Wet fart nappies every time?


Solomon's mummy
Feb 5, 2010
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Sorry, not the most tasteful of topics but my little man is 17 days old and every single poo nappy is diarrhoea like...not lots, but like he's done a fart and followed through!

Is this normal? There haven't been ANY which are like a normal turd, even soft turds... he's has a sore bum now which I am airing and creaming but am wondering if I can do anything to help him have more solid poos?

He is exclusively breast fed.

Thanks ladies!
Hi it's totally normal to have wet liquidy poos and they should be a mustard colour and look a little seedy. Babies dont start having formed poo's for a long time. Even when weanign starts the poo's all soft and squidy and not formed.

My baby has lots of wet fart nappies.
I think thats normal hun. With LO every nappy changed used to have a small amount of what you are describin and I used to worry because I could never hear her pooing and nor smell so was constantly checking but as she's grown older she has more "big" definite poos. They are still not firm and wont be until she's well into solids. Thats what BF babies are like.
It's normal. they will be like that until weaning starts (unless you start FFing/combi feeding in which case they may thicken up a bit but still won't be solid).
I think (hope!) it's normal as my little girl does this too, sometimes when her nappy is off (my poor beige carpet :haha:). Nearly every nappy is dirty and since about 6 weeks old, she's had a big poo once a day. I think I only ever have a clean wet nappy after this sometimes.
Normal :) Charlie stopped having it in every diaper at around 6 weeks I think but like the others said, it will be watery for a long time still
My bubz still does this some times :) She also got a sore bum from it, she is 'aired' twice a day for about half hour each time while I wash up as its the only time she's quiet too :haha:
still runny my end lol or should i say maddie's end hhaha it sounds like a water bomb when she does it lol xx
Breastfed babies poo is usually yellowey and runny :) Totally normal. :flower:
Totally normal, my LO normally has slightly thicker paste like poo and only has really watery if I've eaten something that doesn't agree with him but many babies have runny even watery poo all the time. My LO does have poo in most nappies though and it's always quite forceful and he often does some extra whilst I am changing him x
we call those "skid marks" rylan has them regularly :)
We call 'em shart nappies here (shit-fart, sorry for the language). Thomas does heaps of these, as well as his regular poo nappies. In fact every time he farts it leaves a mark.
thanks so much ladies! I asked my mum and she said it wasn't normal, but then she ff all of us, so I guess she's never seen a bf baby's nappy before! I will try to air his bum a bit more often but he does tend to wee everywhere everytime! (woah, overloaded exclamation marks, sorry)
Yep, all perfectly normal! IJP is almost 6 months old and that is still the case for us!

Oh yes my 3 wk old delights in loudly exploding runny poo in to a clean nappy. I never realised it could be so audible too!!! Poor LO looks so happy afterwards too as she often hates the feeling of it moving through her insides.
oh yes so long as its yellow in colour not green then your ok hun my boys used to leak through almost any nappy with bf poo thankfully when you start weaning it gets easier in the meantime always have a change of clothes or 2 with you when you go out, caus some nappies are not good for containment and if they go while in pram or carseat it often can require a full change and bath
Totally normal :) I had no idea what baby poo was supposed to look like when Sophie was born and I remember asking the nurses in neonatal if it was normal for her to constantly have diarrhoea!!!!! Turns out it was just normal breastfed nappies. She's now been on solids for a while and the nappies are different but still quite soft and not properly formed. xxxxxx
Hi! My son had very bad nappy rash at 2 weeks old which was I'm sure due to pooing every 10 minutes! The doctor said to give him lots of nappy free time but it was really hard as he just made so much mess projectile weeing and pooing. My mum bought me a pack of terry nappies (muslins would probably work ok instead) and I left him nappy free but with one tied loosely round him, to catch the missiles! Then cleaned and dried him as soon as I noticed anything and replaced the nappy. Still aired his bum but wasn't quite so destructive!
Hi! My son had very bad nappy rash at 2 weeks old which was I'm sure due to pooing every 10 minutes! The doctor said to give him lots of nappy free time but it was really hard as he just made so much mess projectile weeing and pooing. My mum bought me a pack of terry nappies (muslins would probably work ok instead) and I left him nappy free but with one tied loosely round him, to catch the missiles! Then cleaned and dried him as soon as I noticed anything and replaced the nappy. Still aired his bum but wasn't quite so destructive!

Oooh, I think I'll try this. Not only does Sol make mess weeing everywhere during nappy free time, he screams too, seems to really hate it even if the room is warm enough etc. Good tip!

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