What is your favorite game?

World of warcraft! the best game ever. It's so addictive though.. beware you've been warned.. ;p

LOL Too true! :haha: I've quit the game twice and have told my buddy (good friend that he is) that it's over and I'm not going back for him again. DH and I left WoW for awhile, then some of my guy friends talked me back into it.

Now with a LO on the way, I'm more for games that I can save and pause.

Favorite console game of all time: Chrono Trigger for SNES
Favorite PC game series: Sid Meier's Civilization
WoW but I haven't played it in an age. I reaaaallllly want to, but I've got the wedding coming up so I really shouldn't get back into it until after that or who knows what I'll forget to do.

On my phone I like Angry Birds and Jetpack Joyride.

But I reaaaalllly love Patapon and Loco Roco (at least games 1 and 2 for each. The 3rd game for each series were rubbish).
My favourite games are Final Fantasy 9, Disgaea 3 and Yakuza 2. I'm currently playing Yakuza 4 - anyone else into those?
My favorite games are final fantasy 9, disgaea and my hidden vice pokemon :blush:
My favorite games are final fantasy 9, disgaea and my hidden vice pokemon :blush:

Yay someone with pretty much the same taste in games as me! Have you played the new Disgaea yet?
Pokémon is my hidden vice too, lol, I actually met my husband on a Pokémon message board 9 years ago so I'll always have a fondness for it! :blush:
PS I also love cats too!
Anything Final Fantasy, Dance Central 1&2, Assassin's Creed, Spyro the dragon (old school games only), and the sims. :)
Yay I used to love Spyro on the PS1! That takes me back!
Yay I used to love Spyro on the PS1! That takes me back!

Me too haha! God I miss how awesome Spyro used to be... apparently they're re-releasing it though? Something like that anyway.
They already have bornthiswayxo, it's called Skylanders :) xx
Assassins Creed is my favourite game, then Gears of War probably or FFXIII :)
At the minute it is Batman Arkham City :happydance: I love Batman :cloud9: xx
Used to be big into WOW but got bored of that. Right now not playing much but got Skyrim for Christmas and so far it's pretty amazing.
ATM i have gone back to playing Ocarina of time i FINALLY got a 3ds for my xmas :) <3! and i am gobsmacked at the quality of ocarina of time in 3d,(also enjoying looking for easter eggs !) ahaha i was just playing it like WOW WOW ... oh look wow, haha, (that game was my childhood lol) OH thought it was funny at least, when i'm not playing that i'm still making my way through skyrim!
Assassins Creed is my favourite game, then Gears of War probably or FFXIII :)

High fiving your awesome taste :D

I loved FFXIII and can't wait for the sequel! I also love AC. Enjoyed Revelations, but it wasn't as good as AC II and Brotherhood IMO. Loved the ending though!
No question, it would be Fable for me :)
For me it is a toss up between Final Fantasy VIII (for nostalgia reasons as well as it being an awesome game. It was the first game I ever bought and I loved it) and Final Fantasy X because of its breathtaking graphics and story.

I also love Fable 2, Rome total war and Ben There Dan That which is a point and click adventure game on steam that some friends of mine created.

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