Actually the figures are a load of poop - statistics showed a 6% more likleyness but they make it sound like it's 50% or something!!
Plus it could be down to a variety of things - such as maybe generally the type of people that breastfeed and don't...
for example, generally as a rule, lower income perants, or people with less support, are more likely to bottlefeed.. and even if those exact children were breastfed, they'd probably still be badly behaved - personally i think it's more of a society thing, and upbringing rather than behaviour - it's just the types of people who are attracted to breast and bottle feeding... i think there's also a different type of closeness when you breastfeed, and you pass your hormones etc..
but tbh, you can have a closeness with bottlefed babies too.. i personally think behaviour is down to perants..
and nobody who bottlefeeds should think they're gunna have a badly behaved child..
well that's my personal opinion..
i know!! i disappeared from the world.. we've had no internet.. but i'm looking to move soon then i'll have it back, but i'm at my mums at the moment, but i'll probably come on more on my phone now it's fixed
Ahh i've missed it here!
yeah she's really good thanks, such a maddam now, can't believe how much she's grown up, how's shaun?