My EMCS was in late September 2015 with our eldest, and I'm now pregnant with our rainbow. She's due in August and I will have a repeat in the beginning of August. They'll be a ten and a half month gap between c sections.
Whilst no-one has completely freaked out on me, or panicked, I'm certainly feeling it being pregnant again so soon. My back is constantly in pain, my bump just went whoosh and popped out overnight and my scar often gets a burning or stinging pain in it. They're keeping an eye on it, but I'll definitely leave a longer age gap next time. My body is exhausted. I'd definitely recommend the 18m to 2 years between births!
Sorry about your loss. In your shoes I certainly would also have started ttc straight away also.
I plan to ttc close to her first birthday, a 7 month wait seems do-able (we were WTT for 5 years before she was born) that will give us over 18 months between deliveries.
Physically I feel great after my c-section, I healed brilliantly and hope to do so next time!