What's the one thing that allowed you to have a natural birth?


Well-Known Member
May 9, 2011
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What was your one saving grace for a natural birth? What allowed you to continue on or gave you some relief when you felt like the pain was too much? Thanks :)
I was hoping to HBAC but had to transfer in the end but managed to VBAC with only gas and air.

I cant say I had a really supportive Hubby or Doula or anything but I was determined to give a vaginal birth my best shot -I suffered a fair bit emotionally after my EMCS last time and really wanted to achieve a birth I could be proud of.

The things that enabled me to carry on no matter what were

*belief that i was not in pain - i really wasn't until I thought my clit was going to tear off as he was crowning, although the experience was very very intense and I was very very tired.
*knowing my rights in and out - super thanks to the ladies here and the yahoo vbac/habc and homebirth email groups.
*greater knowledge than last time about what birth really is about not just the NHS view
*knowing that it would all come to an end, the experience is transitory the journey does have a destination and that I can and would have to cope.

....and less than a week PP after my I can say it was all totally worth it compared to the trauma of a long labour and EMCS.
My ball!! I couldn't have done my laboring without my birthing ball! x
I'd say being empowered with knowledge is probably the number one thing....
Lots of research beforehand that gave me the confidence that my body could do it.
Not knowing i was in labour :rofl:

Sounds silly but closing my eyes and making myself physicaly relax, if i started to tense up my mam told me to drop my shoulders so i knew i had to try and relax a bit more. The more you tense up the more it hurts.
Determination and being "in the moment"

I never let myself think about how long it had been or how much it hurt or how long left to go or anything. I just focussed on the now - getting through one contraction at a time. I just kept thinking "just this one just this one" all the way through tbh lol!

Towards the end when it got really bad I added "youve come this far don't make it all for nothing."

I also relaxed and didn't stress about anything. I think the worst thing you can do is be tense and think negative things like 'i cant do this' or 'if it hurts this much now how will i cope later on' etc. Instead I thought how I was made to be a mother, born to give birth. Our bodies know what to do so trust yours!

If it helps - I managed to labour and deliver without any pain relief at all, it hurt like nothing on this earth but I got through it and I'm so glad and proud I did, the birth is a lovely memory for me. :)
This is really helpful to see how others managed and coped :). Definitely gives me encouragement.
I'll second being in the moment, after being called a failure last time for not dutifully dilated 1cm per hour this time I ignored the clock, I had 2 VE's only and just did not think about how much longer it might be.

I think I only timed maybe 5 contractions after Mum said come on now you might want to call the MW and your husband (he was out watching footie - i knew i was in labour but wanted him out of the house while thing were early on LOL)! By that point they were every 3 and a half mins lasting around 30-60secs. I really hadn't noticed just how regular and long they were as i just took each one as it came shut my eyes and breathed!
Thanks for the replies!

I am wanting a more natural birth this time. Last time I got an epidural at 7cm. My labor was really long, and I had back labor. They put me in bed on my back and I didn't know better to get up. I was unable to move once labor picked up so I just laid there and moaned until I was transitioning and I started cussing for the epi. I've got the ball to bring with me.

Did any of you all listen to music or get in a shower? What about back massages? Counter pressure? I didn't have any peaks to my contractions with my first labor. So there was no 'end' to get through the contraction. I really hope there is a peak and end to catch my breath this time.
I gave my hubby a hot water bottle to press onto my lower back. It didn't really do f* all for the pain towards the end LOL but in the time between contractions it was a nice distraction, and early on it did feel nice AND more importantly it gave hubby something to keep busy with as that was his *job* and it meant he wasn't mithering me, or flustering around. ;)

Music I had none, to be completely honest I don't think I would have noticed if there had even been any, but that's just me.
water. being submerged in water helped A LOT!! cant recommend enough. and breathe. focus on your breath and breathe them away. at one point you will feel like it will never end and you cant do it anymore - that usually means youre amost there :)
True when I was transferred and was put not lithotomy and felt like pushing wasn't getting anywhere I wished they would do ventouse I was nearly there.
I had a heating pad on my stomach for a while, which was nice (all stomach labor, thank goodness!!!)
Once that stopped working, being able to focus and tune everyone else out. i don't remember anything anyone said in the last couple of hours.
My last hour or so was one long contraction, so I needed to be as determined as possible.
Also, pushing helped me. It felt great! I only pushed for 14 minutes though, so that was nice.
Thanks for the replies!

I am wanting a more natural birth this time. Last time I got an epidural at 7cm. My labor was really long, and I had back labor. They put me in bed on my back and I didn't know better to get up. I was unable to move once labor picked up so I just laid there and moaned until I was transitioning and I started cussing for the epi. I've got the ball to bring with me.

Did any of you all listen to music or get in a shower? What about back massages? Counter pressure? I didn't have any peaks to my contractions with my first labor. So there was no 'end' to get through the contraction. I really hope there is a peak and end to catch my breath this time.

I think it depends where you pain is, mine was all in my back so massages and pressure while stood leaning over the bed realy helped. I had music on but i dident realy listen to it.
Really understanding birth physiology. The way the hormones work in labour. It's very simple but once you realise that adrenalin inhibits oxytocin and that getting the birth space oxytocin friendly then you'll be well away!
If you think positively it helPs. Try to reduce negative language when you talk about birth, think surges and feelings rather contrations and pains.

I wouldn't say that the contractions themselves were painful they were the most incredibly intense feeling and physical experience and it really annoyed me that the MW in hospital kept asking if I had a pain! I was inno fit state to ask her to modify her language though.

If you expect pain you'll be tense. Tension leads to fear and then pain. Relax and ride the experience.
If you think positively it helPs. Try to reduce negative language when you talk about birth, think surges and feelings rather contrations and pains.

I wouldn't say that the contractions themselves were painful they were the most incredibly intense feeling and physical experience and it really annoyed me that the MW in hospital kept asking if I had a pain! I was inno fit state to ask her to modify her language though.

If you expect pain you'll be tense. Tension leads to fear and then pain. Relax and ride the experience.

- birth plan :D

- - another thing about water - drink plenty of it and go to the loo plenty. Last thing you need in labour is a dehydrated uterus or a full bladder :)

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