whats the 1 thing that can...


lucky mum of one of each!
Aug 31, 2006
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lift ur spirits wen ur feelin really down??? thot this wud b a nice happy thread 4 wen were feelin down :D:D

ok mine has to b

chocolate.. :oops: :lol:
my children!!
my oh(wen hes no a pain in the ass!!!)
having a night out with friends and letting my hair down

havent done it in a while mind
Nice bottle of Bacardi & soem sex in the city clouched on couch!!!

Tart well you have to come spend new year with me this year or your in trouble :trouble:
Wobble Meister,

Sex In The City!!!!

I didn't know you were so voyeuristic!!!!

Any particular location????

Dont laugh if I write this,what makes me feel lovely and happy is being near trees and water (espeically the lake district) or the sea I feel rejuvenated so is worth a drive to the sea which takes 30 mins

Or my DD saying i love you mummy and kissing me
Playing with my Boxer. She is a real goof ball. That dog can take any worries away using only her eyes. :D
Wobbles™ said:
Nice bottle of Bacardi & soem sex in the city clouched on couch!!!

Tart well you have to come spend new year with me this year or your in trouble :trouble:

i'll try my best mummy!!
Just lately ive been up and down all the time and im usually laying on the bed and my other half will just come lie down and put my arms around him and talk to mereally nicely and kiss me and i feel so much better! I did it yesterday, i was just crying for no reason but he made me stop! :cloud9:
unxepensive version:
my husband and my son together with a nice cup of coffee and some chocolate

expensive version:
my husband and my son together with me on a nice shopping trip.

By the way: my husband prefers the first one :roll:
Hayleys eyes :oops:

oh and something you smoke which isn't tabacco and makes nice cakes, i'll leave that to your imagination!
My little boy Kai he makes me smile always!
OH makes me happy too!
JustG said:
Hayleys eyes :oops:

oh and something you smoke which isn't tabacco and makes nice cakes, i'll leave that to your imagination!

Awww bless you!!

No more cakes for you! You know what happened last time!!

cream cheese?

its not baccy and you can make cheese cake with it!

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