we got married in june in the states, but we live in japan, so we had a reception-type party here for our japan "family" the other day and i got asked if i was pregnant AT the party.
it seems that in japan, there is a HUGE assumption that as soon as you get married you are going to have kids. for us, that's not far from what we want, so it's not that big of a deal, but i cannot imagine the frustration of not wanting kids right away and putting up with all the questions here. or even worse, wanting kids but not being able to get pregnant and having to field questions that just rub it in that you're not.
anyway, it's still early either way for us, so i just tried to laugh and say, "no, but we're practicing
" the couple people standing around laughed but then didn't really push it past that, so i think something similar might work in english too?
we aren't telling anyone we are actively TTC but we have expressed wanting kids, so i think my parents have made their assumptions?
i am not sure i would tell my parents right away if we get pregnant. my mom tells people stuff in my tiny hometown, even if i tell her NOT to, so i don't trust her not to tell the whole world i'm pregnant, and i couldn't deal with the damage control if it didn't work out.
at the same time, i think they will have sneaking suspicions that we are pregnant before we actually tell them. parents are just like that, right?
my husband and i have also talked about facebook, and are actually close to quitting, and will probably not put any kind of official announcement up, but if there are photos of me with a bump, i wouldn't purposefully NOT put them up (unless they are unflattering, but that goes for ANY photo that finds its way to facebook!