Which is worse: Episiotomy recovery or C section recovery?


Well-Known Member
Dec 2, 2011
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I have had two babies, 1st one was 36 hour labour, 3 hours pushing, epidural, episiotomy, forceps delivery because I was progressing SO slow and my cervix didnt dialtae properlyand then had an anterior lip where the baby got stuck.
500ml blood loss from cut.

Horrible episiotomy recovery, infection and popped stitches, back in hospital on a drip after 6 days.

Second time 7 hour labour and no epidural, but sure enough the anterior lip was back and baby was stuck, fetal distress, nearly had emergency C sec but had no epidural in so they ventoused the baby (see photo) and gave me an episiotomy. 450ml blood loss.

No infection but popped stitches that had to get fixed a week later.

Anyway, I'm pregnant with twins :oneofeach: and am WORRIED about natural birth! My main concern is things going wrong and the anterior lip making the 1st baby stuck, and the second baby going into distress resulting in emergency C section (which I heard is worse to recover from than elective).

I am told both babies will be around the mid 7lbs each. (history of big babies)! My midwife wants me to have a natural birth.

I'm just wondering what the recovery is like after a C section, all I know is episiotomy recovery.

What would you do if you were in my situation?


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Holy crap in a handbasket your poor baby! I'm so sorry that happened!

And episiotomy stitches ripping yikes!

I have no experience with a natural birth (I was induced at 41 weeks, 23 hours of labor, 3 hours of pushing, 2 epidurals, he was sunny side up, and I begged for a c-sec) and all I can tell you is I was positively euphoric after having chosen a c-sec. I wish I would've done it from the beginning. Yes, recovery hurt, mostly in my head though. I was given a pain pill every four hours with ibuprofen every other 4 hours. Worst pain for me was when I sneezed about a week or two after the surgery - it was like a burning sensation with the nerves growing back.

Having said all that, I still am not sure if I will try for a VBAC or just get another c-sec. My first appt is Friday, so I'll know more then. I actually haven't heard of a twin birth vaginally, mostly because one of them is breech. Good luck with whatever you decide!
Holy crap in a handbasket your poor baby! I'm so sorry that happened!

And episiotomy stitches ripping yikes!

I have no experience with a natural birth (I was induced at 41 weeks, 23 hours of labor, 3 hours of pushing, 2 epidurals, he was sunny side up, and I begged for a c-sec) and all I can tell you is I was positively euphoric after having chosen a c-sec. I wish I would've done it from the beginning. Yes, recovery hurt, mostly in my head though. I was given a pain pill every four hours with ibuprofen every other 4 hours. Worst pain for me was when I sneezed about a week or two after the surgery - it was like a burning sensation with the nerves growing back.

Having said all that, I still am not sure if I will try for a VBAC or just get another c-sec. My first appt is Friday, so I'll know more then. I actually haven't heard of a twin birth vaginally, mostly because one of them is breech. Good luck with whatever you decide!

Wow you had a rough time! Its hard the old hindsight thing isn't it... But you never would have known if you didnt try!

Episiotomy recovery was nasty cos you have to sit on it every few hours to breastfeed, all the blood rushes to that area... Plus constipation doesnt help the issue plus the wee getting on the cut stings!!! I cant imagine that C sec would be much worse, and I wont have to go thru labour, two births and potential damge to babies!!!

There's a lady on here that had twins at home in the dining room in a pool, and both were breech!! Legend!
That is absolutely crazy. I saw a birthing show on tv once (can't remember what it was) and the lady delivered twins (she thought she had one) in the bathtub and both were footling breech. Insanity! So proud of those women!

I'm thinking I may end up going with the elective c-sec just to put the worry of a VBAC out of my mind. But if my water breaks early, it's game on and I may go for it!
Blimey no my c section recovery doesn't sound anywhere near as bad as that! Constipation is generally an issue for us ladies too though due to the meds and it's definately not a walk in the park but given your previous I'd go for c section.
My 1st birth was a forceps delivery and I had lots of stiches which was awful but Id take them every time over a C-section if Im being honest with you as my 2nd was a section as will this birth... but having said that you need to do whats best for you and your babies x
Congratulations on your :oneofeach:

I only have experience of an emcs so I have no idea what episiotomy scars are like to recover from. C sections are not easy to recover from obviously and there is still the risk of blood loss (I lost 700ml+).


If I was in your situation I'd beg for a c section as that's all I know! Especially with your past experiences (which sound very painful) and your scarring. But you know your body and you know what you can cope with. You have experienced an episiotomy, would you go through it again? You have to do what is safest for you and your babes.

Good luck :hugs:
Hi with my son I was in labour for two days, we had forceps and eventually a ventouse delivery I had nearly 40 stitches inside and out as I tore and then they tore me !

It was awful and to be honest it was the trauma of that that made me want a CSection with my daughter some 8 years later. Laura's CSection was wonderful, I was up and about within 3 days and driving within 2 weeks (i know not advised). I had to have another CSection with Ollie due to my blood clotting disorder and again that was fine, no problems at all.

With my episiotimy I lost loads of blood ended up having a blood transfusion and didnt have much feeling down there for about 5 years. It was awful and something I would never ever do again !

C Section wins hands down for me xx
As mentioned in another thread, I will be opting for a c-section for future births due to a traumatic birth with my son and have discussed this with my Doctor.

I had a episiotimy and forceps, I too had problems with a 'lip' which prevented progress. I had a large blood loss, I dont know how many stitches but it took over an hour to stitch me back!
They damaged my coccyx and still have pain now. I will never forget them going in and turning AJ as he was back to back and they needed him out asap.
I was told I had lost my baby :cry: 3 times even with careful monitoring and a monitor on his head!!
I've had a section and 2 vaginal births but never an episiotomy. I have however seen several performed when I did midwifery training and I have to say that very little makes me cringe as much as an episiotomy!

I think in terms of recovery, a lot depends on the skill of whoever performed the procedure. C section is probably a worse recovery for most than episiotomy, but if you are unlucky enough to get a bad episiotomy then c section recovery may be easier!!
i had the same experience with episiotomy and vontuse (whatever spelling is right)my baby had big scar was in pain i was in pain too.f*@#% that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!im 34+ im going for c-section this time.
i bet recovery after c/s cannot be much worse that recovery i had after episiotomy
i bet recovery after c/s cannot be much worse that recovery i had after episiotomy

Agreed, not that I have had one or plan to but my mother had one with me and it got infected, she had forceps too, and although she could not feel a thing because of the epidural and pethadine combined stopping her feeling the forceps or cut but she was in so much pain afterward, I was not able to be fed for two weeks via the breast as mum was in too much pain and mentally stressed, she had bad PTSD from the delivery and begged for a C-section but it was the 80s so they just laughed.

My mother had two natural births after me and although the labours were quick it took her a month to recover from each because she had such bad piles and tearing. She still insists she should have had a C-section

After having her gall bladder removed and surgery on her stomach and bowel she said the recovery was much easier than that of the birth with me so yeah I would say a C section would be much easier to recover from that a BAD vaginal birth with episiotomy and forceps etc:cry:
I have told my mother and mother in law that I plan on getting C section, both of them are old school and had 8 and 4 natural normal births and think Im being dramatic. But its not them going thru awful births and cut vaginas, and its not their babies with bleeding heads.

Cant please every one. Dreading telling my MW Im planning a C section! She's all for a natural, despite my last two experiences.
I was induced at 38 weeks as a result of a medical condition, baby was back to back and got stuck so they tried the forceps and ventose, then I ended up with an emergency c-section. Because I couldn't feel anything for a while, I was convinced that they'd done an episiotomy as well as my c-section! Fortunately (and I've not had the chance to ask why) they didn't so I've just had the c-section to recover from.

I have no hesitation in opting for another c-section if the time comes, medical condition or not, natural birth is simply not going to happen to me. I've also heard some (extreme) horror stories about the damage "natural" birth can do, which has just reinforced this. I truly think that c-sections should be available on the NHS to those who choose them.
I had an emsc with my lo, I was induced at 42weeks (had a sweep at 41 weeks, the little monkey didn't want to come), and couldn't get passed 6cm, I had old and new meconium in my waters and fetal distress, I also tested positive for strep b but didn't find out until after my section My lo was in neonatal for a few days due to wet lung. I was up and about within hours of my c section visiting my lo.

I'm expecting baby number 2 and theres no shadow of a doubt about delivery, I'm having an elective c-section. I'm not bothered about me, I just want my baby here safely and the safest way for me is section.

I know you'll make the right decision for you and your babies but if it was me it'd be c-section all the way given your history.

I'd also be thinking why does your midwife want you to have a natural delivery? Is it because she'll get paid more? (not sure where you live, and I know in America you have to pay for your treatment?

I had emcs and recovery was very painful..it still is actually but you sound like you had a horrid recovery and oh my your poor baby. But my staples came out at a week and i have steristrips all across it glued on now. It is very painful to walk and sit up and move for about a week and a half and you have to haave help doing almost anything. I was constipated for 5 days and my first poo hurt all my insides good luck in your decision making
I had an emsc with my lo, I was induced at 42weeks (had a sweep at 41 weeks, the little monkey didn't want to come), and couldn't get passed 6cm, I had old and new meconium in my waters and fetal distress, I also tested positive for strep b but didn't find out until after my section My lo was in neonatal for a few days due to wet lung. I was up and about within hours of my c section visiting my lo.

I'm expecting baby number 2 and theres no shadow of a doubt about delivery, I'm having an elective c-section. I'm not bothered about me, I just want my baby here safely and the safest way for me is section.

I know you'll make the right decision for you and your babies but if it was me it'd be c-section all the way given your history.

I'd also be thinking why does your midwife want you to have a natural delivery? Is it because she'll get paid more? (not sure where you live, and I know in America you have to pay for your treatment?


Over in NZ we dont have to pay for anything, its all covered no matter what birth we choose. I also get obstetrician visits from 20 weeks free too. Scans are $30 for 12 week nuchal and 20 week anatomy, but after that things like growth scans at the hospital are all free. BUT my MW gets more money if I go naturally and she is one of those types that have been doing it sooo long, is also a registered nurse, and has won awards etc and is very sought after and has great confidence in her abililty to deliver natural babies. She isnt one for unneccesary intervention. But Ill have a chat to her, the decision might be made for me if they are breech!
i bet recovery after c/s cannot be much worse that recovery i had after episiotomy

Agreed, not that I have had one or plan to but my mother had one with me and it got infected, she had forceps too, and although she could not feel a thing because of the epidural and pethadine combined stopping her feeling the forceps or cut but she was in so much pain afterward, I was not able to be fed for two weeks via the breast as mum was in too much pain and mentally stressed, she had bad PTSD from the delivery and begged for a C-section but it was the 80s so they just laughed.

My mother had two natural births after me and although the labours were quick it took her a month to recover from each because she had such bad piles and tearing. She still insists she should have had a C-section

After having her gall bladder removed and surgery on her stomach and bowel she said the recovery was much easier than that of the birth with me so yeah I would say a C section would be much easier to recover from that a BAD vaginal birth with episiotomy and forceps etc:cry:

let me tell you darling my full story about my episiotomy and why i have booked myself for elective c/s with my second child.with my first 1 i was in labour for 46 h i had epidural and in the end i almost lost my son coz he stuck in birth canal they perform forceps and vacuum and fucked up my hips for life as i was suffering on spd they cut me and i tear and that was when my epidural was wearing of so basically i felt everything and later at home stitches broke and i had to go bk to the hospital to repair also i had massive painful piles which still bothering me everytime i cough or bend over they popping out of my b...(sorry to much info)that was worst nightmare my son came out not breathing they had to do CPR on him for over 5 minutes(the longest 5 minutes in my life) has big scar on his head and he is 11 months old when he was pulled out we was so stressed out crying for week didnt want to eat being on pain relief since the minute he was born thats not fair on him.so im pregnant again now and this baby gonna be bigger than my son and the way i feel about vbac doesnt make me wimp im just scared and i dont want to go through this once again.thats what i said to my consultant and based on my past delivery he agreed on elective i know that recovery will be hard and i will have newborn and one year old boy to look after but recovery i had after vaginal was very hard and painful as well so im assuming it cant be much worse.good luck whatever you decide.:hugs:
i bet recovery after c/s cannot be much worse that recovery i had after episiotomy

Agreed, not that I have had one or plan to but my mother had one with me and it got infected, she had forceps too, and although she could not feel a thing because of the epidural and pethadine combined stopping her feeling the forceps or cut but she was in so much pain afterward, I was not able to be fed for two weeks via the breast as mum was in too much pain and mentally stressed, she had bad PTSD from the delivery and begged for a C-section but it was the 80s so they just laughed.

My mother had two natural births after me and although the labours were quick it took her a month to recover from each because she had such bad piles and tearing. She still insists she should have had a C-section

After having her gall bladder removed and surgery on her stomach and bowel she said the recovery was much easier than that of the birth with me so yeah I would say a C section would be much easier to recover from that a BAD vaginal birth with episiotomy and forceps etc:cry:

let me tell you darling my full story about my episiotomy and why i have booked myself for elective c/s with my second child.with my first 1 i was in labour for 46 h i had epidural and in the end i almost lost my son coz he stuck in birth canal they perform forceps and vacuum and fucked up my hips for life as i was suffering on spd they cut me and i tear and that was when my epidural was wearing of so basically i felt everything and later at home stitches broke and i had to go bk to the hospital to repair also i had massive painful piles which still bothering me everytime i cough or bend over they popping out of my b...(sorry to much info)that was worst nightmare my son came out not breathing they had to do CPR on him for over 5 minutes(the longest 5 minutes in my life) has big scar on his head and he is 11 months old when he was pulled out we was so stressed out crying for week didnt want to eat being on pain relief since the minute he was born thats not fair on him.so im pregnant again now and this baby gonna be bigger than my son and the way i feel about vbac doesnt make me wimp im just scared and i dont want to go through this once again.thats what i said to my consultant and based on my past delivery he agreed on elective i know that recovery will be hard and i will have newborn and one year old boy to look after but recovery i had after vaginal was very hard and painful as well so im assuming it cant be much worse.good luck whatever you decide.:hugs:

OMG that sounds awful!!!! Fair enough wanting a C section. How big was your DS?

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