive, my breast just feel weird in general and I have been having nausea on top of little cramps in my lower abdomen. Another thing that happened in what I would consider to be 4 dpo was right shoulder pain and nerve inflammation. It's too soon to test but I'd love to hear your thoughts. Thanks.
Hi Im new here so please bear with me lol ...... me 30 and my husband 28 have a beautiful daughter whom you can see in our profile pic that we adopted at birth she is our everything but we have recently the last couple years been trying to conceive we are currently going to a fertility doctor. we have done all the blood tests and chromosome tests and the ultrasound. Our doctor has now set us up to do an HSG test on Monday since i have had surgery like 15 years ago when i was 15 for cysts on my ovaries ..... I am getting really really reaLLY NERVOUS about the test i have a really hard time with paps because something happened to me when i was a child that makes me have really bad ptsd and anxiety about pain down there and i have heard and read that it can be quite painful and traumatizing for even women that don't have my issues i am turning her3e cause i am nervous and scared but also hopeful of figuring out what my problem is any advice would be greatly appreciated https://babyandbump.momtastic.com/images/smilies/cloud9.gif
Good Morning,
I am new to this. but figured to give it a shot. in hopes that I could find someone with similar issues, or maybe just support. Here is my story.

I am 27 years old, my husband and I have been TTC for 6 years. after many failed attempts and frustrating months. we found a fertility doctor. I was diagnosed with PCOS. I Had an HSG done, one tube looked partially blocked. I had multiple polyps. they did surgery April 4, 2017, to remove polyps and did a D & C.

my lpm was 4/18. we started letrozole 5mg on 4/19 cd 1-5 did ultrasound day 9 no follicles had grown. So they started me on letrozole 7.5 cd 9-13. On cd 20 i went in for another ultrasound and had 1 follicles size 20 on my left side. I triggered in office, that day. My husband and I did HI day 21 & 22. then started progesterone suppositories day 23-34.

Today I went in for Beta test. I pray to God that it is positive. :happydance::bfp:

How many ladies have went through what I am going through. The hardest part waiting, and not having anyone who understands what I am going through. :(
Hello Everyone I'm new to this, but I would love to talk to others who are TTC.
Well my husband and I have a 4 year old son, we recently decided to try and have another child. At the end of April I had my Implanon removed. May 11th I had my first period since taking it out. For some reason I totally felt like I was pregnant towards the end or May, and last night I started spotting and today I started my period :cry:. I really feel down today I don't know why I feels so bad, I know it was our first time actually trying, but I really wanted to be pregnant. With our son I was pregnant after the first try and I know I shouldn't expect it to be the same this time, but I was really hoping.

Any other women dealing with issues similar to mine. I just really want to be able to talk to someone that I can relate to and get some things off my chest. My husbands a sweet heart but I feel like talking to another female who is or has experienced my situation.
Af was due yesterday, took frer test early this am and after 3 minutes didn't notice a line so sat it down and went to make coffeee. 15 minutes later I noticed a fain pink spot at the tip where positive line should have appeared. So, yes😬 , I took it apart to get a better look and take a pic to tweak. I have short 26 day cycles ovulating around day 11. The scary thing is, I just noticed some brown/red discharge when I went to the bathroom! Am I just so desperate for my bfp that I'm reaching and need to assume af is aririving a day late and that was just an evap line in the test?image1.jpg

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