Where will baby sleep?


Well-Known Member
Jan 13, 2013
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I'm just curious to everyone's plans for where baby will sleep. I know in the UK the guidelines currently recommend that baby sleeps in the same room as you for the first six months although it seems that isn't for everyone.

I love the idea of the co sleeper cots that attact to your bed but have the little mesh barriers that keep baby in their own little space. My friend has a co sleeper cot and thinks it's wonderful as her little boy didn't get on with a moses basket.

There are also moses baskets to consider or baby going straight into their own room from birth. Each seem to have their own benefits.

It's hard to know what is the best option so I'd love other peoples thoughts on the matter (but play nicely, I don't want any hair pulling over which is right or wrong :D ) xx
he/she will sleep in the baby room (though i will have either a day bed or futon in there in case i have to sleep there too.

there is no room at all in our bedroom so baby cannot sleep in the room with us. plus, i don't want baby to be crying all through the night with hubby sleeping. poor guy needs to work the next day lol
We have a crib for our bedroom and he will have a cot ready in his bedroom in case he doesn't get on with it. I will have him in the bedroom with us for at least a few months. Xx
I plan to do same as I did last time. Smallish crib but bigger than Moses basket beside my side of the bed for overnight. Baby's full size cot(crib if you are USA/Canada) in the nursery for naps during day with monitor at all times.
That way baby is used to sleeping in their own room sometimes, but in with me for night feeds etc.
Worked well with our son, he moved through to his own room overnight around 7 months I think and he was absolutely fine with it. Fingers crossed works the same this time round.
I do like those co sleeper things, but I already have everything as above, so might as well use what I've got !
They are surprisingly noisy though... With those new mum hormones surging you can hear like a superhero. My son slept like a truffle pig, which was why eventually it was own room time because I was so tired of listening all night to his snorting and snoring!!!
Baby will be in bed with us, big sis has the crib (also in our room, as we live in a one-bedroom apartment).
Depending on how things go, we might end up side-carring the crib to our (queen-size) bed again further down the line, and getting a toddler bed for our daughter.
This baby will sleep with us, just like our others did.
We do have a bassinet in our room and pack n play downstairs for naps & such.
Little bear will be in our room in a crib for a few months, then once I start to get annoyed at waking up to every little sound (my son was a noisy little monkey and couldn't wait to get him in his own room as I kept waking to check on him and then in turn woke him up to make sure he was breathing!!) and when I will be happy for them to go into their own room in the cot...due to having a memory foam mattress we can't co sleep at all this time around (I've read you shouldn't do sleep with memory foam as they get too hot).
Baby will be in a bassinet beside our bed for the first few months and then we'll move him/her to a crib in the baby's room.
We're planning to family bed. DS will be between me and DH until he asks to sleep on his own surface/room (we have another single in the room with us he can sleep in if he's interested and a toddler mattress on the floor of his bedroom in case he decides to go there) and the new lo will be on my other side.
I plan on doing the same as last time, have her in the moses basket in our room. Callum outgrew the basket by 11 weeks so we just had the cot in our room and he went in there till he went into his own room around 8 months old xx
We had moses basket in our room but it was out grown by 8 weeks, we came back from holiday at 10 weeks and put him in a cot in his own room.
We had no space for it in our room, but we also part time bed shared.
This baby has a small crib in our room and will be in with us til it sleeps through and goes to share with ds.
We co-sleep in our bed with my other LOs, though my oldest son (4yo) comes and goes from his own room depending on his mood. I'll sleep in between my 2yo and the new baby. I can't imagine not co-sleeping when I'm up every 2h nursing! :coffee:
I have a nursery and my son has his own bedroom but he is still in my bed, ill have baby in the Moses basket for the first week or so then ill move the cot to the side of my bed with the side off, the plan is for them both to go into their rooms at around 6 months x
Im sure this one will co sleep just like we did with lo. Gives a better night sleep for everyone. We did have a moses basket which my lo hated. We had the cot in our room if i needed to put lo down and naps will just be on me downstairs or swing. Though depends on baby as they all like different things. My little girl is a cuddle monster so thats why she co slept. I went totally with my lo's lead last time
We have a co sleeping cot, it doesn't attach the rail just comes off and it is pushed up against our bed, great for BF so you can just pick them up and pop them down without getting out of bed, I don't like feeding lying down but we do sometimes bed share when hubby is away as he is working away a lot ATM. Neither boys liked their Moses basket.

He will be in our room 4 months minimum, the highest risk for SIDS is 3-4 months, we did the same with DS1 (5 months). But if he is feeding much less frequently I will be tempted to move him out sooner than the 6 months again, but if he is still feeding frequently then he may as well stay in with us. I am happy we are low risk enough in every other aspect such as BF, no smoking, due week baby etc. But I will see how we are doing at the time.
We'll have her in a moses basket next to the bed however her cot is set up in the nursery as well just in case.
We'll be putting a bassinet in our room for the first few months. Then when the baby is sleeping for 4 hours stretches (or so) at night, we'll put him or her in the nursery. It just doesn't make sense for me to wake up 3 or more times a night, walk down the hall, and nurse when we could just keep baby in the same room.

DH can sleep through anything usually, but if it's a problem, he's already said he doesn't mind if he has to sleep on the couch or a blow up mattress a couple times a week so he isn't a zombie at work.
In our bed. I may move the cot into our bed and 3side it too our bed, however what I found with DD was even though we had a cot right next to our bed 3sided she still wanted to sleep right next to me, in constant physical contact and preferably with a boobie in her mouth. .... but we are limited on space so chances are baby will just be in our bed.

Moses basket will be downstairs for day time naps...possibly being a little optimistic there. If cot isn't in our room it will be in the nursery ready for naps if baby needs a quieter area and in the hope that some point between 3 and 6 months baby will start to go to sleep around 7 and give us a bit of an evening and grown up time before coming into the family bed at grown up bedtime for the first night feed and just staying there.

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