what a difference a day makes


Mum of 2 TTCAL
Sep 5, 2006
Reaction score
monday crappy monday

been told today by one of my other colegues that my boss wants me to finish at the end of this week instead of next week because im 'sat around doing nothing' :shock:

my boss hasnt discussed this with me but the general vibe from the rest of the staff is im ment to be outta here on friday!

Also everytime ive tried to speak to my boss today she has ignored me and started to speak to somebody else, hasnt let me join in on any conversations about what will be happenin with certain things next year. its like... 'you're leaving so i dont need to tell you...' but not in so many words.

im so upset.. i dont know why really. part of me wants to leave (ive already cleared my desk of all personal belongings) but the other part of me is hurt that people are talking behind my back and giving me the cold shoulder

*sniff sniff*
:cry: :cry: :cry:
ohhh hun big huggs to u xxx
Oh crikey!! Personally I'd be requesting a meeting with the boss & voicing what you have heard! Thats not on :(

id be straight to personnel!!! this happened 2 me at my work and 4 people got as severe telling off!!! :twisted:
Definatley go see the boss, Its horrible to know people are talking about you behind your back!
Esspecially from the boss!!!

She should discuss YOUR work with YOU! An it's lovely to see they notice your ready to pop :)rofl:)
Hun, i'm sure Helen will agree with me (sure she's said she's HR!) That you need to speak to your boss, if necessary HR directly to try and get that sorted its not on!

And don't you have to give at least 28 days notice to change the start of your maternity... sure its something like that. (its while since i was in HR but i'm pretty sure, cos otherwise they'll mess up your pay and then you'll end up owing them and you don't need that!)

But mainly.... How rude!!!!

Try and keep thinking of the Lazy Lagoon yesterday :hugs:
Honey, i would be raising this, i am a manager in my office and would get my arse well and truly booted for behaviour like that...its not on...we have maternity buddies etc to keep you up to date when off on mat leave so she defo cant do this before you hav finished either.
go to her boss and get her told....its not on...folk like her make my blood boil, they shouldnt be managers if they cant behave properly, its a disgrace...
:devil: .bxox
:hugs: :hugs: Go get it sorted, bloody cheek.....:hugs:
thankyou all so much for all your replys... got me all choked up again :cry:

will be having a word with my boss tomorrow... just dnt understand how people can be so mean!

i really dont see myself coming back to work here in april... oh well on to bigger and better things ;)
HayleyB said:
Hun, i'm sure Helen will agree with me (sure she's said she's HR!) That you need to speak to your boss, if necessary HR directly to try and get that sorted its not on!

And don't you have to give at least 28 days notice to change the start of your maternity... sure its something like that. (its while since i was in HR but i'm pretty sure, cos otherwise they'll mess up your pay and then you'll end up owing them and you don't need that!)

But mainly.... How rude!!!!

Try and keep thinking of the Lazy Lagoon yesterday :hugs:

im trying to!!!!!!

i cant believe the difference i feel in 24hours i was well happy yesterday!
what a bunch of rude people....do you have a labour board or something? you should go to them thats discrimination and def not allowed... can't believe people are that rude hugs to you :) you're better off with out them :lol:
we're a really small company...

did i mention that my boss is also my mother in law (to-be)

theres only 7 of us who work here so we dont have a labour board hahaha

things are no better today...

all shes said is 'i need to speak with you later...'
OMG!!! YOUR MIL!!!!!! What have you got yourself into :lol:
I had a boss like that... she bullied me into going back after a mc... and I went back in... lasted half the day and said, no i'm not ready and she took me into the office and was telling me what a disgrace i was and blah blah blah.

I wanted to smack her.... like she'd know what i was going through... she was a lesbian! lol!

Can't believe she's your MIL to be! Suppose that makes it harder to smack her! lol!

Hope you get it sorted hunny


i am no longer working .... woohoo!

my boss took me to one side at about 11.00...
and told me there was no point in me carrying on workin coz theres nothing for me to do!

so i finished work...right there and then!

im gettin 3 weeks full pay before i start my maternity leave


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