I've EBF my DS for the past six months but the closer he gets to 6 months Im getting asked more frequently when am I going to stop. I usually brush it off and say it's working now so I'll see how it goes but tonight I was feeding and my SIL just said he looks so big the breastfeeding doesn't look right anymore!!! WTF (excuse the language)he is still only little. I'm secretly going to try to feed until he is one but Im afraid to tell people because of the comments. The top five stupid reasons I've being advised to stop and give him a bottle are as follows 1, my boobs are lopsided and will get saggier (fair enough maybe I need a trip to m&s ) 2, I could drink more often because I really want to go out on mad sessions and get up hungover with a baby 3, I'll make him needy 4, He will sleep better. He slept through the night from 7 weeks to 19 weeks since then feeds every 3 hours through the night I'm tired but will get over it 5, it's OK when they are small but looks funny when they get older. People have stopped saying he needs a bottle because he is hungry because he has gotten big and chubby but someone did tell me bf babies are always hungry and skinny because breast milk doesn't give them enough nutrition.