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What's it like to have a baby with a toddler?


Well-Known Member
Sep 7, 2015
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We are thinking about trying for a second. My daughter is 17 months. She just started sleeping on her own for bedtime/naps (I was rocking her to sleep before) and I'm opening up to the idea of a second child.

I'm nervous about being pregnant with a toddler. She's on the bigger side for her age (almost 30lb). Will I be able to hold/lift her while heavily pregnant? (I had a section with her).

And how do naps and bedtime work with two?!

Sorry if this sounds really silly.
I won't lie to you and say it's easy. It will be exhausting and the first few months will be difficult unless you have some help.

For naptimes it was pretty easy for me as DD1 was in her own room then and DD2 napped in the living room at first and then in my room later on.

Mealtimes were difficult as DD1 was not willing to eat on her own and I was BFF DD2. In the end I stopped BFF because it was just too complicated to manage and it wasn't really fair on DD2 to have her mealtimes disrupted.

I think that towards the end of your pregnancy, you would need to teach your DD a little distance. This needn't be traumatic for her. Just let Daddy or Grandparents take more and more care of her ...going to the park / the shops without Mommy, let Daddy give her the bath and put her down for her nap etc...

I still hold my DD2 if I am sitting down and give her cuddles in bed or on the sofa but I won't pick her up or hold her when I'm standing up. DD2 is disappointed but she does understand.

Your DD will probably be a bit clingy once the baby arrives and maybe regress in behaviour for a few weeks. I accepted it for the first few weeks - DD1 wanted to be treated like the baby and gradually stopped by herself after a while. I found that I had less time to spend on DD2 and it was impossible to do the same things that we did when there was only DD1.

I would also buy a few children's books on pregnancy - it does help to prepare them and help them to understand why you can't pick her up and what will happen the day the baby arrives (that Mommy will go to the hospital, that whoever will come and take care of them and that they can visit etc...).

DD1 pretty much ignored DD2 or viewed her like a pet until DD2 was around 2 and could start interacting with her. Now they are really really close.

FYI DD1 and DD2 have 19 months difference.
My kids are also 19 months apart. The first few months it was really hard work, especially because my DS did not like to be put down for even a second so he lived most of his life in the wrap or ergo carrier. He's not even four months old yet and already things are much easier. Ever since he could focus on toys and reach for them he is much more content to be put down, and he loves to watch his sister playing. He is also a lot sturdier so he doesn't cry or get hurt if his sister accidentally sits on his arm or kicks him in the head. DD dotes on him and is always wanting to hold him, brings him toys, kisses and hugs him when he cries, etc. She hasn't had any jealousy issues or behaviour regressions, doesn't want to be treated like a baby, etc. She has adjusted very well to having a baby in the house.

I had no problems lifting/carrying my DD at any point in my pregnancy, although she is on the small side and not quite 20 lbs yet at 22 months old. Sometimes now she wants to be picked up and I'll tell her I can't right now because I'm holding the baby and she understands for the most part. She is pretty light though so if she is hurt or upset I can pick her up and hold them one in each arm.

Naps can be a bit tricky. When I need to put the baby down for a nap it's the only time I let my DD watch TV. I usually put on Paw Patrol for her and put her in the playroom while I go down the hall to put the baby down for a nap. Sometimes if baby is super fussy and taking more than 5 min to go down then I put him in the Ergo carrier and walk him around the house to get him to fall asleep so I can keep an eye on my DD. If she was older then I wouldn't mind leaving her unsupervised for longer, but she is still pretty young so I need to keep an eye on her. My DD is easy to put down for her nap, I just change her diaper, put her in her sleep sac and dump her in the crib so it only takes a minute or two. I just put baby down in his crib with the mobile playing while I put DD down. Sometimes he screams the whole time but he survives.

Bed time my OH and I typically do together since the baby has come along. I am in charge of baby and he is in charge of toddler. They get their bath and into the pj's, then we read them stories. If the baby is getting fussy then I go into our room and feed him and put him down to bed while OH continues to read to DD. If I am putting them to bed on my own then sometimes story time gets cut short if the baby is fussy or overtired. Again DD is easy to put down, just dump her in the crib and she will go to sleep. She does very occasionally cry and throw a fit in the crib if story time is cut really short, but that's just the way it goes. She usually only cries for a few minutes and then settles down and goes to sleep. I try to time baby's last nap of the day so he isn't too tired during stories, but sometimes (often) things like that just don't go according to plan so DD just has to learn to adapt to having her brother in her world. The baby can take quite a long time to settle at bed time so I can't put him down first and then do bedtime with my DD, so we just do the best we can.

They will eventually be sharing a room, but right now baby is in our room and DD is in her own room. We will keep them separated until baby is sleeping through the night at which point they will go into the same room.
Jessmke, that was super helpful. I am having our second and they will be 19 months apart too. Thank you for such great advice!
My 2 are 22 months apart, and actually it wasn't bad. I was home the day after my son was born (by section) and was able to bath my daughter and put her to bed. It took a little while to get a routine of breastfeeding and sleep but it all fell in to place as I didn't expect much soon.

I pre-made meals and had them in the freezer so it was easy to have a healthy meals for at least hubby and my daughter. I also had quiet and ordinary toy boxes for my daughter to play with dependant on the time of day. I then tried to ensure we have one to one time a few times a day while my son napped. Including her in his changing and sorting his things made her feel included, which also gave us extra bonding time too.

Night time sleep obviously was the last to click but it soon sorted itself. We kept my daughters bed time the same, and I took her to bed leaving my son in the living room (crying or not) hubby was often working so I had to do it myself. I settled my daughter then settled my son and after a few weeks he was going to sleep the same time after a feed while she was having a story. Soon followed him sleeping through till 6 for a quick feed then back down for another while.
Thanks all!

So how was being pregnant while caring for a toddler? Was it hard to carry the toddler around with your bump? And getting them in/out of crib?
I didn't find it difficult, but as a nurse I was had worked til 38 weeks pregnant with my first. You find ways around it, and as your little one is 17 months now she may not be in a crib by the time you have a bigger bump. Even if she is you won't be having to lie her down it will be a case of putting her in standing and her then sitting or lying down herself. Again with other things, your lo will be at least 6 months older and a lot will have changed so you won't be doing the same as you are now. You can encourage them to do a bit more, find new ways to cuddle and get around. It all works x
I'm currently 33 weeks pregnant with a just turned 2 year old and finding it very difficult to do alot of things. I can't pick him up or carry him. Simple things like putting his shoes on and helping him with the potty are alot harder now too.
I guess it depends on how uncomfortable you are, I've had a pretty painful 3rd tri so it might just be me!
There's 23mths between my first two which is an age gap I love!

In regards to the pregnancy I had no issue carrying #1 at any point (I'm 33wks with #3 and still carry my 3 and 5 yo's from time to time). We put #1 in a big boy bed a month before the baby came so he got used to it as the baby needed the cot.

It wasn't always easy but the benefit of having a toddler and a baby is that at least the toddler still napped in the afternoon so mama got some quiet time (I still remember feeling like superwoman the day I got them both napping at the same time!).

With a close age gap they now get on so well it makes me nervous that there will be almost 4yrs between #2 and #3 but you figure out your new routines pretty quickly (you don't have a choice)!
We are thinking about trying for a second. My daughter is 17 months. She just started sleeping on her own for bedtime/naps (I was rocking her to sleep before) and I'm opening up to the idea of a second child.

I'm nervous about being pregnant with a toddler. She's on the bigger side for her age (almost 30lb). Will I be able to hold/lift her while heavily pregnant? (I had a section with her).

And how do naps and bedtime work with two?!

Sorry if this sounds really silly.

Violet was 2 years 4 months when Leo was born. Leo was easy. Violet was more challenging. Besides the fact that I think she's probably more challenging than him in general, it seems like both my kids went through a somewhat needier phase around that age. The transition from 2 to 3 was also a bit of a challenge for Violet. As for picking up your kid while pregnant, it depends on you and what sort of shape you're in. Also, I stopped carrying Violet when I was pregnant. Either my husband carried her or she went into a stroller or she walked. Being pregnant while having a toddler is the easy part as long as your partner does their part of supporting you such as letting you sleep in once in a while. As for naps and bedtime, you will have to re-juggle and if it doesn't work, you'll need to re-juggle it again. You'll find a balance of something that works.. My husband is a stay-at-home dad and I don't remember how he handled nap time when I was gone, but when we were both there, we each took a kid. As for bedtime, again, we each took a kid. Now with the kids at just about 5 and 2 and a half, we alternate who gets which kid each night. They're starting to get to an age where they can get to sleep in the same room without keeping each other up. The biggest challenge of having a toddler and a baby was Violet's emotional and behavioral response to having a baby brother. She could be sweet at times, but also could have physical outbursts aimed at Leo. But now that we're past all that, I'm so glad to be done with the baby stage and have two kids close enough in age that they can enjoy playing together even if they are still at different developmental stages.
My husband is not very helpful and has never done nights or let me sleep in. He's never helped with bedtime so I'm not sure how he would "take a child". He wants another child but only likes the stuff he considers fun.

I'll need to go into it knowing I'll do 95% of the work!
My husband is not very helpful and has never done nights or let me sleep in. He's never helped with bedtime so I'm not sure how he would "take a child". He wants another child but only likes the stuff he considers fun.

I'll need to go into it knowing I'll do 95% of the work!

If he's not going to be a parent, then he shouldn't have a say in whether or not you have another kid. If he can't be an equal partner, then wait until your oldest is more independent such as upper grade school.
My husband is not very helpful and has never done nights or let me sleep in. He's never helped with bedtime so I'm not sure how he would "take a child". He wants another child but only likes the stuff he considers fun.

I'll need to go into it knowing I'll do 95% of the work!

That’s an awful attitude on his behalf. If he wants another kid, he has a responsibility to buy in to all of it, not just the ‘fun’ stuff.

In terms of your earlier questions, I am in the very early days of having a newborn and toddler. We’re muddling through at the moment but we have both parents on board as much as possible.

I didn’t have any issues with picking up or carrying a toddler while pregnant and actually found my third trimester bump was a handy shelf to rest her on.
The early days are very much muddling through. Took us a long time to re-work our bedtime routine and we had to revise it a bunch. Eventually we landed on something that worked.
I'm ttc #2 now too. We started when dd was 18 months and she will be 2 next month. No bfp yet but I wanted to comment on this thread because of your comment that dh only wants the fun parts and others replies. My dh is the same way in that since dd is still breastfed and up/ down all night I handle all those feedings I typically have dd shower with me because our water can't handle 2 separate baths/showers unless they are a few hours a part but dh will come in and finish up while I get dry and clothes on. They also cook together but I am the one who does story time or the park. I don't think there's anything wrong with that but I also know that if I get another baby who is attached to mommy and can't self sooth or sleep through the night nothing dh does will help just like there's not a lot he can do now though dd is getting more attached to dh and cries for him to be in the room which he will willingly do for her.
Anyway I just think men and women see things differently and if your dh is not willing to agree to help more like making dinner some nights or taking your toddler to the park or something I would just wait until closer to 2 or 2.5 to ttc and that's only because I know that's when toilet training happens and that it's going to be on me to do it though dh will help encourage her to go I don't know how much he will do day to day.
I just wanted to say it's not right to judge anyone's relationship and while I know some dad's are super involved the kids personality determines a lot of it and now that dd is talking and more interested in interacting she seeks daddy out more so he's able to do more with her. I am still glad in some ways that it's taking a minute to conceive cause its nerve racking to think about 2
We talked about ttc next month. Although he says he will pitch in more, it's hard not to be a but skeptical.

I don't mind doing most of the work with my daughter, but it's going to be too difficult with 2 to do almost everything.
We talked about ttc next month. Although he says he will pitch in more, it's hard not to be a but skeptical.

I don't mind doing most of the work with my daughter, but it's going to be too difficult with 2 to do almost everything.

I agree. I know its always the goal to get a quick bfp but take your time I'm telling you the next 6 months brings changes that may make things better or harder depending on your kid. At 2 I think it will be easier and funer for dh to do things with dd while I take care of a new baby. I also know from this age on it will be easier to leave her with someone else she knows. No matter what its not gonna be a walk in the park for either of us
I'm going to be honest a baby and toddler is hard (I had a two year old when my youngest was born). And I have a very supportive partner who often took my eldest out to give me a sort of break.

If I didn't have a supportive partner I think it would have broken me.

And my toddler was 'easy' very chilled, not a runner, didn't need picking up and often played on his own.

I don't mean to freak you out but it's worth being prepared!

My two are now very close play together and I don't regret my age gap for a minute!

Good luck with whatever you choose
I am in the middle of doing this! My daughter is 2 year 10 months and my son is 3 weeks old tomorrow. Omg everything is ten times harder the second time round. The pregnancy is so so much harder, figuring out what to do with the toddler while you give birth is hard, the recovery is so so much harder and looking after the baby is harder!
I wish I had done if either earlier before my daughter got so demanding and needed entertaining 24/7 or much later when she was fully potty trained and could do much more for herself.
We are pretty sure this is our last child but if i was to do it again I would now be waiting until my son started school, today was the first day I had time just me and my baby as my daughter had nursery and it felt much more settled and far less chaotic.

Last time I felt pretty much recovered after a week or so this time although I'm feeling mostly ok it's taken 3 weeks and my pelvis is still very painful from spd (I had it in both pregnancies)

I'm sure I will look.back in years to come and be glad that I had this age gap but right now it feels like we didn't time it particularly well lol
Its that sounds rough. I'm hoping to potty train my dd this winter and hoping to be pregnant by this time next year. I just know I'm gonna be 33 so if I'm not pregnant by 34 then we will be one and done but not by choice. I hope things get easier for you.

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