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Why are you pregnant?



So i'm curious about why most of you are pregnant. Was it because you were trying or was it "accidental"??
For me I got pregnant because I was late on my BC pills. Me and my OH got frisky the day after my period stopped. As alot of you know you arn't on the pill for the week that you're on your period. Silly me i was late taking my pills about 3 days after. So that was 10 days of no pills. I guess that was enough for my body to ovulate.. That or his little swimmer swam all the way to the ovary to meet up with the egg. But I was on the pill as well for a over a year. I thought it would be alright after all that time!!! So here I am :) Meant to be I suppose! And im glad :cloud9:

So who else wants to share there story?
I Already have 2 older children from my first marriage ages 9 and 7.

I then met Jase, got married and had Coby who is now 20 months old, so im pregnant again for Jase to have 2 children (even tho he treats my two as his own) and to give Coby a play mate, there is such a big gap between him and Ethan (7 year old)

After this baby im never doing it again lol

Hi Turbomum

Do you have any other children or is this your first?

Two years ago DH and I decided the time was as right as it would ever be to start a family so we TTC'd and had a little girl who is now 19 months old. Then when she was about a year old we decided we'd like a small age gap so started TTCing again and I'm now due in December.
In July it just hit me that after 32 years of waiting, it was time. We started TTC at the end of Aug, since my husband was away the month before, and bam! 2 weeks later I had a BFP!
I dont really know why I am. I mean we were trying to conceive, and eventually I did. It was just a mutual feeling that we would like to start our own family, so after working out finances etc thats what we did. We feel like its the best decision ever made and now were both excited & looking forward to the big day our little girl arrives.
We weren't trying, it came as a complete surprise. So, meant to be, I guess. We've had to scramble around a bit with insurance and medicaid and stuff like that, but it'll work out. We're both students so not exactly the best time, but I'm flying my mum out here in a month, and she'll be staying a while, so that'll be a big help.
I always had a feeling I had problems conceiving but it never really bothered me or looked into it (nearly did once) started my relationship with Stu and sorta told him this - we were not trying but had a conversation regarding the after pill and then decided what would be would .... couple of months down the line we had an ectopic and actively tried from there - heartache of a journey but happy & scared lol

Mine was accidental. I was on BC for four years and despite that I guess a lil slip up was all that was needed. My OH and I were very shocked and scared at first but we've been together for almost 5 yrs so I guess it may have been inevitable at some point. Definitely looking forward to meeting our lil pumpkin now though.
It's kinda funny how it just takes one little mistake...after all the years of being careful!!! lol some things are just meant to happen :)
Hey TurboMom I just realised that there are four of us with back ot back estimated delivery dates, Steph, followed by me, then Vejables, then you! LOL looks like May was a very busy month for us hehe.
oh wow I never noticed that LOL thats hilarious... yeah looks like May was a special month... extra hormones maybe mwehehehe
LOL as my gran keeps saying... cant have been anything good on the TV in May ! :rofl:

Well i came off the pill end of march and waited to have one natural period before TTC. we decided that we would offically start trying around Aug/sept time, but if it happened before that then it would be a bonus! was totally shocked to catch straight away as i thought it may take a while for the pill to go out of my system but i guess not !! lol
We were trying for two months and the more I stressed about getting pregnant, I didnt. And the third month...when I actually didnt think about it, got pregnant!
I was secretly trying to get Paul into bed around ovulation - Didn't want all the stress of my first pregnancy (Took us 5 Years to have my son)....Hadn't really admitted to myself that I wanted another baby because of all the complications that came with making and keeping my son.....But got pregnant 4 months after my periods returned. It was a surprise I got pregnant because I don't concieve easily, but I can't say not planned as we hadn't used contraception, well we've never used contraception after the first year we were togather.

Told Hubby I was pregnant and he laughed - so obviously a good thing!
We have Charlotte who as 19 months, and after about 8 months of saying never again, I then decided if we were going to, then we would want a small age difference. Charlie was born in Feb, I stopped the pill at the end of October and startedd TTC in November (I think!) we got a BFP in July, so 8 months of trying.
Our baby is a BC baby, lol. We used condoms for many years until I started developing cysts so the DR suggested BC pills. A few months later I had a cyst and a baby! I guess things happen for a reason =) Sometimes unsuspected surprises are exciting.
My DH and I had planned to wait intill he's children his older(I have four step children) We wanted to wait till Andrea was 14, so about 2 more years. I went off the pill because my script ran out, went to the Doc in July to get a new script and fount out in August we are expecting. We both are very happy. The baby is going to have two older sisters and two older brothers. There will be a big age gap, but in a way maybe that's good so they can help out more :) My parents are over the moon, they are buying a new car because my Dad was hit and they've decided to get a seven passenger so they can have room for all the kids!!! lol
My first one was a surprise, and after the ectopic we got married and now 6 months after the marriage we decided to try. Doctors told me my chances were slim. So we tried, had one mc and now we are at 5 weeks.
we can't be happier and are just waiting till the 16th. seeing a baby on the ultrasound will made us feel a lot better.

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