Hi everyone! I've been reading posts for a while and decided I'd better join in if I'm going to be creeping on everyone 😆.
My husband and I have been together for almost nine years, were unprotected for what feels like forever, then I went on Depo (WORST DECISION EVER) for two years, and had to wait for a year after my last shot to even get a cycle again. I've been ovulating (I can always feel it) for the last three months, so we've been actively trying since my December cycle. If we conceive, it will be the first for both of us.
I turn 35 this year, and I'm starting to get this overwhelming sense that we waited too long, and the negatives are depressing, even in the beginning. I want to be super happy for others around me, but it's hard. I'm sure I'll be posting in the vent forum soon! Last month was especially trying, as I had a million symptoms, including tension headaches and twinges, but it ended in a massively horrific AF with a crippling migraine to boot. I am trying to stay positive, and stop symptom spotting. We bd, we bd some more, I ovulate, we bd again. I use opks and tried temping, but they are all over the place, even when checking the exact same time every morning. I rely mostly on what my body tells me and check for ewcm. We're going to actively try naturally until August, then discuss alternative methods. We know that there's a huge possibility it will never happen, and ultimately we are ok with that. It just means more furry babies if it comes to that 😂. I'd love to join you all in this journey, and hopefully we all get to hold those tiny buddles of joy soon!