When to stop bottles?


twin mummy
Nov 26, 2009
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Hey Ladies, only me, hope you are all well?

Just wanted to pick some brains with those that have older preemies and term babies aswell.

Harry is now 16 months old actual, 12 months corrected. He will drink water at lunch and dinnner time out of a normal 'grown up' cup no problems but i think i have made a rod for my own back.

When he was a baby, he would have a bottle and fall asleep still drinking his bottle, normal i know, but he is still doing that now.

He will 'sometimes' out of a sippy cup but he wont fall asleep and will just scream because he is so tired, he wont take a dummy and i cant seem to get him to go to sleep without giving in and giving him a bottle (either water or milk) i know this is bad habit but when he has been screaming for 2 hours, i dont have the energy to fight.

Anyway, my question is when did you all stop all bottles?Have i left it 2 late to take the bottles away and are my dreams of a 10 year who still has a bottle going to happen :nope:

I have tried for the last 3 days now to take out all bottles and its been a nightmare, he hasnt really slept, will drink a bit from a sippy cup but he knows it not the same.

Any help?

Thanks R x
Holly is now 16 months corrected and I still breastfeed her at night or if I am out then my oh gives her a bottle of milk. No plans to change it over the coming months. Might draw the line at 2 if she hasn't self weaned from wanting milk at night.

A few months back we needed to increase her milk intake when she was given infatrini so I put her back on bottles so she would drink higher volumes of milk with her snacks as lunch & dinner she has water. We have only in the past few weeks been able to get the same high volumes through a cup but would have kept her longer on bottles during the day if needed.

If you had asked me 6 months ago my thoughts I would have said I was stopping bottles at 12 months but now I decided not to worry about timeframes.

I think you need to do what makes you and Harry happy. As they get older and have better understanding you can take it away or if needed give it to Santa!
Aww thanks, been thinking for the last few days what an awful parent i am for letting him have bottles still when i see other babies and they dont.
The dietican has taken Harry off his nutriprem and put him on cows milk which he seems to be okay with but he wants more because its not as filling and its making his bowels work overtime. He will start having suppliments put in his food to try and help the weight gain.

Thanks for reassuring me xx
Umm Tyler had a bottle until he was 20 months, AND it sometimes took him 2 bottles of milk before he was asleep :/ we got to a point where we felt that we'd made a huge mistake letting it be his bedtime routine, so at 20 months we put him into a bed, took his bottle away and had milk(cup)/story/bed as his new routine. It did work but we did have a few nights of CIO :( BUT he is the most amazing little boy at bedtime now. I tuck him in, say goodnight and he's gone!
I don't regret letting him have the bottle for so long, he loved it so much bless him. The change of routine was hard but it had to be done. Leo's never fallen asleep on his milk, he goes down in his cot. But if he had, I'd have let him. I do miss sleepy cuddles!!
Alex was around this age when we dropped the final bottle. During the day we managed to replace the rest of the bottles with a Nuby beaker. The only thing she would take. Like you I thought we'd be stuck forever too.

One night i was feeding her to sleep with the bottle when she pushed it away. I took the cue to just leave it and pop her in the cot. Days later I just made sure she drank some milk from her beaker, before bath & bed. So really, she gave it all up in the end.
Andrew's just turned 2 (21m corrected) and he still has his milk in bottles. We have tried what feels like every single cup & style on the market, and he refuses them all. As calorie-intake is still of importance, we feel this is a battle for the future rather than now.
bob, never r u a bad parent, silly woman!!! max was at least 18months (and 2stone) before he gave up his bottle and that was throughout the day, although he was eating 3meals a day would still drink as much milk out of a bottle as a newborn! it then took him a few weeks to give it up altogether and replaced it with a drinking bottle (sports cup) of juice during the night and hes ONLY just gave tht up!! theres nothing wrong with harry still having his bottle xx
Honestly I see bottles on much older kiddies! Don't panic!!!
Sophie still has bottles - one in the morning, one before her lunchtime nap and one at bedtime. It feels as if we've tried every cup that's ever been invented :haha: We finally found one - it's more like a sports bottle thingy though, with Winnie the Pooh on it - in Morrisons for 75p that she loves, and she drinks water from that through the day but at bedtime and for her lunchtime nap, she falls asleep drinking from her bottle. I know that's probably a bad habit to have got into though!

My nephew is 2.5 and it's not all that long since he stopped his bedtime bottle - I think he was maybe around 2 when they stopped it and gave him a cup of milk before his bath and bed. xx
katy, that's interesting - I bought a 75p sports bottle from Morrisons last week but we haven't tried Andrew with it yet ... I'll keep you posted!
Thankss for all your advice ladies :0)

Well, since i wrote the first thread, spent that night no sleeping convinced i was a bad mum blah blah and freaking myself out! i dont know why but hey, what can you do!

I woke up the next morning and thought right! Its time!

During the day, Harry has water out of either his cup or sippy cup, i held my ground and wouldnt let him have a bottle! God he hated me but after about 4 hours screaming, he fell asleep. Now at bedtime, i bath him, put him in bed and give him a bottle which he drinks then goes straight to sleep and last night slept for 9 hours! Hasnt done that in A LONG time!

I know he is still having a bottle at night but i want to take things slowly if that makes sense. Im gonna do this for 1 week then replace the bottle with a non spill juice cup for a week, then after that, i will do his milk, then bath then bed then will do CC! It might sound like its arse about face, but hey, everything about harry is arse about face!!!

I will let you know how i get on, fingers crossed xx
hey don't worry Mckenzie was having 3 bottles of milk before they switched him to Paediasure which the dietitian didn't want him having in bottles but I brought NUK learning cups which have soft spouts this was around 22months. But until 2 days ago he was having cows milk before bed in a tt bottle but now he won't drink any milk before bed but I am offering him it

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