My husband's done two SAs, and morphology came back the same in both: 16%. OBgyn said 16% was great, way above average. His count came back to 149mil, with 55% motility.
Guys? We've been trying to conceive for thirteen months. My bloods came back all perfect (apart from a progesterone repeat I had to do, which nonetheless came back normal twice afterwards). My FSH was 5, and for a woman in my age (30) I was told this was excellent. I may have mild endo in left ovary (ovary appeared immobile) but was told this wouldn't stop me conceiving (was told to go on waiting list for 14 weeks

, not gonna happen, already booked appointment in private clinic.)
My point?
If your DH is lower on this side or the other,
do not automatically presume it will take you longer. It won't. You may very well succeed any given month. It's all random. It's all chance. Don't lose hope. Look at me. Perfect results, and for 13 months, nothing. Even the ladies with DHs with morphology lower than 4%, you can still fall pregnant naturally. Nature doesn't ask for our permission. It can take ten years, and it can take one more day. Those results don't give me any guarantees. They don't make me any less scared or depressed when the hormones kick in.
Don't lose your hope because of numbers. Nature and luck prevail all.