I like the name Oakley, but I would never pick it either, because it is a very, very popular brand of sunglasses here too. It also made me think of my favorite new brand of rum, Bacardi Oakheart, haha!!
However, as new or interesting names go, I like it a lot better than the names where you spell it differently than traditionally, or just add a bunch of x's or y's. I'm not a huge fan of names like Braxxton, Haeley, Mahreyah, etc.
However, as new or interesting names go, I like it a lot better than the names where you spell it differently than traditionally, or just add a bunch of x's or y's. I'm not a huge fan of names like Braxxton, Haeley, Mahreyah, etc.
I fully agree on this one!
I love the names Oliver and Matilda but hubby HATES them both! Also like Sophia and Jacob