My LO is nearly 10 months
Up until recently when she mastered pulling herself up to standing, she loved sitting in her playpen (which is actually a travel cot with a play mat laid down in it!) with a few toys and a big nursing cushion. She used to lie down and just chill in the morning and watch TV through the mesh! But since learning how to stand she won't sit down in there for even a minute! She does love standing up in there though, and cruising along the edge
She loves her door bouncer...
She loves playing peekaboo!
She loves it when we sing songs, especially ones where she joins in (eg. Wind the Bobbin Up - she claps along now

Depending on what kind of mood she's in she sometimes just loves climbing all over us on the couch, examining our faces, hair, mouths, etc. She particularly likes it when I stick my tongue out and then zip it back in dead quick before she reaches it!
She actually LOVES going shopping, like to Asda or wherever. She sits in the trolley and shouts and waves at people and loves all the attention she gets!! I could walk around Asda for hours and she wouldn't get bored!
She loves going to the park and watching all the dogs.
And she loves spending time with other babies/kids. She's fascinated by them!
I'm gonna make her a treasure box soon. Have you heard of them? They sound really good and are apparently a big hit! I need to babyproof my living room (basically just move anything I don't want her messing with which my coffee table is pretty much COVERED in) and then I'll just be able to let her shuffle/cruise about doing what she wants!