hey mrs...im so so sorry to fins you in here
i only know this because it what im going through at moment...but
SCOTTISH law states (im saying that because i know that laws are different on other side of the border) that if you and FOB were NOT married at time of alex and/or hes not on birth cert, he has no parental rights and responsibilties. YOU DO. he only hhas rights if hes named as father...
IF he decides to take you for contact (an access order and parental rights and responsibilties are two SEPERATE court issues) then it fall down to this.
1. what bond does alex have fob?
2. what ahs he done for alex since shes been BORN
3. is it detrimental to her to have this bond.
if he can prove that its alexs best interests to see him and you dont want this...you''d then have to use risk factors...
ie. Drugs, alcohol, abuse, neglect...etc
i hope this helps...
but if hes not on birth cert, and because you werent married...then if you stop contact hed have to take you to court to see her. if you dont want this then you can still call the shots...(esp if you dont want alex to see MIL etc)