The entire process usually takes about 2 months total. You start off on birth control pills to regulate your cycle. Depending on where you get it done, a lot of clinics like to use birth control pills to line up the cycles of all of the women who are doing IVF during that just makes it less confusing and easy to schedule everything.
You start out with daily injections to stimulate follicle growth. Your doctor will have you get blood work and an ultrasound every day or every other day for a follicle count and hormone levels. They will adjust your dose up or down depending on how your follicles are reacting. When the follicles are ready, they will put you under anesthesia for the aspiration...some doctors will just do a 'twilight' anesthesia so you can be sort of awake to watch the whole thing on ultrasound. Your DH will also do 'his part' that day as well
Once they have the eggs, they will do ICSI. You will find out that day how many eggs they were able to harvest. In the next few days, they will update you about how everything is progressing...mainly how many fertilized and how many are dividing. When they are ready to put them back into you, they will give you the final verdict about how many viable embryos you have and how many cells they contain. They are also rated about how good of a quality they are. You have control over how many you want to put back in. If they are of good quality, they will probably put back 2. If they are not so great or they don't think they will survive being frozen, they may want to put 3.
During the TWW you will take progesterone. And wait. And wait. And wait.
Just prepare to feel cruddy during the tww....the process will take a lot out of you emotionally and physically. The more follicles you had, the longer it will take everything to regulate.
I'm in the midwest and the prices usually run around $15-$20,000. sometimes if you are lucky, your insurance *may* pick up the cost of some of the bloodwork and ultrasounds, but most doctor's prices are a 'package deal'.