WHY did you get pregnant? *share your TTC story*


Well the why is obvious, we wanted a family :rofl:

We started TTC in December 2008/January 2009. By June I was pregnant but sadly had a miscarriage :( We continued TTC without success. In March 2010 my step father sexually abused my niece and I decided at that point to talk about how I was also sexually abused by him for 10 years. I went into a downward spiral as I found it extremely hard to adjust to everyone knowing what happened to me when I had kept quiet for 10 years.

I self harmed, was put on several different kinds of anti depressants and had a chemical pregnancy. In September 2010 I suffered another chemical pregnancy and in October 2010 I self harmed and overdosed on paracetamol, aspirin and ibuprofen. I'm very lucky to be alive. My OH knew I'd cut but I did not tell him I'd overdosed. I was very lucky I didn't die in my sleep but when I woke up at 8am the next morning I started to be sick and was sick every 10 minutes for the next 7 hours. My OH thought I was ill at first then realised I'd done something and rang an ambulance. I ended up in A&E being pumped with fluids. I didn't need my stomach pumped luckily as my body had got rid of everything in me but they were very worried about liver failiure (none thank god).

After I got out of hospital I was told by my niece, mother and sister that they did not care about me and other horrible things :nope: I had only spoke about my abuse to help my niece and suddenly I'd been told that my own family didn't care whether I lived or died :(

I cut them out of my life and made the decision to stop TTC as I was not in the right frame of mind. I was meant to start birth control after my next period (October 26th1 2010) but I was due in court on November 29th to give evidence so spent the entire month stressed and forgot.

We only had sex the once during November and it was enough for me to conceive. I didn't realise but when I was giving evidence I was already 4 weeks gone!! I spent 2 days in court giving evidence via video link. On December 3rd 2010 I realised my period was a week late. I thought nothing of it as my period had been delayed because of stress in the past but OH told me to test anyway.


:wacko: :happydance: :cry:

I was absolutely terrified and over the moon at the same time. I didn't know what to think. OH just smiled, I think he 'knew' all along!!

30 minutes later I rang Swansea Crown Court to see if the jury had come to a decision... by a 1 person majority he had been found not guilty :cry: Had I not tested before I rang I can honestly say I would have killed myself upon getting off the phone... being branded a liar in the justice systems eyes is awful and I can't believe he walked away scot free.

My son saved my life :thumbup:

It's not been easy... I stopped taking my anti d's as soon as I found out and at 12 weeks my consultant and substance midwife decided to put me on Sertraline but I had an allergic reaction and ended up in hospital :(

At 14 weeks I had a huge bleed and my waters broke. At 17 weeks my poor baby only had 3cm of amniotic fluid around him and I was told to prepare for either miscarriage or a stillbirth if I got past 24 weeks :cry:

At 24 weeks my cervix closed and my waters were back up to 13cm :happydance: I've gone from weekly scans to monthly scans and Thomas is doing so well!! My next scan is at 32+4 and I've been told that I've gone from being high risk for premature/stillbirth to probably having a baby that will be overdue!

I can't wait to meet my little man!!! :cloud9:

Lovely thread Laura, am so happy for you hun :hugs:
My TTC story goes like this...


Lol. So excited though. I was on the pill and took it religiously, so he was just meant to be.

*dies laughing* :rofl:

Best story EVER!!!!!

I try to keep it short and sweet :winkwink:

Seriously though, I'd have never known. My friend thought she was pregnant, and she bought a pack of pregnancy tests(the cheapest box came with two), and so she took it and the colors went across the screen and ended up negative. She swore for a second that it looked positive, so she told me to take one, to see if mine did the same thing. Mine was positive before I put it down, and the ink was not moving. :dohh:

We both shook our heads and assumed the tests were junk. I was due for my period that day, and was sure I was getting it. So, I bought the expensive brand out of paranoia the next morning when I was "late."
My TTC story:-

Me and hubby had always decided to wait until we were married before trying, so 6 months prior to our wedding I stopped my pill, started folic acid and generally tried to be healthy. We got married in May 09 and officially started trying that night.
I feel pregnant on our honeymoon in Mauritius, we were amazed it happened so fast, we felt like the luckiest people on earth, NO ONE knew we even wanted children so we decided to keep it a secret. At 10 wks I went for a scan and they couldn't find our baby, just an empty sac, our world's fell apart, after repeat bloods and a further scan I was admitted for emergency surgery for suspected eptopic (thankfully it wasn't). My poor husband had to phone our parents and tell them that A)I was pregnant and B) I was in hopsital losing our baby, all while I was in theatre.

After 3 months we decided to try again and I quickly fell pregnant, I miscarried our 2nd baby on new yr eve 09.

I fell pregnant quite quickly and again miscarried at 7 weeks, I burst out crying in work after going to the toilet and finding blood so my whole office knew, I just couldn't keep it together!!

After 3 m/c's I demanded testing from the hospital, we had every test possible and they decided to put me on Aspirin and cyclogest if I was to fall again BUT that was the last thing on my mind, I never wanted to get pregnant again!

1 month after my 3rd loss I decided to end my marriage, I couldn't cope with the pain any longer, I hit rock bottom and started drinking heavily. I pushed my Husband away when I needed him more than ever, we lived seperate lives for a while, me always out partying, him staying home begging for me to change my mind, it was such a bad time and I honestly never thought we'd get through it. We went counselling together and I went alone, I had some really dark thoughts and was prescribed medication I'm even embarressed to admit I ever needed (I never took them) I got into trouble with work and very nearly lost my job.

We ended up going away for a weekend to try and save our marriage and again I fell pregnant, I started the medication but knew it wouldn't work and guess what at 8 weeks I was admitted to hospital for emergency surgery for an eptopic pregnancy. That week in hospital was my wake-up call, I couldn't believe I'd nearly chucked away my marriage and nearly ruined my whole life. I felt so guilty over the way I'd treated my Husband and decided from that moment I was going to do all I could to make things work and get myself better. People go through worse things and I knew I couldn't let losing our 4 babies ruin both of our lives however hard it was.

We had more testing at a hospital in London and whilst waiting for the results I very accidentally fell pregnant, I phoned the hospital in a panic and they went through my results and said I need clexane injections, cyclogest pesseries and aspirin so I started taking all 3 that day and touch wood here I am now ready to drop!

This pregnancy started as twins but sadly I lost one due to VTS but I feel so lucky to even have 1 baby.

I'll never forgot the day we saw our baby's HB for the first time, my Hubby jumped up and down in the scan room, it was the most amazing moment ever!

I feel so lucky to have come this far and I cannot believe that I will actually be a Mummy.

I'm thankful everyday that my Hubby stuck by me, he's my best friend and will make the most amazing Daddy in this world. :cloud9:
Sequeena, your story has just brought tears to my eyes. I'm so sad for you that you've hard such a hard time of it.
but am so pleased for you that your little boy is all good! :thumbup: and that you've turned a horrible year on it's head.
Oh, Sassy, now i'm properly crying.
I felt so sorry for myself just having to be patient and so many of you ladies have had such a hard time of it.
'because we wanted a family' :rofl: Oooh I knew there's be a smarty pants and I knew it would be you Sarah!!!! *pulls tongues*

You are a true inspiration Sarah and your little Thomas is one lucky little boy. I know you're going to be an amaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaazing mother. :hugs:
Oh sassy hun I don't know what to say other than I'm so glad things have worked out :hugs:
Well it is obvious why everyone TTCs LOL!! :rofl:

Thanks both, it's been rough and is still rough :wacko: but we'll be fine! :thumbup:
Oh my GAWD Sassy what are you doing to me with your story, Im in floods here!!! :cry: :haha:

I knew obv some of your story but not the full extent. Im so sorry you had to go through all that and Im SO glad its worked out for both you and Danny. You guys are clearly meant to be :) I remember when you got your bfp (and yours Sarah)...can you believe we're so close to the end??????
I remember your :bfp: too Laura and couldn't believe it when I got mine the next month!! You're my good luck charm!
What beautiful stories you all have, this is such a wonderful and inspiring thread. My story is not nearly as interesting. DH and I knew we wanted to have more children after the birth of our son. I had a lot of trouble getting pregnant with DS, it took about 3 years. So, I never went on birth control after DS's birth, and two years later I still wasn't pregnant. I made an appointment at the fertility clinic, told them my history..... Anyhow, I was told to come in for blood work on day 28 of my cycle so we could start the process. I rang the clinic for my results and so they could phone my prescriptions into the pharmacy and they told me I was pregnant. This happened to also be my birthday. DH didn't believe me, so we actually went out and bought a million tests and they all showed positive. We were both ecstatic and can't wait for DS to meet his baby brother!!!
ttcnumbertwo don't be daft that's a lovely story! A birthday :bfp: how wonderful!!
Lilli - any TTC journey is littered with ups and downs. I cant imagine the stress of waiting so long or going through MCs and always admire those who are/were LTTCC or TTCAL. I was stupendously lucky to get knocked up after just 3 months but even if it had taken me a much longer journey Im a big believer in fate and in not having any regrets. Ive done a lot of stupid things in my life but they all led me to where I am today.

My mum used to shout at me when I was talking about OPKs and appropriately-timed BDing. She said I'd have the baby I was meant to have and that keeps me going when i get down about things :)
A birthday :bfp: that's BRILLIANT!!!!!!!!!!

Lucky charm eh? Glad I could be of service!!!!!
Our story's pretty streightforward-
Once our daughter was 2 we talked about trying for another baby- we wanted them fairly close in age- so I came off my pill and we started looking at my dates etc then my dad told us that he wanted us all to spend the summer in the states- not something we wanted to pass up lol! SO I went back on my pill and after waiting nearly a year to try we started trying in September- while WTT I had read all sorts about the contraceptive pill and how it could affect your fertility so when we conceived 2 months into TTC I was completely suprised :) I never thought we'd be so lucky- I was expecting to be TCC for at least 6 months.
So thats it really! Pretty boring- no Birthday BPFs or anything. We're just so over the moon and so, so thankful that we had it so easy :)
Its still a lovely story doodlepants! And I love the name you've picked :)
i am almost 31 weeks with baby boy 2.

Since our son zane had been born OH wanted to try for baby 2, i was too scared and never felt ready. but i knew i didnt want zane to be a only child. Zane had just turned 2, we had moved to germany, got a gorgeous house and because of OHs job in the army i didnt want zane to be a only child.

Well OH was planned to be away from home on and off for a year so i came off the pill in October, OH came home for the weekend which i knew should be round about when id ovulate but thinking ive just come off the pill i doubt anything will come of it.

week after that i felt off...2 weeks later i tested and got a negative. The day after my negative OH died in a accident at work, a week later i got my bfp.

I had got pregnant the first time we tried...some may say lucky or fate
I really feel for you ladies and all you went through for your pregnancies. You are strong, strong women.

My story is pretty straightforward: I wanted a baby for good three years and was miserable about having to wait (husband then just started PhD program and I was the main breadwinner). I did not realized the wear it actually had on our marriage until I conceived and we became as happy as we are today. We have everything in our lives: loving family, many friends, good careers and a cute little home; we were just missing a little baby. I felt that void for a long time. So finally, when they found three more fibroids on my uterus and my doc told me for the n-th time that I needed to get pregnant soon, I decided to get off BC, start some pre-natal vitamins and on our first try, much to our surprise, I became pregnant. It's been a good pregnancy so far. A few false alarms that turned out to be nothing in the end. We are incredibly lucky...
Me & hubs decided to TTC about 4/5 yrs ago . . after 6 months we had a miscarraige @ 9 weeks . .
Then, nothing . . for years. I did everything possible for years - temping, DTD when i needed to,pcos diets etc etc etc
My infertility clinic diagnosed me with pcos, my only symptom is long cycles & infertility issues.
So I arranged an IVF appt for March just gone. .

I decided to forget the whole TTC thing until the appt so put it completely out of my mind . . I ate cr@p, went out, didnt constantly buy pregnancy tests in the hope of 2 lines appearing etc
Then out of the blue, absolutely out of nowhere, in November . . was in Tesco & picked up a pack of two tests - out of habit not out of thinking I was pregnant - next morning I did a test, knowing full well it would be another negative, like the MILLIONS of single lines/not pregnant tests I'd done before.
Was just going back to bed for another hour or 2 :) . . when I saw two lines . . I screamed for hubby :D
I did the 2nd test, two more lines, went to Tesco again and got SIX of the clearblue digital ones and they all came up PREGNANT 3weeks +
My GP confirmed a few days later . . and the rest is history :D :D

Finally, going to meet my long, long awaited baby boy in a few weeks x x
moomin_troll omg Im so sorry to hear about your OH. :hugs: Corey is DEFINATELY fate. I hope everything goes well when he decides to arrive :)

Experiment - doesnt it always irritate you when they say 'get pregnant soon'??? lol...congrats on your first try!!!!!

Pinkp - thats a great story too, 4 years wow!

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