Why Did You Choose Formula

Yes, it's much worse when it comes back up! The other day Hana wasn't feeling well. I fed her, and a few minutes later, she full on projectile vomited all over me!! It was all over my hair, my clothes, my couch...it was awful!! :haha:

Hehehe :haha: I lost count of formula sick all over me esp when he was 3-4 months. When he used to get irritated I used to lay him on my tummy until he finally bring out a big burp with lots of sick all over me, I used to cheer & say "Good boy, now u feel better" , then both of us into the tub :cloud9:

The beauty of reflux
i just didnt want a baby sucking on my boob all day and night. :shrug:

That was seriously your reason for not BF? Nice to know you were able to put your babies welfare ahead of your own :nope:

After the day I have had today this is the last thing I needed to read. :cry: why the f*** come on the FF section if your just gunna be a b**** about peoples reasons! IM PROUD OF FF, LEAVE ME ALONE!!!!!!!!!!

You ladies talking about the smell of Formula reminds me of last week when I fed Summer, OH came into the room, I gave Summer to him and went to wash the dishes... He was dangling her above his head bouncing her up and down and she spewed...down his face and into his mouth. Recycled Milk. Lovely xx
Well we struggled to bf for 6 long weeks. Her latch was terrible from the getgo, and even lactation specialists I saw had trouble getting her to latch, so me doing it at home by myself was a nightmare. I also developed cracked and bleeding nipples that got so bad if she got latched and sucked she would get a mouthful of bloody milk. I started to cry everytime I knew a feed was coming up and was starting get feel resentment towards my baby, so I had to give up, it was for the best for both of us in the end.
I will be breastfeeding my next baby, I just hope I don't have as much trouble getting baby latched as I did with Ella.
Well we struggled to bf for 6 long weeks. Her latch was terrible from the getgo, and even lactation specialists I saw had trouble getting her to latch, so me doing it at home by myself was a nightmare. I also developed cracked and bleeding nipples that got so bad if she got latched and sucked she would get a mouthful of bloody milk. I started to cry everytime I knew a feed was coming up and was starting get feel resentment towards my baby, so I had to give up, it was for the best for both of us in the end.
I will be breastfeeding my next baby, I just hope I don't have as much trouble getting baby latched as I did with Ella.

Arianna was exclusively breastfed til she was 3 weeks, but shes tongue tied, so her latch is painful, I wanted to start introducing her to formula so she could have that when I was back at work and school and my supply dropped a lot so now I have to supplement, I don't mind, she got breastmilk for the first 3 weeks which is better then none at all. Once I am back in school and at work she will be formula fed all together.
I decided not to BF while I was pregnant and glad I had gone for formula, as I was back working full-time (LO came with me) after 3 weeks of giving birth, so there was no way I could BF all day and all night, plus work. Thank fully i have now gone part-time now :)
Just wanted to point out though, breastfeeding doesn't mean feeding all day and all night, it can but it's not something that is imminent :flower: My daughter ate every 2 hours (day) and every 3-4 (night) and has slept through since a few weeks old :) I can be challenging though, and it's for everyone, or everyone's lifestyle.
Just wanted to point out though, breastfeeding doesn't mean feeding all day and all night, it can but it's not something that is imminent :flower: My daughter ate every 2 hours (day) and every 3-4 (night) and has slept through since a few weeks old :) I can be challenging though, and it's for everyone, or everyone's lifestyle.
Im assuming thats aimed at me? The one who didnt want a baby sucking on her boob all day and night? I dont need comments like this thankyou, i FF, iv made my choice. Wether you mean well or not your adding fuel to the fire.
Just wanted to point out though, breastfeeding doesn't mean feeding all day and all night, it can but it's not something that is imminent :flower: My daughter ate every 2 hours (day) and every 3-4 (night) and has slept through since a few weeks old :) I can be challenging though, and it's for everyone, or everyone's lifestyle.
Im assuming thats aimed at me? The one who didnt want a baby sucking on her boob all day and night? I dont need comments like this thankyou, i FF, iv made my choice. Wether you mean well or not your adding fuel to the fire.


Nope, not you... I was replying to the person who had wrote right above me... not you.
I want to smell formula now :haha:
I agree with others though a happy mum makes a happy baby :)
Just wanted to point out though, breastfeeding doesn't mean feeding all day and all night, it can but it's not something that is imminent :flower: My daughter ate every 2 hours (day) and every 3-4 (night) and has slept through since a few weeks old :) I can be challenging though, and it's for everyone, or everyone's lifestyle.
Im assuming thats aimed at me? The one who didnt want a baby sucking on her boob all day and night? I dont need comments like this thankyou, i FF, iv made my choice. Wether you mean well or not your adding fuel to the fire.


Nope, not you... I was replying to the person who had wrote right above me... not you.

The ladies that I know that have BF all had sessions off cluster feeding, also it helped that my husband could feed through the night as well, otherwise i could not have gone back to work, and when you own your own business you don't get the choice!
I chose FF because I didnt want to BF. Never tried it, never will. Its just not for me.

I have FF both my children from birth.

(((Wheres my Blinkie gone???????))))
Just wanted to point out though, breastfeeding doesn't mean feeding all day and all night, it can but it's not something that is imminent :flower: My daughter ate every 2 hours (day) and every 3-4 (night) and has slept through since a few weeks old :) I can be challenging though, and it's for everyone, or everyone's lifestyle.
Im assuming thats aimed at me? The one who didnt want a baby sucking on her boob all day and night? I dont need comments like this thankyou, i FF, iv made my choice. Wether you mean well or not your adding fuel to the fire.


Nope, not you... I was replying to the person who had wrote right above me... not you.

The ladies that I know that have BF all had sessions off cluster feeding, also it helped that my husband could feed through the night as well, otherwise i could not have gone back to work, and when you own your own business you don't get the choice!

Oh I know it happens, and can happen a lot, I just have never been through that part, same with the deadly growth spurts :) No mastitis or anything here either *phew* but I did suffer through thrush, which was my own fault it continued longer, as I would forget or get lazy and not do what I should have. I was also lucky in Kayleigh had her first bottle 3 days after birth of expressed breast milk and would have 1-2 a day of it until 2 months old without nipple confusion and daddy got to feed/help out from day 3 :) I was a lucky one. I don't know many who breastfeed either :( The experiences I hear about are the ones on BNB, which I love... but I wish I knew more people in my "real" life who breastfeed....
I decided I was going to FF while I was pregnant, but I did try and BF. Evie had such a hard latch it really hurt, so I stuck to FF!
When I was pregnant I wanted to give breastfeeding a try but knew it could be hard so wasn't going to kill myself to continue if it wasn't working. I breastfed for 2.5 weeks, I had sore nipples because of breast engorgement making it hard for LO to latch on and not knowing what to do about this (I cried everytime I fed her even though I was using nipple shields!) At the same time LO went through a growth spurt and I seemed to be feeding her every 15 mins. In the end it was making me so unhappy, upset all the time and I knew it wasn't good for LO to have an unhappy mam. In the end it was OH who said I should change to FF. I felt guilty at the time (even though I had an open mind about it before I had her!) but now I can see it was the best decision I made for me and my LO.
Just wanted to point out though, breastfeeding doesn't mean feeding all day and all night, it can but it's not something that is imminent :flower: My daughter ate every 2 hours (day) and every 3-4 (night) and has slept through since a few weeks old :) I can be challenging though, and it's for everyone, or everyone's lifestyle.
Im assuming thats aimed at me? The one who didnt want a baby sucking on her boob all day and night? I dont need comments like this thankyou, i FF, iv made my choice. Wether you mean well or not your adding fuel to the fire.


Nope, not you... I was replying to the person who had wrote right above me... not you.

The ladies that I know that have BF all had sessions off cluster feeding, also it helped that my husband could feed through the night as well, otherwise i could not have gone back to work, and when you own your own business you don't get the choice!

Oh I know it happens, and can happen a lot, I just have never been through that part, same with the deadly growth spurts :) No mastitis or anything here either *phew* but I did suffer through thrush, which was my own fault it continued longer, as I would forget or get lazy and not do what I should have. I was also lucky in Kayleigh had her first bottle 3 days after birth of expressed breast milk and would have 1-2 a day of it until 2 months old without nipple confusion and daddy got to feed/help out from day 3 :) I was a lucky one. I don't know many who breastfeed either :( The experiences I hear about are the ones on BNB, which I love... but I wish I knew more people in my "real" life who breastfeed....

The point i was trying to say was, if i had to bf then i would not have been able to return to work full time especially after 3 weeks off giving birth, and so this was the reason i choose to FF, even before going back to work i was still working from home
Just wanted to point out though, breastfeeding doesn't mean feeding all day and all night, it can but it's not something that is imminent :flower: My daughter ate every 2 hours (day) and every 3-4 (night) and has slept through since a few weeks old :) I can be challenging though, and it's for everyone, or everyone's lifestyle.
Im assuming thats aimed at me? The one who didnt want a baby sucking on her boob all day and night? I dont need comments like this thankyou, i FF, iv made my choice. Wether you mean well or not your adding fuel to the fire.


Nope, not you... I was replying to the person who had wrote right above me... not you.

The ladies that I know that have BF all had sessions off cluster feeding, also it helped that my husband could feed through the night as well, otherwise i could not have gone back to work, and when you own your own business you don't get the choice!

Oh I know it happens, and can happen a lot, I just have never been through that part, same with the deadly growth spurts :) No mastitis or anything here either *phew* but I did suffer through thrush, which was my own fault it continued longer, as I would forget or get lazy and not do what I should have. I was also lucky in Kayleigh had her first bottle 3 days after birth of expressed breast milk and would have 1-2 a day of it until 2 months old without nipple confusion and daddy got to feed/help out from day 3 :) I was a lucky one. I don't know many who breastfeed either :( The experiences I hear about are the ones on BNB, which I love... but I wish I knew more people in my "real" life who breastfeed....

The point i was trying to say was, if i had to bf then i would not have been able to return to work full time especially after 3 weeks off giving birth, and so this was the reason i choose to FF, even before going back to work i was still working from home

I know for me, Im looking after 2 kids part time right now so I can be home with Kayleigh, yet have an income and I find sometimes it's hard but easier now that Kayleigh can hold her own bottle when I give her one, before it would have been even harder!
When I was in the Hospital after having Phoebe I initially wanted to BF, but Phoebe wasn't latching on properley.

I was advised by the Hospital staff to express my breast milk, which I did, and found this very stressful.

When I went home I was expressing my breast milk, but finding it stressful :(

I tried breast shields, to see if this would make BF better, but again I found this so stressful, and it took an hour and a half for one feed :wacko:

I decided to give Phoebe some Formula, and she was much more contented :thumbup: So I continued to FF Phoebe.

I would have liked to have BF, but it didn't work out for me.

I felt as though my happiness was being compromised through the stress and worry.

I am much happier now, intially I felt down, as I was made to feel like a failure by some health professionals :sad1:

Aslong as my baby is healthy it is all that matters to me

x x

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