Good idea! Def more bd! Good luck xx I hope you catch the eggyI’m cycle 2 ttc #2, first month we were abit more laid back as I was on holiday half of ovulation days. This month I’m hoping to dtd as much as possible ovulation period which starts today!
Great stuff wantingagirl! A positive attitude is def something I could use more of, so I’m going to start changing my mindset to focus on all the good things.
I’m going to be carrying on with the maca. I’m starting Grapefruit juice today as that’s supposed to help with Ov and with ewcm. Also going to start omega 3 from tomorrow. And continue with the q10 and folic.
I’ve started eating healthier as well so hoping that also makes a diff
I'm not sure I have the energy too but we're going to try!I wish I had the energy and patience to do that! After 9 cycles the thought of bd is just meh lol
I think we need to make it fun again.
When will you start bd this cycle and when do you usually ovulate?
It’s def worth a shot , it definitely improves my cm along with the omega 3. I take about 2000mg of omega 3. I’ve decided to not do the maca this cycle as it’s given me horrible symptoms and I haven’t seen an improvement with anything. I will however be doing the soy again for the next two cycles.I’ve still not had my period so it’s frustrating as I’m not pregnant. I defo don’t have a positive attitude at this point but I will once my period is done. My sachets has all my vitamins plus my omega 3. I’m not going to take Maca as my temps have only just started to become more stable which is annoying as it brought forward my ovulation. My sachet has omega 3 in it and I take magnesium. Hubby is going to start q-10 and as of next week will start healthy eating. At this rate hubbys away the day I ovulate unless it’s later than cd16
I get no ewcm I use conceive plus so maybe I should try grapefruit juice?
I’m sorry about your cpCycle 3 TTC#2 for me. Last cycle we actually managed to catch the egg but turned out to be a chemical.
This cycle I was planning to BD every day of fertile period which started yesterday but I just got an early positive on an OPK so we will have O-3, O-1, O, and O+1. Not bad and still on track.
The major thing I’m doing differently is not testing early this month. With the chemical last month it was really stressful staring at squinty lines and I don’t want to do that again.