What is your favorite game?

EverQuest 2. I've been playing it since 2004. I met my DH on it in 2007. We love that game!
sims!! I'm a bit annoying they're bringing out 4, I just bought all the stuff for 3 damn it! :growlmad:
sims!! I'm a bit annoying they're bringing out 4, I just bought all the stuff for 3 damn it! :growlmad:

Oh I didn't know that, I like the sims. I had the exact same feeling when they brought on number 3 and I had lots of things for 2
The Sims here too, just pre-ordered the Sims 4 and cannot wait!
I also love Tropico games, city builders bbut so much better than sim city IMO
The Sims here too, just pre-ordered the Sims 4 and cannot wait!
I also love Tropico games, city builders bbut so much better than sim city IMO

I LOVE TROPICO hahaha I have all of them and can't wait for number 5

I really like the Sims, but I never have a powerful enough computer to run it on properly :cry:
The Sims here too, just pre-ordered the Sims 4 and cannot wait!
I also love Tropico games, city builders bbut so much better than sim city IMO

I LOVE TROPICO hahaha I have all of them and can't wait for number 5

I really like the Sims, but I never have a powerful enough computer to run it on properly :cry:

Omg I've never met anyone else who plays Tropico! I'm so excited for number 5!!
My laptop was really slow an made the sims really laggy but OH just bought me a new Alienware laptop and it runs like a dream!
Have you tried Anno 2070? I really like it too, lots of trading and building :)
Shadow Of The Colossus

LOOOOOVE that game! It was such a simple concept yet brilliant at the same time. I loved how epic the music got when you were climbing up one of the colossus to get to their weak points. Not being able to hang on for an infinite amount of time made it interesting too. GREAT game!

Borderlands is my fave video game, with Minecraft coming in at a close second. The writing in it totally is my type of humour... I can't help but laugh every time one of the characters says something off the wall. :haha:
The Sims here too, just pre-ordered the Sims 4 and cannot wait!
I also love Tropico games, city builders bbut so much better than sim city IMO

I LOVE TROPICO hahaha I have all of them and can't wait for number 5

I really like the Sims, but I never have a powerful enough computer to run it on properly :cry:

Omg I've never met anyone else who plays Tropico! I'm so excited for number 5!!
My laptop was really slow an made the sims really laggy but OH just bought me a new Alienware laptop and it runs like a dream!
Have you tried Anno 2070? I really like it too, lots of trading and building :)
I have Anno 2070, but struggles to get into it. It seems like it needs the internet all the time? Any tips on how I can get started? I love city building games. Simcity is an all time favourite.
My all time favourite game is Tex Murphy!! The newest one is coming out (after 15 years!!) early 2014. I'm literally on pins and needles about it! I had/have such a crush on Tex...:haha: Can't wait to play it.

Also love sims, and didn't know there's a 4th coming out!!! Thanx for the headsup. :thumbup: I loved nr 2 the most, nr 3 was a bit dissapointing. But I can't say why? So I didn't get all the expansionpacks (had all of them for nr 1 and 2). I'm hoping that nr 4 is as addictive and nice as nr 2 were! Seasons of nr 2 was my best. Just absolutely loved it!

At the moment, I'm mostly playing Hay Day on iPad. I'm hooked. :blush:
The Sims here too, just pre-ordered the Sims 4 and cannot wait!
I also love Tropico games, city builders bbut so much better than sim city IMO

Whit? You can pre-order already? Woohoo!!

I'm a Sims addict, 2 my fave. So addicted I was even recolouring objects and putting up for other folk to download-funnily enough nurseries,maternity wear & toddler wear-I was baby obsessed in the game too!
I have been a gamer since I was old enough to understand what a game was. So far in my gaming adventures my faves would have to be Final Fantasy series, Zelda series, Pokemon series, Super Mario themed games, and most fantasy based MMO's.

I also like some of the smaller games like Farmville 2, and Bubble witch saga.

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