When to see Dr? 3 BFN but 9 days late!


Well-Known Member
Oct 31, 2016
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When do you go in to see the dr? I'm a little worried something might be going on with me. I'll be 9 days late tomorrow and I'm usually quite regular. Three tests so far and all BFN. No symptoms so far other than insomnia but that's probably because I'm stressing out. Should I wait another week or go in sooner?

Update: Now 12 days late, mild cramping and no signs of AF or pregnancy symptoms. Still waiting! Has anyone here had a cyst that caused a late or missed period? I'm wondering if this could be the cause? Definitely NOT normal for me to not get my period. I can't see the Dr. for another 11 days.

Update: Now 17 days late and am having mild cramping again accompanied by gross, brown discharge. I passed a nasty brown bit of goo or a clot or something. I took another hpt 3 days ago and still neg.
Hi, I know exactly how you feel because I'm currently 10 days late myself with all negative tests. I called my obstetrician last week at 5 days late to ask about a blood test because I had complications during my last pregnancy that mean I can't wait too long before finding out, I need to start on medication at around 6-7 weeks. She sent me to my gp for a blood test which came back negative, but I'm going to call her again tomorrow to get some more tests and maybe an ultrasound.

In your case, I think it might be worth going soon to get a blood test and see what they think. They might want you to wait a bit longer but it might at least help you feel better.

Are you charting or using OPKs to know when you ovulated? Because the most common reason for a late period but negative tests is that you ovulated later than normal, therefore your period will be later too. Even people who are normally very regular can sometimes have a cycle where ovulation happens late. I'm almost certain of when I ovulated but if you don't know for sure then you might just need to wait a bit longer and your period will start normally.
Hello, I know how frustrating that could be. After I stopped BC i had 2 short cycles, 2 normal cycles and then suddenly i was starting to be late with all BFN. I went to see my Gynae on my second long cycle and was told I ovulate but very late, but with more current circumstances it looks like I dont Ovulate at all on my own. If you use OPKs and Temp you will know if you ovulated late - because that can happen. Perhaps you should give your docter a call and just confirm, every person is different.
I'm guessing I just ovd later for some weird reason. I'm not tracking my ov as we are not ttc so I don't really know. I just know that the last time I was more than just a day or two late was when I was pregnant! But you ladies are right, I'm sure now that it's just a late period as I'd surely have a positive test at this point.

Palladium- keep us posted on what happens! I'm curious what can cause such a late cycle.

Nita- I was not temp tracking or using an opk but I was curious what my temp was and what it means so I took it yesterday and again today and both said 96.8. I know your temp goes up when pregnant so this is another indication that I'm not but I'm curious why it's so low. I'm usually around a 97.8 or above. I felt warm yesterday though which was also weird.
Hi again. I called my OBs office this morning and her receptionist called me back after speaking to her. She thinks I just need to wait a bit longer. I had my mirena removed just before this cycle started and she thinks that it might have thrown things out of whack. I suppose it's possible, but I'm still fairly sure I ovulated on time. Anyway, she said I should do another urine test next week if things haven't changed by then. I'm a bit crampy now so maybe AF is going to start soon. For now I'm going to stop testing for at least a few days. I just want to know one way or the other!
Palladium- That makes sense with just having your mirena out. I have no idea what could be causing my late period other than maybe I'm just getting older (about to turn 30)? I know what you mean about just wanting to know one way or the other. I really am not ready for baby #2 yet but I could get excited about it if it were so. And if I got AF I'd be super relieved. But the not knowing is killing me. I mean, I guess I know I'm not pregnant (no symptoms and 3 BFN should convince me) but I still want to know what the heck is going on with my body then! I might make a dr. appointment tomorrow just to see. I'm due for a pap smear anyway. 10 days late seems like a long time when you've never been more than a 2 days late before without being pregnant. Everyone keeps telling me that it's probably just a late cycle and they are probably right. But each day crawls by that I don't get my period. I hope you get the answer you are looking for soon! I'm not testing again either as it just makes me mad to keep seeing negatives but no AF. Plus, those tests are not cheap. If they were free I'd probably be obsessively testing every morning. Best of luck to you as you wait!
I know, being in limbo like this is the worst! I have been obsessively testing every morning, sometimes in the evening as well, and sometimes I think for a moment that I can see a line, but it's always nothing. I'd love it if AF started right now honestly, then I could move on to the next cycle. But it's driving me crazy, so I'll take a break from testing, I used my last one this morning so I just won't buy anymore for a few days unless something changes.
I am doing the same thing! I used my last one this morning too even though I said I was going to stop testing and just be patient. lol I can't focus on work at all. I'm useless! I just keep hoping AF comes and each day is so long and agonizing. This whole thing has kind of made we want to try for #2 though! It has pushed me to finally get my health insurance back and consider the idea of trying for a baby some time next spring. I've been super crampy so hoping AF starts soon so I can just move on with my life!

Added: I just made an appointment but the soonest I could get is two weeks from now. I wish I didn't have to wait so long. It's going to be an agonizing two weeks if I don't get AF before then! I was due for a pap smear anyways so it's good thing I made the appointment.
Maybe it's just in my head but I feel like I'm already expanding around the middle, so bloated and big in the tummy area.
Still no AF, I keep getting cramps and thinking it will start soon, but then nothing happens. I didn't expect to be successful first time trying, it took over 2 years to get our DD, and I had to be on metformin for a few months. But I didn't expect to have this bizarre long cycle either. My pants have been getting tight the last couple of weeks, but I have gained weight over the last few months, so it might just be me.

I'd actually welcome some morning sickness right now, just to have an obvious symptom to help stop me thinking I'm just crazy.
Hi again. I called my OBs office this morning and her receptionist called me back after speaking to her. She thinks I just need to wait a bit longer. I had my mirena removed just before this cycle started and she thinks that it might have thrown things out of whack. I suppose it's possible, but I'm still fairly sure I ovulated on time. Anyway, she said I should do another urine test next week if things haven't changed by then. I'm a bit crampy now so maybe AF is going to start soon. For now I'm going to stop testing for at least a few days. I just want to know one way or the other!

Hi Palladium. After I stopped BC i also had very irregular cycles. was also pretty sure I did O and on time but after I went to see my Gynae she also thought I did O just late. I started taking Clomid and did the 21 day test and turns out I dont O on my own anymore. It also cost me a lot of BFN :cry: hope this is not the sitiation with you but something to keep in mind if AF dont show and you keep getting BFN. If your cycle reach 45 days then perhaps you should see your Gynae if you still have BFN. I was given Provera to incude my AF and if AF dont show after provera you are pregnant. Hope this helps.
Thanks, but I am sure I ovulated. I did cycle tracking for over a year and I know my ovulation pain is reliable. I actually think that I've probably got a luteal cyst, it's the most logical explanation for being so late with negative tests. They usually go away on their own, it's just so frustrating waiting! I'll check with my doc next week to see if she'll do an ultrasound to check.
No af here either. 11 days late now. I too am wishing for symptoms to at least tell me something. I cried a little last night talking about it with dh. He's so supportive thankfully but I can tell he really wants there to be a baby. He keeps putting his hand on my stomach which bugs me because I'm not even pregnant!
Thanks, but I am sure I ovulated. I did cycle tracking for over a year and I know my ovulation pain is reliable. I actually think that I've probably got a luteal cyst, it's the most logical explanation for being so late with negative tests. They usually go away on their own, it's just so frustrating waiting! I'll check with my doc next week to see if she'll do an ultrasound to check.

Luteal cyst makes sense. This is what I'm thinking i have. Either that or a thyroid issue.
Palladium: when I got my mirena out, I had one regular 28 day cycle. My second cycle was 52 days!! It very well could be mirena.
Yeah it does seem like it's common to have irregular cycles when just coming off bc. I haven't made any changes to anything so not sure what is causing my issue. I have half a mind to call back Dr to see if they've had any cancellations but I'm sure they'll say to just keep waiting. I'm seriously going insane. I've been super anxious and depressed!
Still waiting for AF, now 13 days late. I've had blue veins appearing on my chest and arms, which I think I had when I was pregnant but I'm pretty sure I also got that sometimes when I wasn't, and they aren't there all the time. Still getting mild cramps at times too. The two week wait is cruel enough without it turning into a 4 week wait!
Blue veins huh? How strange. The two week wait was horrible but this is definitely worse! Yeah I've been thinking I am getting symptoms but I know it's in my head. I don't have any of the major ones so my mind is making stuff up. By six weeks with my son I was puking and my breasts were huge and sore. None of that so I'm certain I'm not pregnant. But I just want to see the Dr and get some tests. I can't believe I have to suffer through another week and a half of this agony. You are going to call back your Dr on Monday right? Talk about a long weekend! Ugh!
Yes, I'll ask them to have her call me so I can talk to her directly. I've got no symptoms and still nothing on tests, but I had a DVT during my last pregnancy so I have to start blood thinners by around 6-7 weeks when I get pregnant again. If I am pregnant now I'll be 6 weeks tomorrow. I think I need to get an ultrasound to see if I'm pregnant or if it's a cyst.

Sorry you have to wait so long before you can see your doc.
Hi! I had Mirena, for 4 years. while on Mirena I did not have a period. After it was removed I had bleeding for about a week. Based off my calendar I thought it coincided with what would've been the start of a new cycle. I started to count a new cycle. I did not check for ovulation just used CM to track. About two weeks later I would have bet the bank that I was pregnant. I had breast tenderness, dizziness, Fatigue, if you name it I had it. Them I started to have light bleeding with mild cramping. Longer story short turned out just to be my cycle early and crazy amount of hormones re-adjusting to life without an IUD. The next month it was little late with no symptoms. After about 60 days everything went back to normal pre-IUD.

I do wish you the best of luck for a BFP. I just wanted to share that post Mirena was more hormonal imbalance than I was prepared for. It played some tricky mind games on me .

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