What is a realistic normal sperm morphology %?

CFarley - WHO's minimum for morphology, based on "strict" criteria is definitely 4%.

Brillbride - your DH's results are all fine! Morph seems low but well within WHO's normal range

My DH had his sperm retested at the private clinic for the IUI and all we've heard so far is that it's absolutely normal. Should find out more on friday.

A month ago he had high count and motility but morphology was only 8%
Hey Ladies,
I too, am confused with this whole morphology before my partner and I started to TTC we got a SA. His results come back as follows;
Volume: 4ml
Motility: 65%
Sperm concentration: 47 X10*6ml (copied straight from paper and have no idea. is that classed as sperm count? If so, is it good?)
Forward progression: 87%
Morphology: 8%.

So the first month we started to TTC I fell pregnant but at 28 weeks I gave birth to a still born little girl :cry:. Whom the hospital neglected to tell me results of her death until 1 week ago. That being 9 months after I lost her and 9 months of self blame because the cause of death being unknown, well so I thought and was told. :growlmad:

So I found out 10th of this month I was pregnant again but miscarried at 7 weeks on Christmas day :cry: It never really crossed my mind that maybe my partners sperm could have something to do with the viability of the pregnancy? I naturally thought it was us women that would determine how viable it is. My partner is a lot older than me. I'm only 21 and I guess I'm at the stage where I feel like I need to protect myself from enduring anymore heart ache. Do you think it's worth seeing a doctor?

In a way I guess you girls can take some kind of comfort that morphology obviously doesn't matter with my partners only being 8% but do you think that could cause a problem with the vialbilty? :shrug:
CFarley - WHO's minimum for morphology, based on "strict" criteria is definitely 4%.

Brillbride - your DH's results are all fine! Morph seems low but well within WHO's normal range

My DH had his sperm retested at the private clinic for the IUI and all we've heard so far is that it's absolutely normal. Should find out more on friday.

A month ago he had high count and motility but morphology was only 8%

Hey Ladies,
I too, am confused with this whole morphology before my partner and I started to TTC we got a SA. His results come back as follows;
Volume: 4ml
Motility: 65%
Sperm concentration: 47 X10*6ml (copied straight from paper and have no idea. is that classed as sperm count? If so, is it good?)
Forward progression: 87%
Morphology: 8%.

So the first month we started to TTC I fell pregnant but at 28 weeks I gave birth to a still born little girl :cry:. Whom the hospital neglected to tell me results of her death until 1 week ago. That being 9 months after I lost her and 9 months of self blame because the cause of death being unknown, well so I thought and was told. :growlmad:

So I found out 10th of this month I was pregnant again but miscarried at 7 weeks on Christmas day :cry: It never really crossed my mind that maybe my partners sperm could have something to do with the viability of the pregnancy? I naturally thought it was us women that would determine how viable it is. My partner is a lot older than me. I'm only 21 and I guess I'm at the stage where I feel like I need to protect myself from enduring anymore heart ache. Do you think it's worth seeing a doctor?

In a way I guess you girls can take some kind of comfort that morphology obviously doesn't matter with my partners only being 8% but do you think that could cause a problem with the vialbilty? :shrug:

hi girls----i posted my DHs details wrong as i said his count was 147 million but its 58mil so they really are:

motility-- 54% --rapid progressive
sperm count--57 million

mind you--these were done on april/may----i have had 2 mcs and i def think it is the morph....all my tests and Mc tests are all perfect..
getting soo pissed off at this stage as we are 8mths now from 2mc...if i dont concieve this month im starting clomid 50mg even though i ovulate each month---not fair.............

there are so many of us in the same positon with morph at 8%....my FS is dismissing it but i def think it is a problem:dohh:
hi girls----i posted my DHs details wrong as i said his count was 147 million but its 58mil so they really are:

motility-- 54% --rapid progressive
sperm count--57 million

mind you--these were done on april/may----i have had 2 mcs and i def think it is the morph....all my tests and Mc tests are all perfect..
getting soo pissed off at this stage as we are 8mths now from 2mc...if i dont concieve this month im starting clomid 50mg even though i ovulate each month---not fair.............

there are so many of us in the same positon with morph at 8%....my FS is dismissing it but i def think it is a problem:dohh:

It's so distressing. Especially when you want it so bad. Is Clomid an over the counter med?
Clomid boosts our ovulation, yeah? Does that mean we will release more eggs that can also lead to multiple births (not that I care either way. I'd be happy with one any extra would just be a bonus)? Because seeing as we're thinking it might be the Morphology how will the Clomid help? I have no idea about this sort of stuff.
hi girls----i posted my DHs details wrong as i said his count was 147 million but its 58mil so they really are:

motility-- 54% --rapid progressive
sperm count--57 million

mind you--these were done on april/may----i have had 2 mcs and i def think it is the morph....all my tests and Mc tests are all perfect..
getting soo pissed off at this stage as we are 8mths now from 2mc...if i dont concieve this month im starting clomid 50mg even though i ovulate each month---not fair.............

there are so many of us in the same positon with morph at 8%....my FS is dismissing it but i def think it is a problem:dohh:

It's so distressing. Especially when you want it so bad. Is Clomid an over the counter med?
Clomid boosts our ovulation, yeah? Does that mean we will release more eggs that can also lead to multiple births (not that I care either way. I'd be happy with one any extra would just be a bonus)? Because seeing as we're thinking it might be the Morphology how will the Clomid help? I have no idea about this sort of stuff.

hi manda....my FS precribed them once i mentioned it as we havent concieved in 8 months now...so if i am unlucky this month i can start them--just have to pick up the prescription from Gp.....normally i release one egg a month--via one follicle--so i think clomid will develop more follicles--thus more eggs--thus more of a chance!!! it is my next step anyhow...there will be a 10 PC chance of twins...but at this stage i would love that!!!:happydance::happydance:
hi girls----i posted my DHs details wrong as i said his count was 147 million but its 58mil so they really are:

motility-- 54% --rapid progressive
sperm count--57 million

mind you--these were done on april/may----i have had 2 mcs and i def think it is the morph....all my tests and Mc tests are all perfect..
getting soo pissed off at this stage as we are 8mths now from 2mc...if i dont concieve this month im starting clomid 50mg even though i ovulate each month---not fair.............

there are so many of us in the same positon with morph at 8%....my FS is dismissing it but i def think it is a problem:dohh:

It's so distressing. Especially when you want it so bad. Is Clomid an over the counter med?
Clomid boosts our ovulation, yeah? Does that mean we will release more eggs that can also lead to multiple births (not that I care either way. I'd be happy with one any extra would just be a bonus)? Because seeing as we're thinking it might be the Morphology how will the Clomid help? I have no idea about this sort of stuff.

hi manda....my FS precribed them once i mentioned it as we havent concieved in 8 months now...so if i am unlucky this month i can start them--just have to pick up the prescription from Gp.....normally i release one egg a month--via one follicle--so i think clomid will develop more follicles--thus more eggs--thus more of a chance!!! it is my next step anyhow...there will be a 10 PC chance of twins...but at this stage i would love that!!!:happydance::happydance:

Throwing plenty of baby dust your way. I will wait for my first AF after my M/C and I think I'll jump back into TTC. Hopefully 2011 is the year for all of us.
Girls just updating--had a 3rd MC at 7 weeks---MRS lukey......did ICSI work for you then? i see you are 9 weeks now...congrats.....I think maybe ICSI could be our next step..xx
Girls just updating--had a 3rd MC at 7 weeks---MRS lukey......did ICSI work for you then? i see you are 9 weeks now...congrats.....I think maybe ICSI could be our next step..xx

I'm so sorry about your mc. :hugs:

My OH has 4% morphology but the FS was not worried because all his all ranges are above normal...I guess that and the fact we have once conceived is what they are basing things on. However he said in 6 months if we haven't conceived we should think about ivf. It seems even though there is a 'norm' all FS say something different!

I hadn't seen this thread before but I wanted to tell you what both my gp & fs said... morphology has no bearing on the viability of a pregnancy. It is simply the ability of a sperm to penetrate the egg. It will take thousands to do the job and one or more may enter once the outer enzymes of the egg have been broken down enough to allow a sperm to enter. (or something like that!)
My DH has 5% normal forms (no problems with me) and after 2 1/2 years TTC we're being referred for treatment. Currently waiting for the appointment letter from our chosen clinic. It's feeling like a very long wait although it's only been a few weeks! I'm just keen to get a date in my diary! :dohh:
Girls just updating--had a 3rd MC at 7 weeks---MRS lukey......did ICSI work for you then? i see you are 9 weeks now...congrats.....I think maybe ICSI could be our next step..xx

I'm so sorry about your mc. :hugs:

My OH has 4% morphology but the FS was not worried because all his all ranges are above normal...I guess that and the fact we have once conceived is what they are basing things on. However he said in 6 months if we haven't conceived we should think about ivf. It seems even though there is a 'norm' all FS say something different!

I hadn't seen this thread before but I wanted to tell you what both my gp & fs said... morphology has no bearing on the viability of a pregnancy. It is simply the ability of a sperm to penetrate the egg. It will take thousands to do the job and one or more may enter once the outer enzymes of the egg have been broken down enough to allow a sperm to enter. (or something like that!)

Thanks Amanda--yea im in a similar situation, morph poor but everything else seems grand and my tests are fine. We conceived twice naturally and 3rd time was our 1st time using clomid. Would you not be prescibed that as a next step as opposed to IVF? maybe not....

You would think though that if an abnormal sperm did penetrate the egg- there is a strong possibility of problems but maybe I am wrong. I am sure the medical specialists should know more than us so thanks again for the info:hugs: xxxxx

My DH has 5% normal forms (no problems with me) and after 2 1/2 years TTC we're being referred for treatment. Currently waiting for the appointment letter from our chosen clinic. It's feeling like a very long wait although it's only been a few weeks! I'm just keen to get a date in my diary! :dohh:

goood luck Leilia, hope the letter comes and keep us posted..xx
I'm so sorry about your mc. :hugs:

My OH has 4% morphology but the FS was not worried because all his all ranges are above normal...I guess that and the fact we have once conceived is what they are basing things on. However he said in 6 months if we haven't conceived we should think about ivf. It seems even though there is a 'norm' all FS say something different!

I hadn't seen this thread before but I wanted to tell you what both my gp & fs said... morphology has no bearing on the viability of a pregnancy. It is simply the ability of a sperm to penetrate the egg. It will take thousands to do the job and one or more may enter once the outer enzymes of the egg have been broken down enough to allow a sperm to enter. (or something like that!)

Thanks Amanda--yea im in a similar situation, morph poor but everything else seems grand and my tests are fine. We conceived twice naturally and 3rd time was our 1st time using clomid. Would you not be prescibed that as a next step as opposed to IVF? maybe not....

You would think though that if an abnormal sperm did penetrate the egg- there is a strong possibility of problems but maybe I am wrong. I am sure the medical specialists should know more than us so thanks again for the info:hugs: xxxxx

Hi Brillbride, we have been prescribed clomid now for 3 cycles so we will see what happens.

My understanding of the abnormal sperm is it is just their appearance and function to penetrate the egg. The chromosonal/ dna info is the same regardless. Obviously though sometimes when the egg is fertilised there can be chromosomal abnormalities from either or just in the development and these can lead to mc (although there are many reasons for mc, but thats just one exanple) but I'm almost 100% sure it's nothing to do with morphology. (I asked this question too as I wanted to know exacly what it meant!) :hugs:
Hi Amanda--thanks again for the info---I suppose I was hoping that Low morph was the reason I keep miscarrying but its probably something else....Im going for further testing this week so hopefully we can find the answer... I am baffled..... sorry about what happened to baby bethany,,,xxxx

I have no doubt u will conceive very soon on clomid...xx
Hi Amanda--thanks again for the info---I suppose I was hoping that Low morph was the reason I keep miscarrying but its probably something else....Im going for further testing this week so hopefully we can find the answer... I am baffled..... sorry about what happened to baby bethany,,,xxxx

I have no doubt u will conceive very soon on clomid...xx

Thank you. I do hope you get some answers. I always think that's so hard not having answers. We've been trying for a year now and to be told that despite the low morphology they can see no reason we aren't pregnant again is a blessing and curse. From a lot of people I have spoken to regarding repeated miscarriages they seem to have either hormonal problems (insufficient to sustain early pregnancy) or in some cases I know someone who had 6 miscarriages and in her 7th they prescribed asprin and she didn't miscarry. I do hope you find some answers. I am sorry you have had to go through 3 miscarriages. xx
Silly question here ladies, but my DH has to do another SA (coming up to a year after his first two!) as we are still waiting for our bfp. Regarding how long to abstain from sex, the ideal amount of time is 2/3 days right? I'm hoping he can make his deposit in the next few days whilst I'm having my period! We haven't bonked for over a week (both been poorly) and I really don't feel up to it tbh as we have been bonking EOD for ages (it's so tiresome!). So, my question to you is: it's ok for him to have some 'hand relief' :blush: before he does his test a few days later, right? I just don't fancy sex right now, but I don't want dodgy results like the first time (we abstained for over a week thinking it would help build up the :spermy:! :dohh:)
Hi ladies

My partners SA results were
2%abnormal forms
42% Progression

But he did have quite a good count-sorry cant remember the figures right now, we have our first fertility consultant appointment on 26th April, I'm really not sure what they will suggest or how I should interpret these results.

Unfortunately his GP is awful and hasnt made any recomendations other than repeat in 3 months. My gp on the otherhand made the referal straight away as I havnt been on contraception for 4 years now and not even a hint of a BFP.

I have had 21 day bloods, ultrasound scan, swabs etc and all came back fine-i think I may have to do a hsg but does anyone have any idea of what treatment plan may be suggested and how long it likely takes to get actual treatment?

I live in Kent, uk.

Thank you for any help or advice and sorry for such a long post!xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
my dhs morph was 11% which we where told is 'normal' but now im worried because its below the thresholds of whats been listed here. Its such a complex issue :sperm: isnt it?
DH has 7% morphology but everything else was way above average. His count was double what it should have been so FS said its not an issue as it balances itself out. Do you think that makes sense?

I see that most of these posts are old, but my dh is in the same position. He has 7% morphology, but has 80 million count and average-slightly below average motility. My ob-gyn said he was not worried at ALL about the low morphology since he had such a high count. I asked him a few times on the phone...so you're really not concerned and he said no not at all. With this said, I have my dh on a supplement called pycnogenol. It's supposedly really good for morphology. Of course it takes a while to make new sperm (3 months or so) so we got started on that supplement right after the SA, which was last month.

I can't help but be worried with a non-perfect SA. I'm on my 3rd round of clomid because of my low progesterone. Hopefully someday we'll make a baby despite our non-perfect results! :wacko:
Hi Ladies, we had 8 %, 8% and then 4% which got us referred for IUI. When we got to the clinic the fertility specialist said that those numbers werent a problem at all and it was unlikely the cause of us not conceiving. He therefore said it wasnt worth doing IUI as we didnt have a sper issue and that IVF would give us a better chance of finding out wht the issue was.

So 11% or 7% should not be an issue at all. However, sperm samples do vary so I would definitiely ask for a repeat test in a month or so. We had to repeat after 6 weeks but got the same result. We were then told to wait 3 months which is the time it takes to produce new sperm.

Good luck xx
thanks Fluffy! The fc has done another 2 sa's which i dont know the result of yet. The 11 percent was one the dr did back in july last year! Are u doing ivf then fluffy? Do u have a date yet?

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