Who had a back to back labour?


Well-Known Member
Jun 22, 2012
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And what was it like for you?

I didn't know my baby was back to back until it was all over. I thought I was a total wuss because it hurt so much (it was like a continuous contraction without a break). I asked for an epidural when I was about 7 cm dilated. MW said I was quite good to have lasted that long, and I thought she was taking the piss because I was being a wuss. I narrowly escaped a ventouse delivery - seeing the suction cup being prepped made me push even harder.
Ridiculously long. Hard. And had an epidural after they induced me because my water broke. Still not sure if it was the pit or the fact she was back to back or both that made me need the epi. We didn't know she was birthed sunny side up until my husband saw the birth of our boy and said she didn't come out that way lol no one told us she was in the wrong position we just figured it out by comparison lol
I had one, and I can't even explain the pain! It's like nothing I could ever imagine! I was such a wuss too. I was actually on all fours screaming and crying! I was in labour for 37 hours, pushed for an hour and a half and ended up in an emergency c section! Just overall the worst experience! Everyone says you forget the pain but this is a pain I will not forget in a hurry! Xxx
My DS was, but at the last minute (9cm) he flipped the right way and shot out! Well, not shot out, but you know what I mean...lol. I had a nurse and DH pushing on my back/top of hips with each contraction as I rocked on all fours. The pressure was insane!
Had back labor for over 36 hours! Finally took the epi at 7cm as well - I couldnt sit, stand, lay down or even on hands and knees to try and turn her. The nurses (all 6 nursing changes!) we're impressed that I lasted as long as I did.
It was awful! I was in absolute agony. I was back to back for about 15 hours. The gas and air didn't help one bit, first epidural failed and I was leaking spinal fluid, second epidural wore off and Thomas got stuck so I had to have a forceps delivery and an epesiotomy which I felt them do, I'm glad the forceps worked though as they were getting everything ready to take me for an emergency c section. I also fractured my coccyx. I don't think I'll be having any more :/
me! It lasted 41 hours. I don't even know if he turned before he came out! It's like some sort of hallucination type blur. I had been unable to keep food down or sleep for two day prior to going into labour, and when I first went to the hospital I wasn't even dilated at all but was having contractions every 7 minutes on the dot and they were agony, so I had a night at home with a few paracetamol and no sleep
I said to OH 'If you saw a dog in this condition, you'd put it down'
At the hospital, they had me walk around the grounds for an hour, three times, to try and move him down. I remember it was raining and I threw up a lot over walls etc.
I had gas and air, but nothing heavy. I was well prepared to have everything going, even before I knew he was back to back, but somehow I didn't need it. The pushing stage went on for hours. The doctors ended up n ready to assist, all gowned up, but like OP, I kinda went 'GRRRRRR' and got him out at that point!
I hope to god this one is going to be the right way!
I did, I never got any pains at all in my front. It was all in my lower back. I had an induction and then an epidural after about 6 hours of it when I was about 5cm I think. The epidural only worked for about 5 hours and then the next, I don't know, about 12 hours I was in agony but couldn't move because the epidural was still in position. I didn't fully dilate and I was in sooooo much pain (much like anyone else that's ever given birth I imagine lol...hope no one thinks I'm trying to say because it was in my back it was worse for me because I'm sure when you're in labour you're not comparing your own pain to someone elses!) and then I had an EMCS due to failure to progress.

Before labour I actually thought to myself that I would rather have contractions in my back than my tummy...don't know what on earth gave me that stupid idea, pain's pain wherever you feel it!! x
My first was... Took hours was awful he finally turned when he was coming out! Third was to start with but turned late into labour pain was still all centred around my spine.. Horrible! Ha a late epidural with first and just gas and air with third. Second was a good boy and stayed the right way ;) x
I did, and also never got any pain in my stomach at all. Is it weird that I enjoyed the pain. Went to the hospital and was just over 5cm at 4pm. Sat around for 1.5hrs then started the gas and air. She was still back to back at delivery. Had to have an episiotomy at delivery and got diamorphine just after 7pm. She was born at 00.28 and first contraction was about 11am so tbh it wasnt too horrific x
I had back to back. Had pethadine at 3cm cause it hurt like hell. When got to delivery I had gas and air and that stuff was a god send. Started pushing and after an hour they told me baby was back to back so is have to push harder! But after 3 hours of pushing I was done in and ended up with forceps :(
My first was. 50 hrs long (36 from waters going) and oh my god the pain. Ended up emergency forceps in theatre. Back to back, face up and stuck! My second was 3 hrs from waters going. I was so scared it'd happen again!
Yep 43 hour labour here, back to back. Unimaginable pain, contractions that don't give you a break. I ended in an emcs too after failing to progress. Only ever made it to 6cm and that was with a syntocinon drip to force me to dilate from 2cm where I was stuck at for hours and hours. Overall not a pleasant experience but amazing and beautiful baby at the end of it!
My LO was kind of in the corner, haha, he was partially occiput transverse partially occiput posterior - so nearly back to back but not fully. I was induced at 9 days overdue and it was completely unsuccessful and ended up in a c-section. Like others have said I didn't feel any pain in my stomach at all, I felt absolutely nothing there whatsoever, it was so weird and absolutely not what I was expecting of labour. It was all in my lower back and kind of inside my pelvis at the back. I also had contractions coming on top of each other and no break. The most painful thing I'd ever felt. I also ended up with a epidural, but I was only 2cm when I got it (after 4 hours of induction) and I only got to 3.5cm after 15 hours... Other complications ensued and we ended up in the theatre.

God I'm hoping when we have our second that it goes in a more normal fashion!
Awful awful awful. I had a ridiculously long labour, caved and asked for an epidural at 6cm and it failed so I ended up using just gas and air. The contractions were horrific as they were just constant and a huge pressure - I wanted to push from about 7cm.

The actual pushing only took 10 minutes thankfully but the actual labour was well over 24 hours.
I did. Absolutely awful. Although he wasn't back to back for long, he flipped somewhere after I had the epidural. Then he got stuck and resulted in an emergency c section.
Me! 14 hours of agony, I described to my dh has having spinal surgery every 50secs.
I did it with no pain relief, but once I got to 10cm him being back to back got him stuck, so for five hours (from dilated fully to him coming out) I cried my eyes out lol! Actually bawled, never known pain like it!
Oh I did use gas and air, but it did sweet fa, except give me something to hold and count down the contraction with :)
Both my labours were back to back.
First was 18 hours. Pains were awful, all in back. Had epidural and after pushing and pushing but baby just not budging I ended in theatre having spinal in case they needed to do emcs, managed to give birth with aid of forceps.
Second was much more positive experience for me. No epidural, I delivered him with a few puffs of gas and air It was a much quicker labour.
Seems more common than I thought.

We went in at 3cm and they said we could stay in as I've been in slow labour for 2 days and had been in once. I was put on a drip as my blood pressure was high and started off with gas and air. They checked me 4 hours later and I had got to 4cm at this point my contractions felt bad so I had an epidural as I hadn't really slept for about 3 days and was shattered. The first epidural didn't take so they gave me a spinal but that wore off pretty quick. So hours passed and they checked again and I was 5cm but it had taken me 12 hours to get from 4 to 5 so ended up with emergency csection. I was devastated but knew it has to be done.
Absolutely bloody awful!

My second was back to back and labour stalled, they put me on a pitocin drip to ramp up the contractions and my God it was hell. Broke down about 12 hours in and asked for diamorphine which made me sleepy more than anything but took the edge off slightly. I was actually shocked to get him out on my own without assistance.

My first was a home water birth and the difference was huge. Having experienced natural, correct position contractions, artificially induced back to back ones were like being tortured.

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