Yes he has always had a thing about stroking tags and sucking on them, the minute he sees a tag he goes straight for it. I hope his eye rolling is just a senseory (sp?) lol thing. Finlay absolutely loves water, he sits on the plug hole so the water doesn't go out out and once I get all the water out he lays at the bottom of the bath shaking his whole body making strange noises, when I pick him up he kicks off.
How much T.V does your LO's watch? I used to let him watch playhouse disney channel which he loves, we have had to wean him off it slowly because when we used to turn it over he used to throw a paddy for like an hour until we eventually gave in and put it back on. We have now got him down to watching it an hour before bed. I thought at first that it was causing his strange behaviour but when I cut him down he was still the same.