We never ask or expect anything from our parents, but they do help out. My mum pays for my phone contract, originally she was going to buy me the phone for Xmas and I was going to pay the contract but she was sneaky and decided she was going to pay it herself, I do try to give her the money for it but unless I physically put it in her purse she won't accept it. The contract runs out soon though and I'll be moving on to pay as you go.
My mum and step dad have also let me and oh live here rent free, again they won't accept any payment and would rather we save it got when we do move out.
Oh's parents are buying us a sofa when we move out.
I come from a very generous family who love spoiling and buying gifts for the little ones, my nan and granddad bought a lot for LO whilst I was pregnant as did my mum. We went to Asda for the baby event a couple of months ago and they wouldn't let me buy anything, I remember standing in an isle arguing with my nan over who was going to buy the playmat they had on offer
My nan used to give me £20 a week for no reason what so ever and she still does occasionally give me money randomly.
I'm really lucky tbh, like I said we never ask or expect anything but if they want to give us something, money or gift-wise they won't take no for an answer, but at the same time they encourage us to stand on our own two feet, we don't get large amounts of money but what we do get we really appreciate and try to put it to good use.