Nothing happens if you break it open. I think the reason they say not to, is because if you have to break it open to see a "line", it probably shouldn't be counted as a bfp anyway, because it's most likely an indent, evap, or the antibody strip.
I did exactly this 3 days ago...was 10dpo and took a FRER apart. After it dried I could see a faint but visible PINK line. Even though a thousand sites say NOT to look at if after 10 minutes, I KINDA got my hopes up thinking that since it was actually pink and not gray, that it must mean something. Well I tested again last night with another FRER and it was absolutely blank 100% negative. I behaved and didn't crack this one open and threw it away after 10 minutes so I wouldn't be tempted. If the first pink evap was the start of a BFP, then I probably would have had something on a test 2 days later.
Long story short - WARNING! FRER's can get PINK evaps!
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