Who had a back to back labour?

First baby I had back to back and ended up in c section. Was painful. But with next two they where painful. In fact my last birth wasnt back to back and contractions where on top of each other and constant. But few hours they where all out. Glad I had doula last time.
It was horribly painful but it was still easier than my normal back-to-back Pitocin labour. I did it without any medication, whereas Pitocin had me screaming for the epi by 4cm.
Emilia was back to back. Managed to get to 10cm and 1 hours pushing on G&A, then had to have a spinal as she was showing signs of distress and i was rushed through. Had episiotomy, forceps and ventouse. She has a scar on her head from the ventouse.

was only in labour 12 hours as they used a drip to speed me up. my mum thinks thats why I had trouble birthing her.
Logan was back to back, i went to the hospital at 3am with contractions and was only 1cm so got sent home,just over 6 hours later my waters broke and i nearly gave birth in my living room, arrived at the hospital at 10am by ambulance, was 10cm with head coming down when they examined me and i gave birth at 11:03am with just gas and air :thumbup:
Both of mine were back to back, both great labours :).
DS was 6 hours start to finish. Was induced, didn't seem to do anything. Then at midnight I got pains, got checked after a while and was 3cm. Stood and walked/rocked and got to 6cm in another 45 minutes. Walked to L&D and was 7cm (about 15 minutes later). Then had to lie on my back for constant monitoring due to meconium in my waters and DS's heart rate. Things slowed down and pushing took a couple of hours, but that was probably due to being on my back and DS's large size. I had gas and air from 7cm until the start of pushing.

DD I got to hospital at 8cm, got in the birthing pool and that really helped with the back contractions. I got gas and air then too. Pushed her out in 14 minutes :). She turned sideways as I was pushing and the contractions were in my hip, that hurt like heck! But it was still fine.
Had mild contractions from the Friday afternoon, went in at 9pm on the Saturday night, was 3cm and back to back, was told it was gonna be really long (the pain was HORRIFIC) went into the water at 10pm, still on just gas and air, said to OH at 11pm "eh I need to push!" And Iona was born at 25 past midnight... Still on the gas and air! I dunno when she turned but she did quickly! I had a 2nd degree tear but other than that a very smooth 3 hour labour! Xx
I did! Emilys head and body was too big and when she was born via emergency c section i was told id never of been able to push her out...
I did! Emilys head and body was too big and when she was born via emergency c section i was told id never of been able to push her out...


My section was emergency due to non progression, I got to 9cm then went back to 6cm but the surgeon said with her size and position I wouldn't have been able to push her out.

I did! Emilys head and body was too big and when she was born via emergency c section i was told id never of been able to push her out...


My section was emergency due to non progression, I got to 9cm then went back to 6cm but the surgeon said with her size and position I wouldn't have been able to push her out.


Oh man that must have been so disheartening!! Can I ask, what weight were your LO's?
I did! Emilys head and body was too big and when she was born via emergency c section i was told id never of been able to push her out...


My section was emergency due to non progression, I got to 9cm then went back to 6cm but the surgeon said with her size and position I wouldn't have been able to push her out.


Yikes! I think that what made me feel better about my c section, 3 or 4 drs and nurses told me id never have given birth naturally due to her size and the head on her.
I did, I didn't find the pain too bad but the pressure in my butt was HORRENDOUS!!

I did 7 hours on the syntocinon drip (induction) and had gone from 3 to 4cm....I was devastated after that exam so I got an epidural as there is no way I would have been able to carry on without attempting to push against my cervix. I would have ended up with an EMCS without my epidural.

Then baby was out within a couple more hours after the sweet dose of pain relief, pushed her out with no issues at all!
I also had a back to back labour. I found out almost 2 weeks before I gave birth and was hoping he'd change position but he didn't. My labour started at 39+6 with a bloody show and irregular contractions. I gave birth at 40+3. It was a long, very painful labour with a lot of the pain in my back and legs. I finally hit 3cm about 5 hours before I gave birth then it just sped up from there. Took an hour to push him out and I had a second degree tear, grazes and internal tears.

As painful as it was I'd do it again. As he came out the midwife told me he was a stargazer :cloud9:
I did! Emilys head and body was too big and when she was born via emergency c section i was told id never of been able to push her out...


My section was emergency due to non progression, I got to 9cm then went back to 6cm but the surgeon said with her size and position I wouldn't have been able to push her out.


I got to 9cm too! xx
I did! Emilys head and body was too big and when she was born via emergency c section i was told id never of been able to push her out...


My section was emergency due to non progression, I got to 9cm then went back to 6cm but the surgeon said with her size and position I wouldn't have been able to push her out.


Oh man that must have been so disheartening!! Can I ask, what weight were your LO's?

Emily came out 6 days late weighing in at 9lbs 6oz xx
My first was a back to back baby. A persistent posterior too! Hated labour, it was long and hideously painful with no gaps in between contractions. I had an epidural after 16 hours or so of contractions and had an assisted birth 22 hours after it all started.

Second labour I kept asking the midwives to check her position because I was so concerned I would have a repeat!! DD2 was very well behaved and stayed in a perfect labouring position. I remember wandering around my room having 2 minutely contractions and having amazing gaps in between and announcing that 'normal' labour was EAAAAASY after having a back to back!! My contractions were absolutely bearable and I chatted through them until I got to about 8cm!
My youngest was a back to back labour. My first with my dd was textbook, 5.5 hours and no tears, no problems. My ds was back to back probably because he was so big, and I was on labour for 8 goes before my waters got broken (they weren't meant too, I'd had enough so asked a midwife relative to break them!) and he shot out an hour later. still no tears, both born at home. I didn't think it was more painful than my first though? x
it sucked.

needed a cut and a ventouse at the end. her head just kept bouncing off my pubic bone and back in.

if im being induced again nxt time ill be asking for the epi straight off
Yup had back labor. It was debilitating. I was in labor at home for 24 hours, my contractions were 5 mins apart, I had numerous back-to-back contractions that weren't even 30 seconds apart, and only 1 cm dilated!! After 24 hours I went in but they sent me home and I told them to schedule a c-section because I couldn't take the pain anymore. They gave me some pain drug and then started the epidural when I was 4 cm. It was such a nightmare. I never felt the pain in my front. And the epidural only worked on one side so I was immobile and in pain. LO came out head up.
My little rascal turned back to back the day my waters broke.
She's my only one so far so I can't compare the pain to any other type of labour, I survived a 4 hour delivery on gas and air. The contractions were every minute for the full 4 hours so very intense, but at least it was over quickly.
Again as pp said, pressure in my back and bum was incredible and I screamed veryyyyy loudly to release the pressure!!!! Saying that LO is 4 months old and I would have a second in a flash!!!!

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