Oh exciting!
When I was young I liked to sleep(still do and could sleep all day given the chance) but my older brother was terrible he always came up with a "plan" for christmas morning. He would get up at 5am, sneak to my room with his stocking and wake me up and we would sit and open our stockings. If you got a plug in it it meant you were getting something electric(cos back in those days things never came with them on!)which was hugely exciting.
Then we ate our chocolate from the stocking. After this it was like amilitary operation as he had a plan of attack to bypass the creaky steps and open the livingroom door. Armed with a torch we snuck down and into the living room and rummaged. By this time it was probably about the back of 6am and our mum and dad had been woken up by us chatting away eatting our stockings!!

Then when everyone was awake we got to open wrapped gifts.
But as my brother got older I got to sleep so get up about 10am.
Although one year a few years ago I got dragged out of bed by my brother as my mum wouldnt let him open his presents until I got up, in my defence I had been doing a twilight shift from 8pm xmas eve until 3am xmas morn!
My step brothers dont get to open any gifts(theirs are all wrapped) until they have eaten all their breakfast, they get their breakfast when my stepmum has got up which is at about 8am, so they have been up for hours staring at their gifts, I always feel sorry for them and wait for the year one will choke themselves trying to eat so fast!
Sorry its so long! I just get so excited!!