We are getting maddie christened in june ... hopefully the first sunday of the month at the church next to my mums.
I've asked the god parents and they have accepted
so we are over the moon but the problem i have is this:
My mum and dad are divorced, it doesn't bother my mum, she an her partner are happy and get on with it ... its my dad and his side of the family who have / are being petty and have been since the day they split (nearly 8 years ago ffs)
the plan is that we are going to get maddie christened then all go back to mums for a big BBQ and party ... kids can play and adults can chill and have a laugh ... very informal, music, markee (SP) Bar etc ...
Im inviting my dad and his partner but i i know for a fact they won't come to the after do if it's at my mums but to be perfectly honest ... i don't even think he is gonna come to the church or my aunts and uncles or my nan cause my mum is going.
Yes they really are THAT pathetic ... my dad got maddie beach towles for xmas ffs ...
but what do i do ... invite them and wait to get a slap in the face? or change the venue for afterwards even though they proberbly won't come anyways?? (to church or party?)
If any of my dads lot come to the church anyway i will be surprised, but its still very upsetting ... i just wish they would all fucking grow up!
My dad really would cut his nose off to spite his face and they really won't come so i know im setting myself up for a fall, Do i leave things as i would like them or cause myself more expense for no reason?
My father really is willing to let his daughter and granddaughter down like this and so are the restof that side of the family ... if she was a boy it would all be different ...
I've asked the god parents and they have accepted

My mum and dad are divorced, it doesn't bother my mum, she an her partner are happy and get on with it ... its my dad and his side of the family who have / are being petty and have been since the day they split (nearly 8 years ago ffs)
the plan is that we are going to get maddie christened then all go back to mums for a big BBQ and party ... kids can play and adults can chill and have a laugh ... very informal, music, markee (SP) Bar etc ...
Im inviting my dad and his partner but i i know for a fact they won't come to the after do if it's at my mums but to be perfectly honest ... i don't even think he is gonna come to the church or my aunts and uncles or my nan cause my mum is going.
Yes they really are THAT pathetic ... my dad got maddie beach towles for xmas ffs ...
but what do i do ... invite them and wait to get a slap in the face? or change the venue for afterwards even though they proberbly won't come anyways?? (to church or party?)
If any of my dads lot come to the church anyway i will be surprised, but its still very upsetting ... i just wish they would all fucking grow up!
My dad really would cut his nose off to spite his face and they really won't come so i know im setting myself up for a fall, Do i leave things as i would like them or cause myself more expense for no reason?
My father really is willing to let his daughter and granddaughter down like this and so are the restof that side of the family ... if she was a boy it would all be different ...
