i too was going to say twins!! could it be possible? do they run in family? mind you, only fraternal (non id run) in familys, identicals just happen. i only know as im pregnant with more than likely identicals. im ten wks and have a belly, but it lessens when i lie down. how are yr symptoms? according to thr "rule book" yr meant to be ill with twins but im not, true its bn totally different to first pregnancy, more tired, nausea, picky about food, everything stinks, and lots of ab pain, but i wouldnt say ive bn ill. i did however wonder whether there could be two but thought-nah, not me. ha ha how wrong!! if you should turn out to have twins, honest when you get over the shock its actually really exciting. mine are high risk so the thought of anything going wrong now is awful. i ahve anearly 5 yr old and he doesnt know yet. not sure how hell take it. particularly if there girls! he wants a bro!