So I guess I am now classed as ltttc. Went for my 21 day progestrone blood test on Tuesday not really sure what result will be a good one and show that I ovulate? I get positives on OPK's and have a regular 28 day cycle only last month was 23 (never had one that short before) so if I have a 23 day one this month then AF is due tomorrow but I think I ovulated around CD14 and at a guess I have an LP of about 11 or 12 days. Symptoms last month where very sore boobs form the day I ovulated until AF but this month although a little tender not painful at all also coming with flu like symptoms but so is OH so can't count that one. I am 8 or 9 dpo today desperate to test but will try and hold out. It was last Easter Sunday that I got my AF for the first time since coming off the pill and I remember feeling so chuffed she had come and I could crack on with ttc now a year down the line it would be a dream come true to test on Sunday and get a BFP but I think I am too scared of a BFN so maybe I should wait until AF is officially late.
Baby dust to everyone xx
Baby dust to everyone xx