What time does your baby wake in the morning? 11mth ish


Mummy to a toddler
Feb 7, 2011
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I was wondering what time your baby wakes for the day and what you consider acceptable? Also what time does your baby go to bed?

DD goes to bed arond 7pm (bath at 6.30 and bottle). She then used to wake between 7-7.30am but had one or two night feeds in the middle. We are attempting to reduce her night feeds at the mo and the night before last she woke once for a bottle (90ml) at 1am then woke for the day at 6am (I did try to get her to sleep again but it didnt work). Then this morn she didnt wake for a feed until 5am (yey!) but once I gave her the 90ml bottle she only slept for 10mins then was awake again :( I tried settling her and it didnt work, she did sleep for another half hr (6-6.30am) in bed with me but I didnt sleep.
My problem is, do I push her going back to sleep after the 5am feed (or hopefully later) we have done CC in the past, should I do it then?
I am feeling very tired from waking so early but I expect I would get used to it if it was the norm?
DS usually wakes up around 9:00 - 9:30 am. On occasion he will wake up at 5:00 am and then I get him a bottle of about 6 oz and then he goes back to sleep usually until the 9/9:30 when we get up for the day. Around 10 he has his breakfast. Usually some cereal and fruits then gets another bottle around 11am, 6-8oz and will take a nap till about 12:30 when I have to leave to go to work. If I don't work that day he'll sleep later, maybe till about 2. If he wakes up early from his nap then we'll do lunch which usually consists of 2-3 solid foods then another 6 oz bottle. If he doesn't wake up early he'll get lunch after he wakes up from his nap or when he gets back home with my DH around 2pm. He'll get another bottle or two throughout the evening and then dinner later around 8pm before his bath with 3 solid foods. I'm at work when my DS goes to sleep as I work until 10:30 at night but DH gets him fed, bathed, then he usually gets a 6-8 oz bottle and gets to bed around 9-10pm, sometimes earlier or a little later depending on if he's napped that day or not. Sometimes he'll get another nap in the afternoon, but since he's learned to pull himself up in his crib he tends to fight naps a bit more and it's not that easy to force him. So he'll just hang out in the his crib playing with his toys, standing and cruising around in the crib or he'll get sleepy enough to nap.
wow your LO sounds like a dream sleeper :) my DD only naps for 30mins twice a day :( oh well.
From 4 months DD1 has slept in until around 9-10am. I do not find waking before 0730 acceptable and deem it "the middle of the night!" when I wake her at 8am for nursery!
My little guy wakes anytime between 5.30 to 6.30, sometimes when he wakes at 5.30 I can get him back to sleep until about 6.30/7ish but other times like this morning he was up at 5.30 and couldn't get back to sleep.

I took him into the bed but he never goes back to sleep in our bed, I get up for work at 6.30 anyway so he just gets up with me then.

He is in bed from 7 and I have just accepted the fact that he is an early riser!!

He will have 2 naps during the day for about an hour each and then he is ready for bed at 7, absolutely exhausted come that time.

I just hope by the time the new baby comes along that he is sleeping a little longer, even till 7 would be be just brilliant!!! x
My LO wakes around 8.30-9 am, I would rather lie in of a morning so pleased with the lie in but she dosnt go to bed till 8.30-9 pm so we get less time to ourselves of an evening. Xx
At that age, 430-500 am. Even now she doesn't do much better. What I would do for a 700 wakeup.... Lol
My DD gets up at 9am, she sleeps from 7pm the night before, shes done this since she was 10 weeks old when I moved her to her cot in her own room. Shes 10 months old

I couldn't cope getting up at 5 or 6am everyday! I have to wake her at 8am 3 days a week now im back at work
Lately it's been 5-5:45am, unless she's awake for a really long time in the middle of the night in which case it might get pushed as late as 7am. We have the same issue with the 5am feeding and I can never get her back down after it anymore. I'm not sure what to do about that except to maybe try pushing her bedtime back a bit. I really don't want to be up before 6am!
My LO at 10.5 months old wakes between 6:00am & 7:30am for the day. He goes to bed between 8:00pm & 9:30pm, depending on if he takes a late evening nap (5:00pm-7:00pm). We have no more middle of the night feeds, but he's also changed his nursing from just one side to both sides, so he's taking in a lot more food now before bed than he used to.

(His napping behavior usually involves a 2 hour nap in the morning and 2 1-hour naps in the afternoon, if we're lucky. Some afternoons, he decides to fight all naps and is up all afternoon. :wacko: )

And if he's up before 6:00am (rarely, but around 5:00am sometimes), I do end up feeding him and cuddling him back to sleep for a couple more hours.
Usually between 6:30am and 7am. Sometimes earlier lately, since she's been STTN very well. This works well for us.

I would set an "out of crib" time (for me it's 6am) and not get her up any earlier, treating additional wakings as night wakings. I don't think you necessarily need to do CC, though you could, but I wouldn't get her up that early.
Thank you all for your replies. I am wondering if maybe I should treat any waking after 5.30am as 'morning' waking and therefore offering a full bottle in her room in the hope that maybe she will go back down for a bit. As we have been giving a small bottle then and maybe its just that she is so hungry? This morning when I eventually gave up and brought her down she guzzled another 180ml at 6.30am (after the 90ml at 5am).
I dont really mind bringing her into our bed at that time (sometimes she will go back to sleep for a bit longer) but I really dont sleep well like that anymore :( but at least im resting...very tricky.
We used to bring our LO into our room when he'd do his 5:00 wakings, give him a bottle then he'd sleep again until 9-9:30. Once he starts crawling though it became harder cause I couldn't get back to sleep in fear that I'd fall asleep and he'd be left in the bed able to crawl off of it. So we started giving him the bottle and putting him back in his crib to sleep and it works great. That way we both get more sleep.

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